Aspects of the environment
Physical, social-emotional, temporal, intellectual
Physical environment
Layout, design elements, zones, learning centres
Social-emotional environment
Relationships, tone of the classroom, child agency, dispositions to learn
Temporal environment
How time is used, large blocks of time, not hurried or rushed
Intellectual environment
Content of the curriculum, teaching strategies, shared sustained thinking
Key points of using the environment as the third teacher
Aesthetics, active learning, collaboration, transparency, bringing the outside world in, flexibility, relationships, reciprocity
Pleasant sensory experiences
Active learning
Respect for child's agency and competency, open ended experiences, responsive teaching
Bringing the outside in
Natural materials, strengthens belonging, culture, family, and community
Space, time, materials, surprise discoveries, spirit of creation
Building an understanding of how things relate to each other, different perspectives
What we want the environment to do
Encourage autonomous thought, action, communication, sensory experiences, and goal setting, enable relationship exchange and quiet opportunities