Constructed response question
Constructed-response questions require that the student construct or create something to answer the question rather than choosing from a list.
Convergent Questions
Convergent questions have only one simple answer and do not require a constructed response
Cloze activity
A cloze activity is a fill-in-the-blank assignment with a word bank.
Running record
Running records are used to assess reading performance as a student reads from a benchmark book. Over time, running records provide insight into why a student may be struggling with reading comprehension or fluency.
Achievement Test
a standardized test designed to efficiently measure the amount of knowledge and/or skill a person has acquired, usually as a result of classroom instruction.
Alternative Assessment
many educators prefer the description "alternative assessment" to describe alternatives to traditional, standardized, norm- or criterion-referenced traditional paper-and-pencil testing.
Anecdotal Records
a type of informal evaluation; teacher observation of student performance and over time they see a pattern growth.
Analytic Scoring
a type of rubric scoring that separates that separates the whole into categories of criteria that are examined one at a time.
the process of observing learning; describing, collecting, recording, scoring, and interpreting information about a student's or one's own learning.
Authentic Assessment
evaluating by asking for the behavior that the learning is intended to produce; mirroring and measuring student performance in a "real-world" context
student performance standards
Competency test
a test intended to establish that a student has met established minimum standards of skills and knowledge
Criterion-referenced test
a test that results in which the results can be used to determine a student's progress toward mastery of a content area; FCAT
Curriculum Alignment
curriculum's scope and sequence matches a testing program;s evaluation measures
the knowledge of one's own thinking processes and strategies, and the ability to consciously reflect and act on the knowledge of cognition to modify those processes and strategies
Norm-referenced test
a test in which a student's or a group's performance is compared to that of a norm group
Performance-based assessment
a test of the ability to apply knowledge in a real-life setting; rubric or analytic scoring
the measure of consistency for an assessment instrument
Standardized Test
an objective test that is given and scored in a uniform manner
the test measures the desired performance and appropriate inferences can be drawn from the results
Summative Assessment
evaluation at the conclusion of a unit or units of instruction or an activity or plan, to determine or judge student skills and knowledge or effectiveness of a plan or activity; FCAT, EOC, end of a unit, chapter test