The three steps in systematic desensitization include all EXCEPT _____.
practicing relaxation to anxiety-arousing stimuli, starting at the top of the hierarchy, with the most anxiety-producing stimuli first
Interpretation in psychoanalysis _____.

all of these options
This form of therapy focuses on faulty thought processes and beliefs to treat problem behaviors.
Cognitive therapy
Disturbed thoughts, disturbed emotions, disturbed behaviors, disturbed interpersonal and life situations, and biomedical disturbances are characteristic of _____.
the types of problems addressed by psychotherapy
Which of the following statements about the applicability of psychoanalysis is FALSE?
It only works with severe mental disorders.
This is NOT a major area of concern related to the psychological health of women in Western cultures.
Poorer treatment effectiveness or outcome
The creation of anxiety to decrease maladaptive behavior occurs in _____ therapy; the induction of relaxation to increase an adaptive behavior occurs in _____.
aversion; systematic desensitization
In behavior therapy, _____ techniques use shaping and reinforcement to increase adaptive behaviors, and punishment and extinction to decrease maladaptive behaviors.

operant conditioning
An insightful awareness, and ability to share another person's inner experience, is called _____.
This is a stage in psychoanalysis in which a patient avoids the analyst's attempts to bring threatening unconscious material into conscious awareness.
_____ may make ECT obsolete for treatment of depression.
Psychiatric professionals may authorize temporary commitment for assessment and treatment of a dangerous or incompetent individual for up to _____.
24 to 72 hours
Critics suggest that Beck and Ellis ignore, deny, or minimize the importance of _____ on patient's behaviors.

unconscious dynamics, emotion, and prior experiences
Prozac and similar drugs work to reduce depression by _____.
blocking reuptake of serotonin
_____ is Ellis' approach to therapy
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
Abbas is maintaining a deep state of relaxation as he visualizes looking at a picture of a snake first, then viewing a snake through a window, then watching a snake from across the room, then observing a snake at arm's length. In this example, Abbas is using _____ to decrease his snake phobia.
systematic desensitization
Your text defines family therapy as a psychological treatment that _____.

attempts to change maladaptive interaction patterns among family members
_____ therapy uses techniques based on learning principles to change maladaptive behavior.
This is the BEST description of what an eclectic therapist might do.
Use a variety of treatment approaches based on the needs of the client
Lewis and Farrah are seeing a marriage counselor. The counselor role-plays appropriate requests and responses for getting each of their needs met, and then asks the couple to practice doing this themselves in order to resolve a mild problem. Over the next several sessions, they practice resolving harder and harder problems, with appropriate modeling from the counselor, as needed. This is called _____.

participant modeling
This is the use of a magnetic coil to create a magnetic field and deliver controlled electrical currents to precise areas of the brain.
rTMS or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
The process by which the therapist and client work to change destructive ways of thinking is called _____.
cognitive restructuring
Cognitive therapy alters _____, the things people say to themselves when they interpret events.
Both critics AND psychoanalysts agree that psychoanalysis _____.
cannot be scientifically validated
Casey believes it is useless to keep writing because she has received so many manuscript rejections, and only one screenplay acceptance. Beck would consider Casey's depression to be due to her use of _____.

selective perception
Antidepressant drugs are used to treat _____.
all of these options
Which of the following is NOT true regarding behavior therapy?
Feelings and interpretations are ignored or disregarded
Ellis calls REBT a(n) approach:.
This is an approach to psychotherapy in which the therapist combines techniques from various theories to find the most appropriate treatment for the client.
This is an outdated brain operation in which nerve pathways between the frontal lobe and the thalamus and hypothalamus are cut, in hopes of treating psychological disorders.
A biomedical treatment that is based on passing an electrical current through the brain is called _____.

An operative procedure on the brain which is designed to relieve severe mental symptoms that have not responded to other forms of treatment is called _____.
It is important to remember that when tokens are used to shape behavior, they must be ____ to be effective in the long term.
gradually withdrawn
In aversion therapy, a form of classical conditioning, _____ compete(s) with the pleasurable associations someone experiences when he or she engages in a maladaptive behavior, like drinking or smoking.
negative associations
What would a behavior therapist tell a snake-phobic client using systematic desensitization to do if he/she were to begin experiencing anxiety while visualizing a snake through the window?
Repeat his relaxation technique until his anxiety diminishes
Leandra is brought to a mental health clinic by a neighbor who reports that Leandra has been disoriented for days, and is unable to feed herself or find shelter.

The clinic's psychiatrist is MOST likely to _____.

authorize temporary commitment to a mental hospital
The main focus in behavior therapy is to increase _____ and decrease _____.
adaptive behaviors; maladaptive behaviors
A serious movement disorder associated with prolonged use of antipsychotic drugs is called _____.
tardive dyskinesia
The physiological basis for systematic desensitization is that _____.
it is impossible for parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems to be dominant at the same time
Jock paused for several minutes right after he started discussing his most recent interaction with his wife. Jock's analyst interpreted this as a sign that Jock's ego was trying to prevent him from revealing an unconscious conflict and asked Jock to discuss this recent interaction.

The analyst was attempting to overcome Jock's _____.

The dramatic reduction in numbers of hospitalized patients is primarily attributable to _____.
drug therapy
Behaviorists reply to criticisms of their treatment approach by saying, _____.
"Behavior therapy increases personal control by making the rewards and punishments that influence behavior obvious."
The system of psychotherapy developed by Freud that seeks to bring unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness is known as _____.
Cognitive therapists assume that problem behaviors and emotions are caused by _____.

faulty thought processes and beliefs
In psychoanalysis, free association refers to _____.
reporting whatever comes to mind without monitoring its contents
Eudoxie covers her husband's alcohol-related absences by lying to his boss. A behavior therapist is MOST likely to say that Eudoxie's problem is _____.
lying to her husband's boss
Which of the following drugs might be used to treat an anxiety disorder?
Antianxiety drugs
_____ modeling combines live modeling with direct and gradual practice.
According to the humanistic approach to therapy, the basic cause of psychological problems is _____.

blocked personal growth
Which of the following is NOT a myth about psychotherapy identified in your text?
All of the above are myths
_____ creates anxiety by pairing an unpleasant stimulus with a maladaptive behavior in order to decrease the behavior.
Aversion therapy
Which of the following is TRUE regarding psychosurgery?
Both a & b
_____ therapy helps clients to adjust their affective or emotional experiences in order to maximize personal growth.
Biomedical therapies are provided by _____.
psychiatrists and other medical professionals
Which of the following is an example of psychoanalytic resistance?
Arriving late or canceling an appointment
Disturbed thoughts, disturbed emotions, disturbed behaviors, disturbed interpersonal and life situations, and biomedical disturbances are characteristic of _____.
the types of problems addressed by psychotherapy
The use of physiological interventions such as drugs, ECT, or psychosurgery to reduce the symptoms of a psychological disorder is called _____.

biomedical therapy
Which of the following features of therapy is NOT culturally universal?
The patient is considered to be a passive recipient of the therapist's interventions or interpretations.
Barney read the script wrong three times in a row during this morning's show. He believes his career is over, and he is filled with self-hatred. Beck would say Barney is at risk for developing depression because he is engaging in _____.
_____ treats the family as a unit, and members work together to solve problems.
Family therapy
In family therapy, the identified patient _____.

has often been blamed by the family for problems in the family's interactions and relationships
Which of the following is TRUE about psychotherapy?
Many problems can be treated with any of several approaches.
Ioana believes she has the ugliest face in the world because of a small mole on her nose. According to Beck, Ioana's frequent depression is related to the maladaptive thought pattern called _____.
Antabuse works to decrease alcohol consumption because the nausea it induces when alcohol is ingested becomes associated with the alcohol. This is an example of _____.
aversion therapy
Which of the following is (are) true?
A and B only
This is listening with total attention by reflecting, paraphrasing, and clarifying.

Active listening
Which of the following is NOT an example of a self-help group?
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
The belief that humans have personal freedom to make choices and that they are responsible for the choices they make characterizes the _____ approach to therapy.
Behavior therapists use classical conditioning techniques to decrease maladaptive behaviors by _____.
creating new associations to replace faulty ones
Research suggests that Beck's and Ellis's cognitive therapies work for _____.
depression, anxiety, bulimia, and addiction disorders
An inpatient at the Morning Glory Home for the Mentally Impaired is sitting in the corner, smacking his lips and making lateral jaw movements. These symptoms are MOST likely related to _____.
the antipsychotic drugs being used
In Rogerian therapy, the _____ is responsible for discovering maladaptive patterns.

A token is a(n) _____ that is used to shape desirable behaviors to people in inpatient treatment facilities.
reinforce to be ashed in for sometype of reward
In _____, multiple people meet together to work toward therapeutic goals.
group therapy
An analyst says to her patient, "When you raise your voice with me, it seems like you are doing what you did to be heard by your father, and what you may be doing with your boss that is keeping you from getting promoted." It is MOST likely that this analyst is engaged in the psychoanalytic technique called _____.

The displacement of thoughts, feelings, fears, wishes, and conflicts from past relationships onto new relationships is called _____.
Hardy reported a dream in which he was riding as a passenger in the back seat of a driverless car. He experienced this dream as extremely frightening. His psychoanalyst suggested that Hardy might be feeling as though neither he, nor anyone else, is taking charge of his life. This process would BEST be described as _____, in which the therapist's interpretation was meant to uncover _____.

dream analysis; unacceptable, unconscious feelings in Hardy's psyche
If a client-centered therapist was upset by a client's verbal abuse of a spouse, which of the following might the therapist do?
Authentically share his feelings in a nonjudgmental manner with the client.
In aversion therapy for alcohol abuse, Antabuse is the ______ whereas nausea is the _________.
When Rudyard missed the bus to school, he immediately thought to himself, "The teacher will never let me in late to the final exam. I'm doomed." Rudyard's thoughts are an example of _____, which cognitive therapists attempt to change using _____.
self-talk; cognitive restructuring