Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield
Miss Brill has a routine of going to the race track everyday and observing people around her. She tends to put herself in their life.
*Fur coat
The Storm by Kate Chopin
Father and son are at the store while mother is at home shacking up with an old love. When they come home nothing happens/ no consequences.
very deliberate points of events
Kernal versus Satellite events
Kernal events are basic plot points that tie a story together
Satellite events are subplots
narrativize= tell stories
study of narrative ex. serialized story versus
background information reader needs
Rising Action
complication that intensifies situation
moment of greatest emotional tension
Falling Action
resolution or DENOUMENT
force that opposes protagonist
In medias res
the middle of scene * a way to engage audience
Man in bathtub model
signify flashbacks
Static Characterization
witnesses- dont do anything- no comment on events
Dynamic Characterization
protagonist- epiphany happens to them
contrast of the audience
*one reveals the other
* 2 contrasting characters that reveal qualities of one another
Puppy by George Saunders
2 families that are foils of eachother.
1. one mom who wants the attention of her kids and a husband that gives her whatever and is seen as the perfect mom
2. one mom who needs to give her child more attention and is seen as a bad mom
** both look at each other disgustingly or unfavorably
** lower and middle class
**metadiscours- they analyze each others parenting
Shout by DaGobert Gillo
Construction worker father who comes home and wants things his way. So the wife and him fight a lot but in the end they love each other and its just a routine
Point of View
who tells us the story and how its told
- narrator is the teller of the story
Importance of narrator...
effects our understanding of actions
Third Person Narrator
he, she, they
- never a character
- two types are omniscient and limited omniscience
Omniscient narrator
all knowing, gives the ability to go in and out of different characters
Editorial omniscient
evaluates character for the reader (omniscient)
Neutral omniscient
allows characters actions and thought to speak for themselves (omniscient)
Limited Omniscience narrator
often restricted to single character at most 2
Objective POV
dramatizes tense moments in impersonal manner (reports it)
First Person Narrator
- restricted to perceptions, thoughts, and feelings of 1 character
- 2 types= unrealiable v naive narrator
Unreliable narrator and naive narrator
- types of 1st person narrator
- unrealiable- interpretations are different from the authors (due to innocence or lack of self knowledge)
- naive- youthful innocence
Direct Characterization
tells audience what the personality of character is
Indirect Characterization
shows things to reveal personality
A Rose for Emily
Emily died and the people attend her funeral not for the right reasons. Emily was an obligation to the town and everyone knew something was wrong with her. She killed her boyfriend and maybe even her dad.
distinctive manner in which a writer arranges words to achieve particular effects
arrangement- word choice, structure, tone, length of sentences
writers choice of words-different words evoke different associations in a readers mind
authors implicit attitude toward people, places, and events in a story
device that reveals a reality different from what appears to be true
- verbal (sarcasm) and situational irony
Hi Howya Doin by Oates
Runner dies at the end... foreshadowed in the crime report in the beginning of the story
A Clean Well Light Place
drunk man comes in every night. 2 waiters one is in a hurry other has sympathy for the drunk man. Drunk and 1 waiter is an insomniac
Paratactic Style of Writing
long and short, clause to clause
The Cask of Amontillado by Poe
Revenge with impunity... kills amontillado
- verbal irony
- dark irony
Dramatic irony
audience knows something but characters do not
Popular Mechanics
parents are fighting over baby, baby dies in the end
person, object, or event that suggest more than its literal meaning
when a character,object, or incident indicated a fixed meaning
central idea/meaning of a story that unifies plot, characters, setting, POV, etc.
A Good Man is Hard to Find by O'Conor
- Grandma has expectations for the new generation
- Good man is hard to find= the misfits= irony
-Irony= hypocrissy of grandma bc she begged for her life and not the others etc.
- moment of grace
Symbol v Allegory
Symbol is more complex than allegory, has a indefinite meaning
Allegory is literal events that are consistent and point to a parallel of symbolic equivalents, definitemeaning
Boys by Rick Moody
describe traditional boy things
Girl by Kincaid
describe traditional girl things
- being a lady comes down to performing
Female/ Femenism
Male/ Masculinity
Female and Male relate to biological sex= fixed
Feminism and Masculinity relate to gender=performing a set of traits definedby society
The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman
- unreliable narrator
- husband gaslights his wife (making her think she is crazy, ignores her needs)
- broken woman
Subject versus object
- object= underwriting someones humanity, usually sexually
Battle Royal
Grandfather dies but after he says he is a traitor to his kind (black). The grandson tries his entire life to find out what his grandpa means but doesnt find out until he realizes that he tries to conform to whites and disregards that they are racist. Whites= keep this N running
- critical race theory
Critical Race Theory
- To what extent does race make identity?
- hubris= pride
- black AND white because there isnt one without the other
The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
Women marries a middle class man and is unhappy in her class. French society. She feels like she is better than the class she is in so she borrows a necklace and loses it then becomes part of the poor class.
Marxist Literary Criticism
- Class lust
- Class consciousness= being aware of your position
- Idealist (free will) vs. materialist (entire concept of world revolves around materials)
- base (economy) vs superstructure (culture)
- upper and lower class
-hegemony (dominant discourse- determines by who holds power in binary opposition)
Recatif by Toni Morrison
Twyla versus Roberta- who pushed black deaf lady down?
- power struggle - institution or race?
*Critical Race Theory
The Soft Hearted Sioux by Zitkala Sa
Full blood native is christianized and goes back to his tribe as a black sheep. He is a traitor now and in the end struggles... which God will take him?
*post colonialism
- hybrid
Gender Studies
1. How does gender roles empower or disempower characters?
- Gaze= male to female or female to male
Critical Race Theory (2)
1. To what extent does race mask identity
- Gaze= dominant to subordinate
Post- Colonial Studies
1. What is the effect of colonization on identity?
2. Do writers resist or conform to colonial practices?
* colonizer v colonized
Colonial Identity
colonized to colonizer=other
colonizer to colonized= it
both are heavily affected by interaction
3 interactions of Colonizer v Colonized
1. stereotyping
2. mimicry (diet, diseases)
3. hybridity (negative connotation because they are mixed race)
* in this order