What is Thorndike's "law of effect?:
Rewarded behavior tends to be repeated
What is the operant chamber? Who invented it?
Experiments with rats that rewarded them for certain tasks. Created by BF Skinner "Skinner Box"
What is shaping?
Reinforcers guide behavior to the desired goal through repetition (i.e. using treats to train a seal)
What's the difference between reinforcers and punishments?
Reinforcers: strengthen behaviorPunishment: decreases behavior
What's the difference between positive and negative reinforcers?
Positive: ADDs a desirable stimulus (treat)Negative: REMOVES a bad stimulus (seatbelt)
What's the difference between immediate and delayed reinforcers?
Immediate: occurs right after the behaviorDelayed: delayed (paychecks)We like instant gratification more
Continuous reinforcement
Reinforces response every time it occurs.

FAST learning, FAST extinctionPartial:

Partial Reinforcement
Reinforces response only part of the time. SLOWER learning, SLOWER extinction
Positive punishment
Administer an adverse stimulus (spanking)
Negative punishment
Withdraw a desirable stimulus (grounding)
What are some risks of spanking?
FearPain justificationUnwanted behaviorAggression
What is observational learning?
Modeling other's behaviors (social learning theory)
What increases the likelihood of modeling?
RewardsModels are warmConsistencyYou are capable of modeling
What are mirror neurons?
The same prefrontal corex neurons fire when you PERCEIVE a task being performed as when you DO that task. Imitation, empathy.
Who came up with the social learning theory?
Albert Bandura.
What were the bobo doll studies?
Children who saw aggressive or non-aggressive adults playing with a toy played the same way.
Does violence in the media increase violence in kids?
In some kids.
What does prolonged exposure to violence do?