Definition: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose marked especially by rhinorrhea, nasal congestion and itching, and sneezing
Definition: inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses
airway clearance techniques: conscious victim: infants (less than 1 year)
back blows and chest thrusts
airway clearance techniques: conscious victim: younger children
modified Heimlich maneuver ("astride")
airway clearance techniques: conscious victim: older children & adults
Heimlich maneuver
airway clearance techniques: unconscious victim
begin CPR
Definition: inflammation of mucous membranes of pharynx
pharmacologic: Pharyngitis
i. antimicrobial therapy - penicillins for strep throat (erythromycin if allergic to penicillin)ii. antifungal therapy such as nystatin for fungal causesiii.

analgesics such as ibuprofen or topical anesthetic sprays or lozenges

Tonsillitis and adenoiditis
Definition: inflammation and infection of the tonsils and especially the palatine tonsils
Findings: Tonsillitis and adenoiditis
a. sore throat - may be recurrentb. feverc. difficulty swallowingd. enlarged tonsils and adenoids - may be "kissing tonsils" (where they are touching)e. foul smelling breath (halitosis)f.

noisy respirations - snoring loudly during sleep if enlarged adenoidsg. recurrent ear infections

provide positioning that allows for comfort after tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy
prone, head turned to the side
Peritonsillar abscess
Definition: complication of acute tonsillitis or pharyngitis with spread of tonsillar infection into the surrounding tissue
Herbal remedies for upper respiratory infections
Echinacea (dried root or tea)Garlic clovesHorseradishSlippery elm tea
definition: inflammation of vocal cords and surrounding mucous membranes
croup and epiglottitis are types of
laryngeal inflammation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Definition: chronic irreversible airway obstruction with slowed exhalation
emphysema chronic bronchitiscor pulmonale
pharmacologic treatments: COPD
i. inhaled bronchodilators - albuterol (beta-adrenergic), ipratropium (anticholinergic)ii. inhaled or oral corticosteroids - prednisone (IV during exacerbations), methylprednisolone (Medrol)iii.

expectorants - guaifenesin

Definition: a chronic lung disorder marked by recurrent episodes of bronchospasm-related airway obstruction triggered by hyperreactivity to various stimuli, producing airway narrowing and tenacious, thick, excess, mucous
Asthma: Etiology: extrinsic factors
i. cold airii. humidityiii. allergens such as pollens, molds, dust mites, animal danderiv. drugs: aspirin & NSAIDs
findings of pulmonary fibrosis
a. exertional dyspneab.

nonproductive chronic coughc. chronic inspiratory cracklesd. nail clubbing possible

pleural effusion:
fluid (transudate or exudate) in the pleural space; treated with thoracentesis or chest tube
blood in pleural space; treated with thoracentesis or chest tube
purulent drainage in pleural space; usually a complication of pneumonia, treated with chest tube and antibiotics
milky white lymphatic fluid in pleural space, treated with thoracentesis or chest tube, pleurodesis or surgery
Diagnostics lung tissue collapses
chest x-ray that supports diagnosiswhite blood cell count - high in empyemaHCT/HGB - below baseline in hemothorax
Normal HCT/HGB?
Men: Hemoglobin: 14-18 g/dlHematocrit: 42-52 %Women:Hemoglobin: 12-16 g/dlHematocrit: 37-47 %
Normal chest tube drainage rate?
< 100 ml/hr
Identify the respiratory disorder for the findings listed below: Cough; exertional dyspnea; fatigue; fainting; swelling of feet or ankles
Cor pulmonale
Identify the respiratory disorder for the findings listed below:Drooping eyelid; mouth weakness (trouble chewing, swallowing or talking); arm or leg weakness
Myasthenia gravis - an autoimmune neuromuscular where antibodies interefere with the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles.
Identify the respiratory disorder for the findings listed below:Cough; difficulty breathing; fatigue; fever greater than 100.4 F (38 C); headache; myalgia
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) - a viral infection causing acute respiratory distress and sometimes death.

Identify the respiratory disorder for the findings listed below: Barrel chest; chronic cough, shortness of breath, wheezing; weight loss
Emphysema - a chronic and progressive disease of the lungs that causes shortness of breath due to over-inflation of the alveoli.
Identify the respiratory disorder for the findings listed below:Difficulty swallowing; ear pain; fever & chills; headache; sore throat
Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils, due to either viral or bacterial infections or immunologic factors. Findings are similar to pharyngitis (sore throat).
Identify the respiratory disorder for the findings listed below:Chest pain; muffled heart and lung sounds; mediastinal shift; respiratory distress
Tension pneumothorax - occurs when air gets trapped in the pleural cavity and as the pressure increases, it pushes the mediastinum to the other side of the chest, which compresses the other lung. This is a life-threatening condition.