Attention deficits are common in students with learning disabilities
An important step in the assessment process is the evaluation for possible vision and hearing problems.
Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the cause(s) of learning disabilities?
Learning disabilities have many possible causes; an exact cause is unknown in most instances.
To determine whether or not a student is learning disabled, the eligibility team must consider whether or not the student has had appropriate learning opportunities.
The most common problem among students who are learning disabled is in the area of
A disability in math can be called

Improvement in oral language can be stimulated by promoting a better self-concept.
There is no single intervention approach that is effective for all students with learning disabilities.
Researchers believe that a child must be nine years old before a discrepancy from IQ can be measured reliably.
Although the exact cause is not known, there is general agreement among professionals that learning disabilities are the result of neurobiological abnormalities or atypical brain development.

Although learning disabilities are primarily related to academic achievement difficulties, children with these disabilities often exhibit problems in non-academic areas such as social skills, attentiveness, memory, motor skills, and perceptual abilities.
Thirteen-year-old Deshan remembers that 4 x 8 = 32 by visualizing a door on a gate by a dirty shoe. This is an example of using a
mnemonic strategy
________ is the individual given credit for coining the term, "learning disabilities."
Samuel Kirk
Which of the following prevalence estimate reflects the percentage of students with learning disabilities in the school-aged population?
approximately 5%
Students with learning disabilities comprise what percentage of the disabled student population?
approximately 50%
Teaching specific strategies to students with learning disabilities may facilitate students' success.
Four-year-old Sabrina participates in an innovative preschool program that emphasizes field trips, diverse experiences, and language enrichment.

This program is characteristic of which of the following preschool models?

development model
Teaching study skills to students with learning disabilities is an important area of concern at the secondary level.
Teachers sometimes expect less from students from diverse cultural backgrounds and consequently, may view special education as the most appropriate placement for them.
Disorders included in the most recent definition of learning disabilities include
Children with learning disabilities in the area of mathematics may have good ability in mathematical calculations but have significant problems in math reasoning (and vice-versa).
Which of the following statements is true regarding the placement of preschoolers with learning disabilities?
Individual needs should be met in inclusive settings.
Written expression skills include all of the following skills except
listening comprehension.

Studies have found that approximately ________ of children identified as learning disabled have primary deficits in the area of reading and related language functions.
Most recently, the use of a discrepancy model was replaced by the model referred to as the
response to intervention model.
The definition of learning disabilities in IDEA 2004
includes the general definition, disorders included, and disorders not included.
The discrepancy model is better to use with culturally and linguistic diverse learners to avoid over-identification.

Eight-year-old Helen has difficulty accurately interpreting nonverbal gestures used in everyday conversation. This may indicate a deficit in
Mr. Summers begins his lesson on subtraction with regrouping by reviewing addition. This is an example of
using prior knowledge
Identification of preschool students with learning disabilities is difficult and controversial.
Language disabilities are relatively uncommon among children with learning disabilities.
Some children with learning disabilities have strengths in the area of social skills.

Mnemonic strategies are effective in helping students with learning in which one of the following areas?
Nine-year-old Marvin has significant achievement problems, average intellectual ability, and a severe hearing loss. He would not qualify for special education under the category of learning disabilities because
the federal definition of learning disabilities explicitly excludes students whose learning difficulties are primarily the result of disabilities related to hearing and vision.
A structured sequential phonics approach has been shown to be very effective in correcting the reading difficulties experienced by many students with learning disabilities.
Alexandria is a seventh grader who displays inconsistency in task completion, has difficulty reading, and appears unmotivated. One reason why her learning disability may be difficult to identify is
-that she often performs as a "typical" seventh grader.

-her inconsistency makes her teacher believe that she does not have a learning disability. -she is able to complete some assignments with little difficulty.

Nine-year-old Sean performs well in spelling on some days but not on others. This inconsistency is a common characteristic of individuals with learning disabilities.
Students with learning disabilities who have poor listening skills are impacted only in the academic setting.

Twelve-year-old Hannah has difficulty understanding what is said to her. This might be indicative of
a deficit in receptive language.
One benefit of response to intervention with preschool students has been
a reduction of the overidentification of minority students.
There is current brain imaging research being undertaken that might one day be used to determine the best methods for teaching.
Possible causes of learning disabilities include all of the following except
the use of pre-natal vitamins.
Although learning disabilities are primarily related to academic achievement difficulties, children with these disabilities often exhibit problems in non-academic areas such as social skills, attentiveness, memory, motor skills, and perceptual abilities.

