What did the cabins at the farm look like to Esperanza?
The cabins looked like horse stalls.
How did English sound to Esperanza since she only spoke Spanish?
English sounded hard and clipped to Espernza.
Why did Isabel say they were lucky to have toilets at all at the camp?
She said at some camps there were ditches instead of bathrooms.
Did Mama tell Esperanza they were going to a family camp at first?
No, because Esperanza would have refused to go if she knew they had to share a cabin.
Why do children tell their parents what they want to hear?
Children tell their parents what they want to hear so they aren't yelled at.
Why did Esperanza say she wasn't going to stay at the camp for long?
She said this because she was hoping it would be true.
What does chorizo mean?
Chorizo means sausage.
What was Esperanza not old enough to do?
She was not old enough to work in the sheds.
How does Esperanza begin to realize her life has changed?
She realizes this when Mama wears her hair differently under a hat.
How do Esperanza and Isabel meet Silvia?
Silvia ran up to Isabel and grabbed her hand.
Why did Esperanza feel embarassed aftershe spoke to Melina?
She was embarrased because she made her admit her husband was un campesino.
What does accosting mean?
Accosting means bold.
How does the whole camp soon know Esperanza was a rich ranch owners daughter?
Everyone knows because one person says something to another and it keeps going on and on till everyone knows.
Why isn't doing chores easy for Esperanza?
Doing chores isn't easy for Esperanza because she grew up giving orders.