Of the essential teacher characteristics, the necessary values, and professional ethics are known as
To be considered Highly Qualified according to the NCLB Act teachers must
have a bachelor's degree, have a full state certification, and prove they know the subject they teach
Which teacher decision making involves decisions regarding topics such as student needs, content to be taught and the most appropriate learning goals and objectives?
Projects, reports, models, presentations, and portfolios are all examples of
means to measure and assess student learning
The InTASC (Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) originally identified standards for
beginning teachers
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards developed five core propositions which identify
what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do.
The InTaSC standards include references to the necessary professional dispositions which teachers should possess (T or F)
A teacher using constructivist learning theory will encourage students to actively seek understanding and knowledge by relating new investigations to previous learning. (T or F)
A reflective teacher considers what to teach, how to teach, and how to provide an atmosphere that supports student learning. (T or F)
Reflective writing involves preparing and teaching brief lessons that other educators would critique to improve your teaching. (T or F)
Real reflection only takes place when a teacher is formally evaluated by his or her school administrators. (T or F)
Teachers, students, administrators, and peer teacher evaluators can all benefit from the process of teacher reflection. (T or F)
Higher levels of reflection in pre-service teachers are related to higher final student teacher evaluations.
In a constructivist classroom, students rely on both teachers-directed questions and their own questioning to seek a deeper understanding of course material. (T or F)
A teacher portfolio including examples of lesson plans, video-taped lessons with self critique, and analyses of student work can be a resource for professional reflection. (T or F)
Reflective journal writing between a student and a teacher is an effective way to record a students thoughts and maintain a dialog between the student and teacher. (T or F)
The number of English language learners in the United States public school system has increased more than the number of students identified as disabled has increased. (T or F)
Sources of student diversity are limited to students with special needs (T or F)
Teachers are responsible for diversifying instruction and creating a supportive classroom for all learners. (T or F)
The attitudes feelings that a teacher values tha a teacher possessest.
Attitudes and feelings best describe the _________ area of learning
Providing materials for manipulation and observing student responses to differences environmental factors are objectives which should be included when teaching to the _________ areas
The way people process information and use strategies in responding to tasks refers to
cognitive styles
Lessons that emphasize sequenced, verbal, and numerical skills are
left-brain oriented
Teacher presentations featuring demonstrations, open-ended questions, and manipulative s involve __________activity.
right brain
Jean Piaget, Eriv Erikson and Lawrnce Kohlberg have each developed theories in which area?
Cognitive development
What percentage of LGBT student report feeling afraid for their safety in school?
More than 10 percent of students in the United Stats are identified as
having disabilities
A classroom where students learn to be proud of themselves to respect human differences and to speak up for what is right can be described as
anti-biased classroom
Learning activity packets, task cards, and learning contracts are some examples of
differentiated materials
The curriculum can be differentiated in all the following ways
process, professional standards, products
The instructional activities or approaches used to help students learn the curriculum are known as
What is a student's entry point into a particular content or skill
A student's learning profile may be influenced by
Process, product, assessment
Highly creative children tend to be alienated from their peers and misunderstood by their teachers who reward students that exhibit conforming behavior (T or F)
Early indicators of sexual orientation do not appear until well into late adolescent years (T or F)
Content includes the knowledge skills and attitudes related to the subject and the materials through which learning is accomplished (T or F)
Process includes the vehicles through which students demonstrate what they have learned. (T or F)
Universal design for learning is a way to adapt the curriculum and delivery of instruction to meet the needs of all learners. (T or F)
The products of a curriculum include assessments in which students demonstrate what they have learned. (T or F)
Contextual classroom factors to guide teacher planning include the physical features of the classroom, availability of technology equipment, and the number of students with special needs in the class. (T or F)
Brain hemisphericity
The use of brain hemisphere theory to determine thinking and learning
____________ can be defined as a way of thinking about educational matters that involves the ability to make rational choices
A teacher applying the constructivist theory would use
seek and value students point of view, include activities that challenge students suppositions, pose problems of emerging relevence
Which of the following can be defined as a problem-solving strategy that individuals or groups can use to improve practice by reviewing routines, procedures and other aspects of the instructional environment?
Reflective practice
Collecting and analyzing data on student test scores, interviewing faculty and students, and seeking to explain dropout rates are all examples of
action research
What is the approximate percentage of student enrollment in public schools in the United States for students of color?
The SIOP Model (Sheltered Instruction) can be described as a
framework for planning lessons
The term skills refers to the necessary values, commitments and professional ethics that influence teacher behaviors (T or F)
The approach to planning that involves first identifying student outcomes to be demonstrated at the end of a lesson is called
backward mapping
Written for daily lesson plans and stated in behavioral terms to indicate what is to be observed and measured best defines
instructional objectives
What is included in the RTI method?
