Perceptual Expectancy (or "set")
A readiness to perceive in a particular manner, induced by strong expectations.
Things that play a role on our perceptions
Suggestions, motives, emotions, and culture
Perceptual Learning
Changes in perception that can be contributed to prior experience; a result of changes in how the brain processes sensory information
Muller-Lyer Illusion
Two equal-length lines tipped with inward or outward pointing Vs appear to be of different lengths
A decrease in perceptual response to a repeated stimulus
A reversal of habituation
Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
The purported ability to perceive events in ways that cannot be explained by known capacities of the sensory organs
Psi Phenomena
Events that seem to defy the realm of accepted scientific laws
J. B. Rhine
While researching the psi phenomena, he showed that there is a possibility for clairvoyance to exist by using Zener cards.
Cold Reading
A set of techniques used to lead people to believe in the truth of what a psychic or medium says about them
True or False: Many findings in parapsychology cannot be replicated
Four purported psi events investigated by parapsychologists are:
Clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis