Normal schools were important because they
represented the earliest form of professional teacher education.
Which of these is NOT a reason for the furor surrounding the quality of U.S. education?
the idea that schools are underfunded and need more governmental support
Modern efforts at education reform can be traced back to the
1980s and the reports by The Holmes Group and the Carnegie Foundation.
Compared to resumes, portfolios
take a more creative approach to highlighting a candidate's skills.
To demonstrate their expertise, teachers undergoing NBPTS certification must
demonstrate understanding of the most effective teaching methods.
Horace Mann helped establish the first
state-supported normal school.
When Amanda decided to be a teacher in college, she found that her school had discontinued its undergraduate teaching major. In its place, Amanda did a fifth-year program that combined both bachelor and master's level requirements. Interestingly, when Amanda went for her NBPTS certification as a teacher, the principles reflected in the NBPTS requirements reflected those she encountered in her teacher preparation in college. Amanda's teacher preparation most closely reflected the ideas contained in
A Nation Prepared.
A person who demonstrates strong existential intelligence (the intelligence Gardner is currently exploring) would have the ability to
formulate questions about life, death, and who we are.
How might you characterize the changing understanding of intelligence?
We are broadening our understanding of intelligence beyond traditional language and mathematical-logical factors.
"Least-restrictive environment" refers to
integrating students with disabilities into classrooms with non-disabled students whenever possible.
Which principle of special education implies that children have the right to an education involving accurate diagnosis of individual needs?
People who are popular, are good leaders, and can make others feel comfortable and connected may be strong in which emotional intelligence dimension?
handling relationships
After what major event did America experience its first shift toward humanist social attempts at better treatment and education of the disabled?
the Revolutionary War
A student who says, "I failed the test because the fire alarm went off in the middle of the test" appears to exhibit
an external locus of control.
Which of the following is true of students receiving special education?
Boys are more likely to receive special educational services than girls.
Attempts to organize Gay-Straight Alliances in schools have been aided by the
Federal Equal Access Act.
During the past decades, the College Board has worked to diversify its reading lists for its Advanced Placement Exams to reflect works by women, people of color, and writers from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Such efforts on the part of the College Board reflect which approach to multicultural education?
Culturally responsive teaching proponent Gloria Ladson-Billings would most likely support all of the following EXCEPT
using a single learning style in order to avoid student confusion.
Israel Zangwill's 1910 description of America as a "melting pot" best reflects the idea of
The "Lau Remedies" were important because they
required schools to take positive steps to eliminate language barriers to learning.
Which of the following is true of Professor Hacker's views, based on his parable about race?
He considers white privilege so commonplace that most of us are no longer able to see it.
When a state implements a law that mandates English-only instruction in schools, the state's action represents which underlying philosophy of bilingual education?
cultural assimilation
In an essay she wrote in her sociology of education course, Eve argued that one of the reasons that minorities struggled academically while in schools was genetic deficiencies that made them incapable of learning at the same pace as non-minority students. Such thinking on Eve's part is indicative of
deficit theory.
Mercedes, a young Hispanic female, is excited because she is about to celebrate her fifteenth birthday, the quincea-era, which is considered to be a rite of passage into adulthood. Such celebrations are an important part of Mercedes's
Unlike traditional teacher preparation programs, alternative teaching programs
focus on apprenticeship and on-the-job training,
Only 3% of teachers become board certified because
It is expensive and fewer than half of the states pay for their teachers to prepare for board certification.
Edward lives in Maryland during the colonial period. When it comes time to choose a trade, he decides he wishes to become a teacher. How would he prepare to teach children during this time in American History?
He would receive virtually no formal training at all.
Which of the following statements is true regarding merit pay?
Merit pay is popular among many reformers.
What is the evidence that U.S. students are actually doing quite well in their educational performance?
SAT reading and mathematics scores are at an all-time high.
Today, about percent of the public school student population is identified as gifted.
A teacher reading the work of Janet Hyde would most likely come to which of the following conclusions about male and female students in class?
"I really need to consider what I should do to academically support my students who cone from economically disadvantaged backgrounds."
The concepts in the IDEA that students should be assessed fairly by the use of tests that are free from cultural biases and are in the student's native languages would be covered by which provision?
