What is Marzano Protocol Design Question #2?
What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge?
What elements are in DQ #2?
Elements 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
What is element #10?
Processing New Information
What defines Element #10 - Processing New Information?
During breaks in the presentation of content, the teacher engages students in actively processing new information.
What is a teacher evidence for Element #10 - Processing New Information?
Teacher has group members summarize new information
What is a teacher evidence for Element #10 - Processing New Information?
Teacher employs formal group processing strategies • Jigsaw• Reciprocal Teaching• Concept attainment
What is a student evidence for Element #10 - Processing New Information?
When asked, students can explain what they have just learned
What is a student evidence for Element #10 - Processing New Information?
Students volunteer predictions
What is a student evidence for Element #10 - Processing New Information?
Students voluntarily ask clarification questions
What is a student evidence for Element #10 - Processing New Information?
Groups are actively discussing the content• Group members ask each other and answer questions about the information• Group members make predictions about what they expect next
According to the scale for Element #10 - Processing New Information what is the important teacher action?
Engages students in summarizing, predicting, and questioning activities.
For Element #10 - Processing New Information what is the difference between Applying and Developing?
Applying involves the the teacher monitoring the extent to which the activities enhance students' understanding while Developing does not..
What is element #11?
Elaborating on New Information
What defines Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information?
The teacher asks questions or engages students in activities that require elaborative inferences that go beyond what was explicitly taught.
What is a teacher evidence for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information?
Teacher asks explicit questions that require students to make elaborative inferences about the content
What is a teacher evidence for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information?
Teacher asks students to explain and defend their inferences
What is a teacher evidence for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information?
Teacher presents situations or problems that require inferences
What is a student evidence for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information?
Students volunteer answers to inferential questions
What is a student evidence for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information?
Students provide explanations and "proofs" for inferences
According to the scale for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information what is the important teacher action?
Engages students in answering inferential questions.
For Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information what is the difference between Applying and Developing?
Applying involves the teacher monitoring the extent to which students elaborate on what was explicitly taught while Developing does not.
What is element #12?
Recording and Representing Knowledge
What defines Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
The teacher engages students in activities that help them record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or represent the content in nonlinguistic ways.
What is a teacher evidence for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
Teacher asks students to summarize the information they have learned
What is a teacher evidence for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
Teacher asks students to generate notes that identify critical information in the content
What is a teacher evidence for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
Teacher asks students to create nonlinguistic representations for new content • Graphic organizers• Pictures• Pictographs• Flow charts
What is a teacher evidence for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
Teacher asks students to create mnemonics that organize the content
What is a student evidence for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
Students' summaries and notes include critical content
What is a student evidence for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
Students' nonlinguistic representations include critical content
What is a student evidence for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge?
When asked, students can explain main points of the lesson
According to the scale for Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge what is the important teacher action?
The teacher engages students in activities that help them record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or in nonlinguistic ways.
For Element #12 - Recording and Representing Knowledge what is the difference between Applying and Developing?
Applying involves the teacher monitoring the extent to which activities help students record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or in nonlinguistic ways to enhances students' understanding while Developing does not.
What is element #13?
Reflecting on Learning
What defines Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning?
The teacher engages students in activities that help them reflect on their learning and the learning process.
What is a teacher evidence for Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning?
Teacher asks students to state or record what they are clear about and what they are confused about
What is a teacher evidence for Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning?
Teacher asks students to state or record how hard they tried
What is a teacher evidence for Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning?
Teacher asks students to state or record what they might have done to enhance their learning
What is a student evidence for Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning?
When asked, students can explain what they are clear about and what they are confused about
What is a student evidence for Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning?
When asked, students can describe how hard they tried
What is a student evidence for Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning?
When asked, students can explain what they could have done to enhance their learning
According to the scale for Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning what is the important teacher action?
The teacher engages students in reflecting on their own learning and the learning process.
For Element #13 - Reflecting on Learning what is the difference between Applying and Developing?
Applying involves the teacher monitoring the extent to which students self-assess their understanding and effort, while Developing does not.