What are the bases of DNA?
Adenine, thymine, guanine and cysteine
What functions do proteins allow a cell to do?
Enables cell to do special functions like working with other groups of cells.
What is a gene?
Instructional manual for our bodies. They have the directions for building proteins.
What are genes made of?
What is a disease caused by a mutated gene?
Sickle cell anemia
What protein captures and carries o2?
What is keratin responsible for?
Growing hair and nails
How long is a stretched out chromosome?
3 meters
What can we learn from looking at our chromosomes?
What is responsible for pain sensation?
What are receptor proteins?
Proteins that pick up signals and pass them on
What do structural proteins do?
Helps cell extend branches and hold them in place
What does RNA do?
Produces molecular message for cells to follow
How many proteins does a cell need to function?
What is the basis of heredity?
The passing of traits from parent to child
2 things that give us traits
Genes and environment
What is created when a sperm and egg join?
What is the rule about a child's chromosomes?
They get 1/2 from each parent
What term describes how chromosomes are contributed?
Inherited of transferred
What traits exist?
Physical Behavioral Predisposition to medical condition
How are traits determined?
By the alleles
What is incomplete dominance?
When there is a mix of alleles and neither trait shows up
What is complex traits?
Traits caused my many genes, not one