Core instruction, supplemental phase, Intensive Intervention
In the linear-rational approach to planning, insights gained in one step of instruction lead to changes in later steps (T or F)
Interdisciplinary planning involves planning and coordinating instructional activities and assignments for each subject area represented by teachers. (T or F)
Linear-approach to planning
Method of planning that maximizes results
An action statement, a condition statement, and a criterion statement are components that should be included when constructing
behavioral objectives
Materials the student will be using time limits for the completion of the task,and the location for the task to be performed are usually included as parts of
condition statements
What describes a statement of the intended learning outcomes of a lesson
Instructional objectives
What is found in behavioral objectives
Action, Conditions, Criterion
What is an unintended consequence of setting instructional goals
Setting overly specific instructional goals may cause students to ignore other important information
"Write a paragraph including a topic sentence and at least three supporting sentences is an example of what kind of statement?"
A system that classifies items and demonstrates relationships among them is known as
a taxonomy
Factual conceptual procedural and metacognitive are categories of which dimension of Bloom's cognitive domain
The knowledge dimension
What objective represents the highest level of thinking?
What domain in Bloom's taxonomy encompasses students attitudes values and emotion
What is part of the domain in Bloom's classification system of learning?
Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor
Fundamental movements and physical abilities are part of which domain?
Introductory activities for a lesson plan would include
reviewing key points from the previous day's lesson, stating the objectives of the lesson, making a connection between the day's lesson and students' lives
A procedural closing of a lesson would be
Putting away supplies, turning in papers, getting ready to leave the classroom
One or more culminating lessons would likely be included in
unit plans
What part of a unit plan includes the scope of the subject matter to be learned
outline of content
When using an SIOP model what are the ways to build background
make links between past learning and new concepts, emphasize key vocabulary, link concepts to students' background experiences
The content objectives of a unit plan should be
written in terms of what the students should know or be able to do, stated simply, tied to grade-specific content
How can you support best practices supporting background knowledge
Explicitly link concepts to students background experiences, Explicitly make links between past learning and new concepts, Emphasize key vocabulary
The term taxonomy refers to the fact that classification system is hierachial and there is a relationship among the levels of the classification system (T or F)
Almost percent of what is learned is in the cognitive domain, with the rest of learned material in the other two domains (T or F)
Is the cognitive domain, comprehension is at a higher level than evaluation. (T or F)
The teacher's summarizing of the key points of a lesson just before the close of the class period can be found in the procedural closing of a lesson. (T or F)
The instructional activities of a lesson should be closely aligned to the instructional objectives and should help students achieve the objectives of the lesson. (T or F)
Identifying the objectives of a lesson and explaining to students why they are important shows no correlation with student achievement. (T or F)
The content specific goals of a unit of study can be found in the rationale of the unit plan (T or F)
Forms of assessment in a unit plan can range from evaluations of prior background knowledge to formative assessment during instruction to a summative assessment at the end of a unit. (T or F)
Affective Domain
Cognitive Domain
Deductive teaching strategy
the teacher starts with a known principle and moves to the unknown concepts or examples
inductive teaching strategy
the teacher would not tell students at the start what specifically they are studying nor would a definition of what is being studied be offered by the teacher
Direct instruction is based on __________ learning principles
what instructional model do students use to work together to gather, process and learn the target information or skills
social instructional approaches
determine if the students have obtained the necessary prerequisite knowledge or skills for the lesson do
conduct a daily review
supervise the student's initial practice of a skill and to provide the reinforcement necessary to the progress new learning from the short-term memory into long-term memory is
conducting guided practice
If a teacher wants to introduce a skill in a short period of time the instructional approach to use is
direct instruction
The parts of explicit instruction are
gain student's attention, new material is presented directly by the teacher, teachers reinforce correct concepts and provide feedback to students on their progress
What are the tools used to activate prior knowledge
K-W-L Chart, Reviewing key concepts from the previous day's lesson, Making connections to students' learning in other subjects
The teaching strategy that allows students to see the teacher as an active learner and a model, and also allows for students to observe real things is
The type of question that tends to have only one correct or best answer is
convergent question
divergent question
focusing question
probing question
Questions that are intended to seek clarification and to guide students to more complete answers are
probing questions
The teaching strategy which refers to the teacher orally questioning students about content that had previously been covered, and is also used as a means to diagnose student progress is
Which type of question is typically open-ended with many different yet appropriate answers?
Divergent questions
Which level of questioning provides students opportunities to use knowledge and engage is critical and creative thinking
higher level
Recitation is
assure that all students know whether a given answer is right or wrong, to ensure that all students are aware of the more complete, appropriate and correct response to each questions, to help students connect new knowledge to prior learning and experiences in order to move new knowledge to long-term memory
Best practices regarding homework are
teaching homework skills such as effective note-taking establishing an at home study spot, and carefu reading, using homework to address previously covered material, material covered the day the homework is assigned, and material to be covered the next day in class, clearly communicating the class homework policy to students early in the course of the year
Guided Instruction
cues and prompts to lead students to increasingly complex thinking processes is an example of guided instruction
An action statement a condition statement, a criterion statement are components of
behavioral objectives
Discovery learning techniques include
problem solving, hypothesis testing, inquiry
Concept attainment lessons include
the teacher provides, labeled examples, students compare attributes of positive and negative examples, students put forward possible concepts
Inquiry and Discovery approaches enable students to collect data and test hypotheses are
The teaching strategy which is considered to be the least explicit and most student-centered is
An inquiry lesson plan includes
Gathering data, from hypotheses, analyze and interpret data
discovery learning
when a teacher creates situations where students can learn on their
condition statements
materials the students will be using, time limits for completion of the task and the location for the task to be performed
Instructional Objectives
describe a statement of intended learning outcomes of a lesson
Behavioral Objectives
Action, Condition, Criterion
Condition statement
Materials the student will be using time limits for the completion of the task, and the location for the task to be performed
Instructional Objectives
statement of the intended learning outcomes of a lesson
behavioral objectives
action, condition, criterion
What is a possible unintended consequence of setting instructional goals?
