should yinggai
its OKAY, xing
interesting, you yisi
of course, dangran
ming cai, famous dish
shi, event
cha, tea
jiu, wine
jianqian, price
shuo, to recive
cidian, dictionary
kafei, coffee
lianxi, exercise
jingju, beijing opera
yihuo, later/ afterwards
gaosu, to tell/ inform
kaoya, roast duck
guo, particle used for past tense "have you seen Beijing opera yet?
remin juchang - people's theater
tianqi, weather
chu, to go out
hua, to row
chuan, boat
qi, to ride
zixingche, bicycle
haishi, or
gen, and
dongwuyuan, zoo
xiongmao, panda
qunian, last year
xue, to study
jichang, airport
jie, to meet
kaoshi, give/take exam
ditie, subway
beihai gongyuan
cong, from
feiji, airplane
wan dian, late/ behind schedule
yao...le about to, going to
qifei, take off
shui, water
xinku, tiring
fuwuyuan, assistant
weishenme, why
ganxie, to give hanks
maoyi, trade
gongsi, company
biye, to graduate
pijiu, beer
chuzu, qiche
kai, to drive
huoche, train
name - hezi
name - liu jing
name - li chengri
name - dawei
name - mali[a given name]