a rule describing how to format a particular portion of a web page
style sheet
a set of style
instructions that tell a web browser how to display the web page
tells the web browser what type of HTML the page uses
the Internet
interconnected network of computer networks
The set of markup symbols or codes placed in a ?le intended for display on a web browser
text which contains links to other texts
HTML organized for different operating systems
so that your webpages appear correctly and consistently in web browsers
why specify a doctype?
transitional doctype
provides a transition from older HTML to the newer
strict doctype
intended for newer HTML and XHTML
Cascading Style Sheets
CSS gives you creative control over the layout and design of your web pages
What are advantages of using CSS?
internal style sheets
a collection of style that's part of the web page's code
external style sheets
a text file containing all your CSS rules
inline style sheets
CSS rules put directly into a page's HTML
RGB colors
color value consisting of three numbers representing either percentages or numbers between 0 and 255 for each hue
red, green, or blue
contains three hexadecimal numbers
JPG graphics
good for photos
Graphics Interchange Format
Portable Network Graphics
2 types of PNG
8 bit and 24 bit
web-friendly file formats are
fixed-width layout
regardless of browser's width, the page's width stays the same
liquid layouts
adjusts to fit the browser's width
elastic layouts
fixed-width design with type size flexibility
absolute positioning
determines an element's location by specifying a position
float tag
how can you create full-height columns
relative positioning
elements are placed relative to its position in HTML
inside nested tags
when and where do you use relative positioning?
spread-sheet like data
table heading
row element
table row
the primary way visitors interact with a website
form elements
fieldset, legend, text fields, buttons, drop-down menus, checkboxes and radio buttons
what is the most used form tag?
text fields
text boxes on a form
radio buttons
when you can choose one item in a list
check boxes
when you can choose one or more items in a list
form's action attribute
all variables in PHP start with which symbol?
what do you end a PHP statement with?
How do you say "Hello, World!" in PHP?
multimedia files
synthesized music, digital audio, digital video, animated gifs, and flash
digital video files
digital audio files
WAV and MP3
a video hosting website
embedded sound
automatic, unsolicited music
streaming media
multimedia that are constantly being delivered by a streaming provider
a layout of a site's navigation
the basic layout of a page
empty tags
tags without a closing tag
div tag
a tag that defines a devision or a section in an HTML document
span tag
a tag that defines a devision or a section within another tag
link tags
a href
class selector
specifying specific content within CSS
id selector
specifying specific content within CSS
it defines property around an element
it defines the space between the element border and the element content
ones supported by most computers and are easy t read
meta tag
it provides information about your webpage for search engines
words or phrases describing your website
appears as a description in the page rankings
internet explorer
what is the most common web browser?