stamen, pistil, pollen and ovule
These flower parts are most directly involved in the process of fertilization.
A seed enters a _______ period after it is fertilized.
water, soil and sunlight
Most seeds need all of these in order to grow and reproduce.
During germination, these absorb water and bring it up to the leaves.
endosperm / soil
Seedlings get the nutrients they need from __________, and mature plants get the nutrients they need from __________.

flowers with ovules
A mature plant produces these reproductive parts.
anther, pistil or ovules
Immature plants to NOT have these structures.
A tiny new plant
New seeds are found in this part of the flower.
This part of the flower helps with fertilization by attracting pollinators.
This becomes a seed after it gets fertilized by pollen.

The core of an apple contains seeds in this structure.

pollen tube
This part of the flower aids in fertilization by allowing pollen to move from the top of the pistil to the ovary.
This helps a flowering plant by feeding the growing seeds.
wind, insects and birds
Flowering plants and non-flowering plants share these pollen carriers.
This plant does NOT produce pollen.

These are non-non flowering plants. Cones are the reproductive structure of these plants. These plants have "naked" seeds, unlike flowering plants whose seeds having a covering. The do not possess an ovary like flowering plants.
reproductive structures
Ferns, Mosses, gymnosperms, and flowering plants all have male and female of these.
These plants only grow in wet environments because they have no roots.
The process of transferring pollen to stigmas of flowers.
Pollen is produced in the anthers of the __________.
The process which pulls water through the membranes of the moss plant.