garçonboyhommemanfemmewomanfillegirlune filleA girlJe suis une fille.I am a girl.
la femmewomanla fillegirlle garçonboyunea, one, anjeIsuisam, am following, followlethe
Things to Consider Regarding the Stages of Learning- Transitions between learning stages…
Aa (ah)Bbé (beh)Ccé (say)Ddé (day)Ee (uh)Feffe (ef)Ggé (jhay)Hhache (ahsh)Ii (ee)Jji (ghee)Kka (ka)Lelle…
1Un (un)2Deux (deh)3Trois (twah)4Quatre(KAH-trah)5Cinq (sank)6Six (seez)7Sept (set)8Huit (wheet)9Neuf (nehf)10Dix (deez)11Onze (onze)12Douze (dooze)13Treize…
orangel’orangeapplela pommebananala bananeblackberryla mûreblueberryla myrtillecherryla cerisecoconutla noix de cocoeggplantl’auberginegrapele raisinkiwi fruitle kiwilemonle…
un bureaua deskun cahiera notebookune chaisechairun crayona pencilun livrea bookune salle de…
Chocolat by Claire DenisMovie is a Flashback from France who grows up…
Louis XV(r. 1715-1774) Bourbon king; , grandson of Louis XIV who led…
Louis XVI (1774-1792)became king in 1774 after the death of Louis XV…
Happy New Year-Claud Lelouch -not new wave -heistDiabolique- George Clouzart-thrillerBreathless-Jean luc-jump cut,…
T. H. Huxley”Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared…
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