desktop publishing
the process of designing and printing a document using a desktop computer and a printer
page layout
the way text, graphics and space are organized on a document page
dropped capital
an enlarged capital letter that drops below the first line of body text in the paragraph
a line placed on one or more sides of a paragraph(s), page or text box
a perspective added to a border to give the appearance of three dimensions
a color or pattern applied to a paragraph(s), page or text box
a rectangular drawing object in which text or graphic images can be inserted and positioned anywhere on a page
sizing handles
rectangular boxes around the edges of a selected object that you use to resize the object
a graphic, picture, chart, shape, text box or other element that can be inserted into a document
smart art graphic
a pre-drawn graphic used to illustrate a specific data relationship, such as a list, process, cycle, hierarchy, matrix, pyramid or other relationship
a sample or model document on which new documents are based and are used to create new documents
building block
a feature of Microsoft Office that lets you insert reusable pieces of content such as headers, footers or tables created from saved text or graphics
a series of commands and keystrokes that you record and save together so you can run it later to replay the series