Step 1
Identify the patient
Step 2
Identify yourself.
Step 3
Check the fasting state of the patient. Some tests require that the patient not eat or drink. Ask if they are fasting it is your job.

Step 4
Wash hands and put on gloves. (use rotating motion with warm water and germicidal soap)
Step 5
Reassure the patient. (act confident : education +experience = reassurance to the patient)
Step 6
Position the patient. Move arm downward from shoulder, always have a table or bar placed out in front)
Step 7
Verify tests ordered.
Step 8
Assemble and check supplies. (expiration dates, cracks in tubes, needles in tubes.

Step 9
Apply tourniquet.
Step 10
Have the patient close their hand.Never have patient pump fist more than 1 or 2 times.
Step 11
Select the site to insert the needle.
Step 12
Cleanse and dry the site with an alcohol pad.

Step 13
Anchor the vein. Use only thumb or index finger. Draw skin tight under the site.
Step 14
Perform venipuncture with bevel up at 30 degrees or less.
Step 15
Release the tourniquet. Never leave it on more than 1 minute.

Step 16
Put dry gauze over the site.
Step 17
Release the tube from interior needle before removing the needle from the vein.
Step 18
Remove needle from vein as swiftly as possible. Activate safety device.

Step 19
Apply direct pressure for 3 to 5 minutes. Hold for at least 5 minutes for patients that take blood thinners.Tell patient to leave bandage on for 15 minutes.
Step 20
Invert/rotate all additive tubes within 30 seconds after drawing to prevent clots. Bandage arm and check for bleeding.

Step 21
Dispose of used equipment in puncture resistant biohazard container.
Step 22
Label tubes before leaving bedside or patient in ambulatory setting.
Step 23
Reposition bed rails.
Step 24
Remove gloves and wash hands.
Step 25
Record/report specimen collection to nursing station.

Step 26
Tell nurse station to release the patient's diet.
Step 27
Return samples to lab.
Step 28
accession properly. Store sample properly.

Put in centrifuge machine.