Non-discriminatory education
For teachers involved in gifted educational programs, one of the key tasks to accomplish is
reducing the students' anxieties and sense of alienation.
Han is an elementary school student in a rural district. Han's family arrived from Laos, and he speaks very little English. Although Han really wants to do well at school, he struggles because the instruction is in English only and his teachers make no effort to modify instruction so that he can understand what is going on. Han's experience most closely reflects.
language submersion
Nick is a high school teacher in a large city in the southwest. Although he writes he works well with the diverse students in his school as well as with the parents in the community. One of the things students and parents appericate about Nick is that he is comfortable in the community and he has taken the time to learn about his students and "where they came form." In terms of multicultural education, Nick emphasizes
Cultural Competence
One of the reasons that students in schools are more segregated today than at any time since the civil Rights movement is
A lack of willingness on the part of the federal courts to enforce desegregation policies.
When Carlos Ovando's family first emigrated from Nicaragua, school was difficult for him because of his limited English proficiency and because he was not allowed to speak Spanish at school. His experience was most similar to that of
Kinney Lau, Whose difficultly in school led to a landmark court case, Lau V. Nichols
In diverse classrooms teachers can use generalizations about students from different cultural groups but should avoid stereotypes. Which of the following is a stereotype?
Asian American students are highly competitive.
Which of the following best describes a characteristic of adolescent culture in school?
preoccupation with physical attractiveness and peer popularity
Paula is an elementary school teacher who often feels more like the last thing in the world she gets to do is teach her students. She feels as though much of her day is taken up with determining who gets to speak, when to line up for lunch, how the class will work when broken into groups, and so forth. Based on these actions, Paula occupies the role of
Which of the following is true of today's families in the U.S.?
Only two-thirds of children live in two-parent households.
Which of the following ranked highest with girls in describing their peer culture in middle school?
relational aggression
When people remember their high school experiences, they are most likely to recall issues concerning the
social status system.
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
African Americans have the highest suicide rate of all racial and ethnic groups.
Which of the following statements would most likely be made by a critic of middle school education?
"Middle schools do not do a good job of providing stability for either parents or students."
Which of the following is a recommended teaching strategy found to be particularly appropriate for students living in poverty?
focus on language skills
As a student in college, Luisa was shocked at some of the things she was learning in her Survey of American History course. Although she had studied American history before, her teachers had never mentioned many of the things she was learning for the first time from the professor. Luisa's experiences would most closely reflect the effects of
the null curriculum.
Which of the following represents a way in which a teacher might informally influence curriculum?
Paula decides to change the order in which she is going to present literary genres in her high school English class.
A textbook covers twentieth-century U.S. history without mentioning the continuing struggle for civil rights; and pictures throughout the text portray only harmonious race relations. This is an example of bias called
Which statement would most likely be made by a proponent of Common Core Standards?
"What is great about the Common Core Standards is that they allow exploration of content in-depth, just like other countries that are successful on international achievement tests. Perhaps the Common Core Standards will allow our students to become more competitive on these tests, too!"
Lisa, Paul, and Jay were given an assignment at the end of their first unit in Spanish I. They were to prepare and act out a skit where they were to assume the roles of students visiting Argentina for Spring Break. They were to enter into a restaurant order a meal, and pay for the meal, all in Spanish. The students knew they were being evaluated on how they performed these tasks, so they took care to do a good job. This sort of task is an example of
authentic assessment.
The next major trend in educational technology appears to be the implementation of
hybrid courses.
Research indicates that the frequency of self-censorship
is virtually impossible to trace.
The main point of the "saber-tooth curriculum" is that
slavish devotion to the content of past times can result in a curriculum obsolete in the face of contemporary realities.
In the early part of the twentieth century, when men made the decision to enter into teaching, they
often moved into school administration as rapidly as possible.
The Land Ordinance Act of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 were important because they represented
early attempts by the federal government to influence education.
When the Progressive Education Association released their Eight-Year Study, they reported that students who graduated from progressive schools
were able to think more clearly and objectively.
Which of the following statements about Title IX is NOT true?
Title IX has eliminated most sexist behaviors from schools.
Among the impacts of the Supreme Court holding in Plessy v. Ferguson was
the reinforcement of the idea that de jure segregation was acceptable.