Setting overly specific instructional goals may cause students to ignore other important information
Write a paragraph including a topic sentence and at least three supporting sentences is a
is a system of items and demonstrates relationships
Factual conceptual procedural and meta-cognitive are which categories of Bloom's cognitive domain?
The knowledge dimension
Which objective represents the highest level of thinking
In Bloom's taxonomy which domain encompasses students abilities attitudes values and emotions
Affective Domaiin
Fundamental movements and abilities is what domain
psychomotor domain
One of more culminating lessons would be included in a
SIOP Model componnents
make links between past learning and new concepts, emphasize key vocabulary, link concepts to students background experiences
The content objectives of a unit should
be written in terms of what students should know or be able to do, stated simply and be tied to grade-specific content
What are the best practices when supporting students background knowledge
Explicitly link concepts to students background experiences Explicitly make links between past learning and new concepts Emphasize key vocabulary
Affective Domain
student attitudes, values and emotions
Deductive Teaching strategy
the teacher starts with a known principle and moves to the unknown concepts or examples
Inductive Teaching strategy
The teacher would not tell students at the start what specifically they are studying nor would a definition of what is being studied be offered by the teacher
The most direct approach to presentation
direct instruction is based on what learning principles
Social instructional approaches
students work together to gather, process learn and target information or skills
conducting guided practice
provides the reinforcement necessary to progress new learning from short-term memory into long-term memory
explicit instruction
gain students attention, new material is presented directly by the teacher, teachers reinforce correct concepts and provide feedback to students on their progress
What do you use to activate students prior knowledge
KWL chart, reviewing key concepts from the previous day's lesson, Making connections to students learning in other subjects
convergent question
has only one correct answer
probing questions
seek clarification and guide students to more complete answers
refers to the questioning of students about information that has been previously covered
Divergent question
Open ended with different answers
Inductive teaching strategy
the teacher begins with an exploratory activity and then leads students to discover a concept or generalization
Cooperative Learning is what type of learning approach?
Social approach
Using similarities and differences involves
comparing, classifying, creating analogies
Summarizing involves
examining information, choosing what information is important, restating information in a brief synthesized way
A time sequence pattern is a type of
nonlinguistic representation
Asking students to do a systems analysis is the same as
generating and testing hypothesis
Critical thinking involves
evaluating accuracy, credibility, and the worth of the information
self regulation
control your learning behaviors, know where you are on a given task, and be committed to success
Open discussions promote what type of thinking?
critical thinking
the state of flow
is when students are actively involved in a task that stretches their abiilties
verbal scaffolding
prompts, questions and elaborations
Between-class grouping is an example of
ability grouping
The first step teachers should take when holding students academically accountable is
determine the evaluation processes and grading systems
A jigsaw activity is a form of
cooperative learning
Weekly and monthly reviews provide the teacher with
a chance to check for understanding, insurance that prior skills are adequately learned, check on teacher's pace
The middle of the lesson is used for
using seatwork effectively, cueing behavior, and pacing
occurs when the teacher asks students to stay on a learning task too long and the students begin to lose interest and get off task
Satiation can be avoided by
effective pacing of the lesson, sufficient challenges in academic work, feelings of progress by students
Best Grouping Strategy for ELL students
vary how students are grouped
A teacher's ability to know what is going on in the classroom at all times and to act on the knowledge
Open ended questions and checklists are often used to evaluate this learning domain
Performance Based Assessment Elements
Checklists, anecdotal records, rating scales
advantages of multiple choice questions
they can be scored quickly and accurately, they are not significantly affected by guessing, they can test several levels of cognitive domain
Which achievement test scores are more precise
Raw score, percentile score, grade equivalent score
What are the shortcomings of the letter grade system
Letter grades are often a collection of different factors, Letter grades result in emphasis upon the grades themselves, Interpretation of letter grades is difficult
What are the criticisms of the descriptive grading system
The need to wade through extensive documentation, the time and effort involved in writting the descriptions, the validity of the descriptions may be affected by the personality of the student
Norm-referenced standards
are student grades determined by the student's relative ranking in the total group
nonachievement outcomes
measure study habits, efforts, and attitude towards learning
collaboration skills require
problem solving skills, communication skills, conflict resolution skills