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding gender differences in the learning disabled population?
More boys are identified as learning disabled.
Many students with learning disabilities also have ADHD.
The multidisciplinary team may not identify a student as having a learning disability if the problems with academic achievement are primarily the result of
-a visual, hearing, or motor disability -mental retardation -emotional disturbance -economic disadvantage
Students with learning disabilities are a very homogeneous group of students.
Eleven-year-old Alicia has experienced significant depression for several years and has difficulty keeping focused on her academic tasks.

Therefore, Alicia is probably eligible for special education services under the category of emotional disturbance.

Research suggests that far more males than females are identified as having emotional and behavioral disorders.
Fourteen-year-old Eric is rejected by his peers even though he performs very well academically. Therefore, Eric is probably eligible for special education services under the category of emotional disturbance.
Students with E/BD are
commonly included in general education classrooms, yet to a lesser extent than students with learning disabilities.
Reading is a problematic area for most students with emotional and behavioral disorders.

Antisocial behavior may be caused by dysfunctional family interactions.
Positive behavior supports theory, or PBS, emphasizes all of the following except
aversive contingencies
Definitional problems for emotional/behavioral disorders have been made more difficult do to
-the conceptual models used in the field. -the range and variability of normal and deviant behavior. -the difficultly measuring both emotions and behavior.
Most children and youth are occasionally disruptive in school. These behaviors do not necessarily mean that a child has an emotional and behavioral disorder.

Children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders are an under-identified population of students.
Federal law requires that when a student with a disability is being considered for suspension/expulsion, ________ must first be undertaken.
a manifestation determination
Fourteen-year-old Alonzo is a gang member. According to Quay and Peterson's (1987) classification system, to which subgroup might Alonzo be assigned?
socialized aggression
The most common emotional and behavioral problems seen in today's schools are acting out and disruptive behavior.
Which of the following is not a major component of the DSM-IV classification system?
Social Maladjustment
Which of the following has not been proposed as a cause of emotional and behavioral disorders?
cultural differences
Which of the following is not an academic characteristic of students with E/BD?
Have a pattern of overachievement
The majority of students with emotional and behavioral disorders are educated in
regular schools
Which one of the following statements is false regarding students with emotional and behavioral disorders?
The majority of students identified as having emotional and behavioral disorders are female.

Fifteen-year-old Devon appears depressed and excessively withdrawn in school. These behaviors may be indicative of an externalizing disorder.
The psychiatric classification system most frequently used in the United States to diagnose individuals with emotional and behavioral disorders is the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Typically, 75% or more of students with emotional and behavioral disorders graduate from high school.

Which of the following type(s) of medication has(have) been found to be effective with students who have emotional and behavioral disorders?
-stimulants -anticonvulsants -mood-altering drugs -antidepressants
Identification of students with emotional and behavioral disorders has been compromised due to
-ambiguity of definitions used by states. - limited training of school psychologists in conducting assessments. -financial limitations of districts. -general professional hesitation to apply the label of behavioral disordered.
Eleven-year-old Maria uses profanity frequently.

Her teacher has planned a functional behavioral assessment. The purpose of this is to

help teachers better understand the disruptive behaviors leading to better interventions.
Methods used to teach social skills include all of the following except
attribution reaffirmation.
The primary problem faced by most teachers when dealing with students who have emotional and behavioral disorders is severe depression.
Federal special education law uses which one of the following terms to describe children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders?
emotionally disturbed
Which of the following best describes the intellectual ability and academic achievement of most students with emotional and behavioral disorders?
Most students with emotional and behavioral disorders score in the below average range in terms of intellectual ability and academic achievement.

Students identified with E/BD
are more likely to come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Fifteen-year-old Diana has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is experiencing significant academic problems as a result. Therefore, Diana is probably eligible for special education services under the category of emotional disturbance.
Sasya is frequently defiant, non-compliant, and is disruptive in the classroom.

These behaviors may be indicative of an externalizing disorder.

