1.adults have the need to know why they are learning something2.adults have…
connotationemotional baggage a word carriesanaphorarepetition of group of words or phrase more…
Basal Reading ApproachA major approach to reading that occupies the central and…
the staffthe treble clefthe bass cleflines in the treble clefEGBDF (every good…
?????man, mortal, humankind (NMS)—??in, by, with (prep)—?and (conj)??????LORD, the LORD (proper N)??????he…
d?ligentia, d?ligentiaef. diligence, attentivenessincola, incolaem. or f. inhabitantmora, moraef. delaypr?vincia, pr?vinciaef. provinceterra,…
Ath?nae, Ath?n?rumf. pl. Athensn?t?ra, n?t?raef. natureR?ma, R?maef. Romedictum, dict?n. word; sayingdomus, dom?f….
Archetypesa very typical example of a certain person or thingPerenniallasting or existing…
What did Tish write her secret was?she knew how to crochetWhat is…
1 – Every trip is a questa quester, a place to go,…
1984 by George OrwellWinston Smith lives in Oceania, a civilization where everything…
Things to Consider Regarding the Stages of Learning- Transitions between learning stages…
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