When Benjamin Franklin founded the Franklin Academy, he intended for it to
provide men and women a well-rounded curriculum where students had the freedom to choose some of their courses.
In many colonies, the masters of apprentices
were required to teach their students reading, writing, and vocational skills.
Aaron was a young man in his early twenties. He had just come home from the Korean War and hoped to go to college at his state university in order to become an engineer. Which of the following federal acts would help Aaron to do this?
Servicemen's Readjustment Act
Policies regarding the number of Chinese immigrating to the United States changed, reversing immigration quotas and naturalization laws, due to the
installation of a Communist government on the Chinese mainland.
The city council of Anytown faced difficult decisions when it met to discuss the new budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The school district requested more funds with which to operate the schools, but property values remained low and the hospital authority, the police, and the sanitation program also needed more money to fund their operations at current levels. Anytown is suffering from municipal
Reformers who used the courts as a means to redistribute school funds between affluent and less affluent districts were called
Robin Hood reformers.
The school superintendent
is the most powerful education officer in the district.
In the last fifty years or so, state funding for schools
has increased dramatically.
At the end of her school lunch, Sue always looked forward to the cookies that the cafeteria sold. One day she was surprised to see her cookie iced in the shape of a famous athletic apparel brand. What Sue experienced was a type of
At the end of her school lunch, Sue always looked forward to the cookies that the cafeteria sold. One day she was surprised to see her cookie iced in the shape of a famous athletic apparel brand. What Sue experienced was a type of
Demographically, school boards are
especially resistant to diversity.
What was the importance of Edgewood v. Kirby?
A state supreme court found that gross differences in per-pupil expenditures violated the state constitution.
Which court case led to the advent of Robin Hood reformers?
Serrano v.Priest
A "call for accountability" in schools means that people want
evidence that increased financial support results in educational progress.
According to Donald McCarty and Charles Ramsey, authors of The School Managers: Power and Conflict in American Public Education, a school board in a community dominated by a few powerful figures will seek out a superintendent who
has a functionary style.
Which of the following examples of teacher speech would most likely be considered a "matter of public concern"?
"I was reading some of the environmental data on the site where our new school is being built. It sits right next to an Environmental Protection Agency chemical clean-up zone. I think people need to know about this."
Why have many courts rejected educational malpractice lawsuits?
They charge that many factors affect learning and the school system cannot be solely to blame for failure to learn.
Cases such as Goss v. Lopez that deal with the proper procedures involving the disciplining and suspension of students would fall under the
Fourteenth Amendment.
Which of the following statements regarding zero-tolerance policies is true?
There is link between the juvenile justice system and those who have been disciplined under zero-tolerance policies.
According to the Fourteenth Amendment, which of the following must occur if a school administrator intends to suspend a student?
The student must have the chance to tell his or her side of the story.
A new principal is concerned with the rash of cheating and plagiarizing that is occurring in his school. He wants to enact a policy that will reduce such incidences. Which of the following actions might be the most effective?
Teachers will review research and writing skills at the beginning of each term in every class where a paper, presentation, or project will be assigned.
The Buckley Amendment ensures the rights of ________ to access educational records.
parents and guardians
Which of the following examples of student expression would be protected under the First Amendment?
A student protesting the war in Afghanistan wears a black armband to his classes and refuses to speak during the course of the day.
School teachers who participate in strikes are
prohibited from doing so in over half of states, but in practice they are rarely prosecuted.
When a teacher's private life is called into question by the courts, a governing principle that determines whether or not the teacher may be dismissed is often
whether there is substantial disruption of the educational process.
Unlike existentialists, ________ believe that free will is an illusion and that human nature is shaped by the environment.
Aesthetics examines
the nature of beauty.
An essentialist would argue that essentialism
is an effective way to help develop a common culture among Americans.
Progressivism's foremost educational advocate was
John Dewey.
If you were to walk into a progressivist classroom, you would find teachers
acting as facilitators for their students.
As a new teacher, you are considering using cooperative learning. One research finding supporting your decision is that
students have greater motivation to learn.
In order to help manage student anger and aggression, Irina frequently includes as part of her instruction activities that are collaborative and allow her students to express their ideas and opinions. Irina's approach best reflects learning
The student who is typically asked the most questions by the teacher is the
white male.