Because the problems of students with emotional and behavioral disorders are not primarily academic in nature, the long-term outcomes for students with these disorders are good.
In Luckasson's et al. (2002) classification system, _______ are used to characterize the needs, rather than the deficits, of an individual with intellectual disabilities.

levels of support
Supported education assumes that
students with intellectual disabilities should be maintained in inclusive classroom settings to the maximum degree possible and supported in these locations in order to ensure successful learning.
What percentage of the school population nationally is identified as intellectually disabled?
approximately 1%
The terms "educable mentally retarded" and "trainable mentally retarded" are considered archaic terms although they are still used in some places today.
Which of the following is a major component of most definitions of intellectual disabilities?
deficits in adaptive behavior
Since the mid-1970s, there has been
a significant decrease in the number of students identified as intellectually disabled.
Approximately what percentage of students would be identified as scoring at 2 or more standard deviations below the mean on tests of intelligence?
Students who are intellectually disabled often have difficulty with short-term memory.
Recently, the alternative terminology ________ has been used to replace the term "mental retardation.


intellectual disabilities
Inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities should include developing not only academic skills, but also social and friendship-making skills.
In Luckasson's et al. (2002) contemporary definition of intellectual disabilities, adaptive behavior is expressed in
conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills.
The key to successfully including students with intellectual disabilities in general education classrooms is providing necessary and appropriate supports.
Approximately 50% of students identified as intellectually disabled have mild forms of this disability.

Which of the following is not a learning characteristic of an intellectually disabled student?
good abstract thinking
Traditionally, students with intellectual disabilities have been the least likely (among students with disabilities) to be included in general education classrooms.
Seventeen-year-old Lucy is intellectually disabled. At her IEP and ITP conference, she explains that her long-term goals include living semi-independently and working at a local fast food restaurant. Lucy's team members listen attentively and design a transition IEP that addresses her desires. This is an example of ________.

This chromosomal error is of the autosomal type and typically results in intellectual disabilities and excessive eating.
Prader-Willi syndrome
"Significantly below average" intelligence is generally defined as below the IQ range of approximately 70.
There are few known causes of intellectual disabilities.
The curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities should
be sufficiently broad so as to address productive employment, independence and self-sufficiency, life skills competence, and opportunity to participate successfully within the schools and community.
The term "mental retardation" has been criticized for being value-laden.
There is wide variation across the United States in the number of students identified as intellectually disabled.

Studies on the long-term outcomes of persons with intellectual disabilities have suggested that
transition services for students with intellectual disabilities have been associated with mixed results in employment and independent living outcomes.
Curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities should include a focus on the development of life skills.
The treatment and perceptions of persons with intellectual disabilities have remained unchanged over the last one hundred years.
Which of the following is a chromosomal anomaly, also known as Trisomy 21, that often results in intellectual disabilities?
Down syndrome
Which of the following is a genetic metabolic disorder associated with problems in processing high protein foods?
The developmental period component that is included in most definitions of intellectual disabilities refers to an onset between
birth and eighteen years of age.

Which of the following is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that occurs most often among individuals of Jewish heritage?
Tay-Sachs disease
According to Grossman (1983), ________ refers to the degree to which an individual meets the standards of learning, maturation, personal independence, and/or social responsibility expected of his or her age and cultural group.
adaptive behavior
In light of better terminology than the term "mentally retarded", the American Association on Mental Retardation changed its name in 2001.
The majority of students with ADHD are served in special education classrooms.
ADHD is apparent before the age of
All of the following techniques are important for the school-based treatment of individuals with ADHD except
alternative treatment therapies.
More ADHD symptoms may be shown in group settings and when work has to be done later in the day.

Which of the following assessment procedures may be used to identify a student with ADHD?
-interviews -observations -school history -review of school records
In ________ to ________ of the cases, ADHD continues to cause problems in adulthood.
20%, 35%
The problematic behavior of students with ADHD may be most apparent when they are given nonstimulating, repetitive activities.
Experienced-based learning, in which students might develop their own projects, is an effective instructional strategy for students with ADHD.
Students with ADHD who are eligible for special education services often qualify for services under which of the following IDEA 2004 categories?
other health impairments
Genetics may play a significant role in ADHD.
Section 504 is a special education law.

Students with ADHD have lower than average IQ levels.
Limited delay of gratification is a common characteristic of students with ADHD.
All children with ADHD require medication to be successful in school.
Students with ADHD often have inconsistent performance on school tasks.

Education of school staff, the family, and students with ADHD is one of the most important interventions in meeting the needs of students with ADHD.
In most cases, the cause of ADHD is unknown.
Common side effects of stimulant medications include all of the following except
diminished electrical activity in the brain
Since ADHD is a psychiatric disorder, school personnel have no responsibility related to identification and assessment.
Negative behaviors may be reinforced when students receive attention for their inappropriate behaviors.

