identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country - nation/nationality is group of people tied together to particular place through legal status and cultural tradition - cultural values of nationality are voting, obtaining a passport, civic duties
Nationality vs. Ethnicity vs. Race
- Nationality identifies U.S.

citizens (those born in country and immigrants - Ethnicity identifies groups with distinct ancestry and cultural traditions (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc.) - Race distinguishes blacks and other persons of color from whites - Every U.S. citizen is member of American nationality and every American is member of race but only some Americans identify with an ethnicity

19th century immigrants
- descendants identify themselves by ethnicity instead of nationality - When Czechs, Poles, Slovenes came to U.S.

, they didn't have a Czech Republic and ethnicities lived in Europe as subjects of Austrian emperor, Russian czar or Prussian kaiser - Immigration officials recorded nationality of immigrants (place of birth) but immigrants think ethnicity more important than nationality

18th century U.S.
- forged nation out of collection of ethnic groups mainly from Europe and Africa not by issuing passports or voting but by sharing values in Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights
- Québécois distinct from other Canadians in language, religion, cultural traditions but question is if they form distinct ethnicity within Canadian nationality or a second nationality separate from Anglo-Canadian - distinction important because if Québécois is recognized as separate, Quebec government would want to secede
ethnicities have right to govern themselves - ethnic groups transformed into nationalities because want for self-rule is important for may of them to preserve cultural traits
state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by particular ethnicity transformed into nationality - territory of state rarely corresponds exactly to territory of ethnicity
Nation-States in Europe
- Ethnicities became nationalities in 19th century - French nationality came with French ethnic cultural traditions (French language and Roman Catholic religon) with belief in liberty, equality, brotherhood - Western Europe made nation-states and disagreed over boundaries and fought for Africa and Asia control - German National Socialists (Nazis) said all German-speaking Europe made one nationality and unified into one state -- took over Austria and Sudetenland
- example of European nation-state because territory occupied by Danish ethnicity corresponds to state of Denmark - strong unity - Southern boundary doesn't divide Danish and German nationalities exactly - controls Faeroe Islands and Greenland that do not have Danish cultural characteristics
loyalty and devotion to a nationality - support a state that preserves and enhances culture and attitudes of their nationality - mass media most effective mean of helping nationalism - promote symbols like flags and songs (anthems) - sense of unity sometimes created through negative images
Centripetal force
ex: nationalism - attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state - states emphasize shared attitudes to unify people
Multi-ethnic state
- state that contains more than one ethnicity ex: Belgium
Multinational states
contain two ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities ex: U.K.

U.K. Nationality
Great Britain comprised of England, Wales, Scotland U.K. = Great Britain + N.

Ireland - main element of national identity comes from sports

Soviet Union
example of multinational state, 15 republics now independent countries
Five groups of newly independent Soviet States
1. Three Baltic: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania 2. Three European: Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine 3. Five Central Asian: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenkistan, Uzbekistan 4. Three Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia 5.


Baltic Nation-States
known as Baltic for location on Baltic Sea - Lithuania closest to nation-state because ethnic Lithuanias make 83% of pop. - Roman Catholic (speak language of Baltic group within Balto-Slavic) - Estonia (68%) -- Protestant (speak Uralic language related to Finnish) - Latvia (58%) --Lutheran (speak language of Baltic group within Balto-Slavic)
European Nation-States
All East Slavic Languages and mostly Eastern Orthodox Christians - Belarus (81%) -- distinct ethnicity because isolated from Russians - Moldova (78%) - ethnically insdistinguishable from Romanians - Ukraine (78%) -- distinct ethnicity because isolated from Russians, Russians make 2/3 of Crimean Peninsula, voted independence from Ukraine after Soviet downfall (passed)
Central Asian States
- Turkmenistan (85%) - Muslims w/Altaic language - Uzbekistan (80%) - Muslims w/Altaic language - Kyrgyzstan (65%) - Muslims w/Altaic language resent Russians for taking best farmland - Kazakhstan (53%) divided between Kazakhs and Russians - Muslims who speak Altaic language - Tajikistan (79%) - Civil war, Muslims who speak Indic language in Indo-Iranian branch
- recognizes 39 nationalities, 20% of pop. non-Russian - ethnicities clustered along borders with neighboring states and in center of Russia (between Volga River basin and Ural Mountains) - blamed for taking property and prohibiting local languages in schools, hospitals, factories - Russians are discriminated against in minority countries
- troublesome for Russians - group of Sunni Muslims who speak Caucasian language and practice distinct social customs - declared independence and refused to join Russia -- leaders ignored refusal - wanted petroleum deposits
- between Black and Caspian Sea, home to mostly Azeris, Armenians, Georgians, Abkhazians, Chechens, Ingush, Ossetians, Kurds and Russians
Azerbaijains - roots to Turkish invaders - 1828 treaty gave north to Russia and south to Persia - 91% are Azeris, 24% in NW Iran - fragmented state: western part separated by Armenian strip
- converted to Christianity, lived under Turkish Muslim rule - late 19th and early 20th century, thousands killed in massacres by Turks - 98% of pop. - war with Azeris since 1988 over Nagorno-Karabakh
(84%) of population - Abkhazians want NW portion for independent nation-state
Ethnicity and Communism
- attitudes toward communism and economic cooperation more important political factors than nation-state principle - discouraged ethnicities from expressing cultural unique qualities
Nationalism in Eastern Europe
- fall of Soviet Union led to ethnicities organizing nation-states, minorities in multi-national states - Bulgaria's Turkish minority wanted ore rights like teaching Turkish as optional in school - Soviet, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia fell because minority ethnicities opposed dominance of majorities - ethnicities wanted to be majorities - Slovenia (93% Slovenes) promotes peace and unity