By beginning a lesson with a riddle or an anecdote, a teacher is trying to establish
Students were often very distracted in Agnes's classroom. Whenever they seemed to engage in an activity, she would just seem to say or do something totally random that had nothing to do with the lesson assigned. For example, during a review game for the test the following day, just when the students were getting into the activity, she blurted out, "Does anyone know who we are playing this Friday night"? Well, of course, the interruption stopped the game while all the students answered her question. Agnes's behavior would best fit the phenomenon of
During classroom discussions, Juan never started a question by naming a student. He always asked a question, and then identified the student he wanted to answer the question. According to Kounin, this is an example of
group alerting
After having attended a workshop on problem-based learning, you decide to try it out. You realize that a key teacher role in this approach is to
identify activities that fuel a student's interest.
Higher-order questions are most effectively used during
a discussion of student opinions.
A teacher asks a student to grade her own research paper—and to justify her grade. Identify the level of this task on Bloom's taxonomy.
You have just been assigned to teach a class that has several management problems. A good strategy to reduce or eliminate these problems would be to
establish predictable routines and rules to offer a sense of stability.
In order for classroom rules to be effective, they must
be tied to strong consequences.
Lower-order questions occur in
the knowledge and comprehension stages of Bloom's taxonomy.
According to Pink, if America is to remain competitive economically, schools must teach our students
to become less focused on specialization.
Induction programs tend to
last at least one year, and often longer.
All of the following arguments are used by opponents of teachers' unions EXCEPT that
unions have inappropriately close relationships with state and local departments of education.
School districts get the best return on their investment in terms of academic achievement when they invest in
teachers' professional growth.
Jean is a new teacher at the end of her second year. When she meets with her principal to discuss her performance for the year and her assignment for the following school year, the principal will probably rely on Jean's
evaluative observations.
The most effective professional development programs
tie teaching skills to subject content.
A group of teachers at a local middle school were concerned about how students who did not speak English as their first language were struggling in their reading classes. In response, the teachers decided to develop the "Read from the Heart" program and implement it in their classes. They would pre- and post-test the students to see if the program helped the students' reading proficiency. Based on the description above, these teachers were engaged in
collaborative action research.
According to researchers, problems arise with professional development when
it is brief and sporadic.
One of the major incentives for teachers to engage in professional development activities is that the more professional development teachers engage in,
the greater their salary will be.
When teachers initially enter the classroom environment, their primary focus tends to be
Recently, some states such as Wisconsin have become notable for
stripping teachers of their collective bargaining rights.
Daniel Pink, in his book A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, argues that
American schools should focus less on skills that we are no longer competitive in, such as science, math, and technology.
The authors recommend that the behavioral management style for new teachers should
mimic the philosophy and climate of the school being taught in, based on its norms.
For all the his schooling Nicola found himself in lower level tracks, Despite this,he has studied hard and has done well in his classes. In his eight grade year, one of his teachers urged him to register for college preparatory courses in high school. Inspired by the idea that one of his teachers thought he could actually make it to college, Nicola and his parents met with his counselor. Based on the research by Ray Rist, what is the counselor most likely to tell them?
"Given the rigors of college preparatory courses, you may find yourself to be a little behind. Let me provide you some resources that can help bring you to speed, and then we can talk about assigning college preparatory courses for you."
Poor students frequently feel alienated from the school experience because
they feel disconnected from schools that reflect middle-class values.
Which of the following best describes a characteristic of adolescent culture in school?
preoccupation with physical attractiveness and peer popularity.
During elementary school there is
more communication between races than between sexes.
Members of which demographic group are at the greatest risk for committing suicide?
Native American Males
Which of the following factors has the greatest potential to undermine the influence of the major textbook adoption states in determining the instructional content of textbooks?
The arrival of digital publication technology will make it easier for states to adopt texts tailored to their needs.
According to survey information on the subject of teaching creationism, evolution, or intelligent design in schools, a large segment of the public feels that
Students should be exposed to competing theories in school.
In recent times, the role of state governments in curricular decisions has
increased through testing and the implementation of state standards.
Research on the effectiveness of computers in education shows that
although a popular idea, the jury is still out on the effectiveness of computers in schools.