Which of the following psychiatric classification systems is used most often in the United States to identify individuals with ADHD?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Adults with ADHD have more traffic citations and accidents than the general population.
Medication should be stopped when a child with ADHD reaches adolescence.
Students with ADHD are noted for the ability to persist on repetitive tasks.
Nine-year-old Maria is aware that she needs to change her excessive talking-out in class.

This is an example of which self-regulation strategy?

Ten-year-old Jamal gives himself a sticker when he has completed of all his assignment. This is an example of which self-regulation strategy?
ADHD is more common than any other child behavioral disorder.
Fifteen-year-old Katie uses a cueing system to alert her to stop and evaluate her on-task behavior. This is an example of which self-regulation strategy?
Most of the time, the special education teacher is responsible for teaching students with ADHD.
Nine-year-old Geraldo takes Ritalin for ADHD.

His teacher should

monitor positive effects and side effects of the medication.
Which of the following are the primary symptoms of ADHD?
inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
The two critical features for the successful inclusion of students with ADHD are the skills and behaviors of teachers and the understanding and acceptance by general education peers.
A psychiatric diagnosis of ADHD is required for a child to receive services under either IDEA 2004 or Section 504.
ADHD is a neurobiological-based condition.

Many students with ADHD do not qualify for services under IDEA 2004.
ADHD is a disability that is unique to the school-aged population in the United States.
More boys than girls are identified as having ADHD.
ADHD is difficult for teachers to recognize in the classroom.

Research on the long-term outcomes for individuals with ADHD suggests that many of these individuals experience good adjustment in adulthood.
The causes of articulation disorders include
-lack of opportunity to practice appropriate/inappropriate speech. -transient hearing loss during early childhood. -cleft palate.

-brain damage.

Six-year-old Sara says "bin" for "then." This is an example of
an articulation error.
Excessive hoarseness over a long period of time may be indicative of
a phonation and/or resonance disorder.

Twelve-year-old Antonio frequently fails to wait his turn in conversation. This is a concern related to
________ communication techniques do not require any physical object or device to enable the individual to communicate (e.g., speech, manual signs or gestures, facial communication).
A communication difference is considered a disability in which of the following situations?
when the transmission or perception of messages is faulty
________ is the sound system of a language and the linguistic rules that govern the sound combinations.

________ is a variation of a symbol system used by a group of individuals that reflects, and is determined by, shared regional, social, or cultural/ethnic factors.
Communicative difference/dialect
________ usually consist(s) of blocking, repeating, or prolonging sounds, syllables, words, or phrases.
Fluency problems
Consider the variations of the root word "pave." pavement repave These variations are related to
A medical professional who treats children with ear, nose, and throat problems is referred to as a(n) ________.
All of the following are types of language disorders except
articulation and phonological language disorders.

Voice disorders include problems with
phonation and resonance.
A disorder involving the form of language includes systems related to
phonology, morphology, and syntax.
Consider the following two sentences Larry hit the ball. The ball hit Larry. These sentences relate a concern of
The vast majority of students with speech and language disorders are children ages 6 to 11.

Seven-year-old Nancy says "hamburglar" for "hamburger." This is an example of a(n)
Articulation and phonological disorders are relatively rare disorders.
When communication is impaired, absent, or qualitatively different, social problems may result in school.
Speech disorders include disorders of all of the following except
language disorders.

There is a fairly typical sequence of language development among young children.
Speech dysfluencies
-are common among children ages 3 to 5. -are universal among all individuals. -often decrease around the age of 5.
________ communication techniques require a physical object or device to enable the individual to communicate (e.g., charts, communication boards).
The distinction among the words pretty, prettier, and prettiest, are related to
Because many other students have conditions other than a primary disability of speech/language impairment, the total percentage of students served by speech-language pathologists is about ________.
Most voice disorders are the result of learned speech patterns.
There is growing evidence that stuttering is caused by a hearing problem.
Of all students with disabilities, students with speech or language impairments are the most included in general education classrooms.
Speech is the only possible vehicle for expressing language.
Articulation errors
are normal and acceptable among very young children.
________ and ________ disorders are the most common speech disorders.
Articulatory and phonological
________ refers to the content of language and relates to the meaning of words and word combinations.
The following analogy is an issue related to "A rolling stone gathers no moss."
Students with communication disorders represent one of the largest groups of students with disabilities.
The difference between the consonant blend sounds for "st" and "str" are related to
Vocal disturbances are common among young children.
Which of the following is the most common type of speech disorder?
articulation disorder