The expansion of secondary schools in the United States was greatly aided by
legal findings that secondary schools could be supported by taxpayer funds.
Emma Hart Willard made an important contribution to education when
established one of the earliest teacher training programs in the U.S. History.
Which of the following provided funds for teacher training and program development in vocational education at the high school level?
Smith- Hughes Act
According to Lawrence Cremin, by the time of the Civil war the education in the united States was characterized by the
acceptance and widespread adoption of the common schools movement.
During the 1960's and 1970's the supreme court
was a factor in getting schools to provide a range of options to eliminate de facto segregation in schools.
Marian Wright Edelman is important because she founded the
American Federation of Teachers
The chief state school officer manages
the hiring of local school district personnel.
The influence of the business community in America's schools can best be characterized as
extensive and growing
Which of the following was NOT a result of San Antonio V. Rodriguez
The court called for congressional intervention to change funding inequities in education.
Americans tolerate inequities in school funding because
they feel that more money does not necessarily equal better school performance.
School boards are often criticized for
dealing with too limited a range of issues.
A teacher who suspects a child is a victim of child abuse.
Has both an ethical responsibility and a legal responsibility to report the suspected abuse.
A teacher's right to freedom of speech regarding matters of public concern is protected due to holding in
Pickering V. Board of Education
Cases such as Gross V. Lopez that deal with the proper procedures involving the disciplining and suspension of students would fall under the
Fourteenth Amendment
Andy was teaching a unit of Tennyson in his british literature class when. quite by chance, he came across an essay about the poet that would really bring the man to life He made copies of the essay and distributed them to the students. Based on information presented here, did Andy Violate copyright laws?
Yes, because the fair use policy is intended for single copies only, not classroom sets of copies.
The Supreme Court case Franklin V. Gwinnett County Public schools is important because it
extended the reach of Title IX so that students could sue schools for monetary damages if they were sexually harassment.
Generally courts have ruled that teachers may be fined for which of the following?
Which of the following is an argument used to support character educational programs?
The Core attributed of moral individuals should be reinforced in the school curriculum and culture.
A key aspect of teaching in a constructivist classroom is
understanding each student's prior knowledge and understanding.
A look at today's science curriculum in most U.S. schools shows an emphasis on
Ethnocentrism is
the tendency to view one's own culture as superior.
Jeanne has a very simple principle when it comes to his job. To see if an idea has merit, test it. If it works, then it has the potential to be a good idea. Jeanne to embrace
For students, the problem with an "okay classroom" is that it
does not provide adequate feedback and can lead to confusion
Bella feels that her students deserve a safe orderly classroom in which they can learn. She lets her students know her rules and the consequences for breaking those rules. When students do misbehave she enforces her consequences quickly, fairly and with minimal disruption to the class. Bella is a practitioner of
assertive discipline
In Alice's classroom, the great majority of her students do well academically. When she is asked about why she feels she is such a successful teacher, she says that she structures her instruction so that her students can do well either working with her directly on their own. She says that her students often do even better working on their own than with her! Alice's classroom best exemplifies
Academic learning time
Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the Pedagogical cycle?
"class, you are now going to engage in an individual activity about the battle of Gettysberg."
The most frequent teacher reaction is
Statements such as "great job or well done are
ineffective forms of praise because they are generic
The amount of time a teacher typically waits on a student after asking a question is
one second or less.
Critics argue that teacher observations are ineffective because
an unrealistic number of teachers are given satisfactory observations.
Which of the following statement accurately describes the nature of hiring of teachers and administrators and support staff?
The number of American administrators and non-teaching support staff has more than doubled over the past three decades.
One of the major shifts in the general working environment that is also impacting teaching is the
search for increased professional status.
An effective career ladder for teachers would include
increase in salary and status based on increased responsibilty
Your school principle, parents and faculty are concerned with declining student achievement, and so you review the research. Based on the research, which of the following four plans is most likely to improve academic performance over the long run?
Focus on recruiting to the faculty who have had a stronf teacher education preparation and training.
The movement toward peer review reflects
the movement toward greater teacher professionalism and autonomy.
Suggested strategies for creating learning communities include all the following except
Consolidating smaller schools into larger ones to achieve a "critical mass" of learners in a school