What is the name of the dog that used to live in the house?
Who is the boy who lives next door?
Arthur Jenkins
Who is telling the story?
Logan Forbes
How long has the house Logan is moving into been empty?
almost three years
How did Mrs. Donaldson die?
she was murdered; she fell or was pushed down the stairs
What amusement park is the town trying to save?
Magic Forest
What does Logan's father teach?
Arthur Jenkins
What day was Mrs. Donaldson killed?
July 17
What had Mrs. Donaldson's job been?
ticket taker at the Magic Forest
Why did Magic Forest go bankrupt?
a large sum of money had been embezzeled
Who was the chief suspect in the embezzlement of the money from Magic Forest?


Who does Arthur's grandmother believe killed Mrs. Donaldson?
Silas Phelps, her son-in-law
Who from the Richmond Times is investigating the Donaldson cold case?
Nina Stevens
What does Mrs. Jenkins collect?
Who is Arthur's number-one enemy?
Danny Phelps
Who does Nina Stevens hire to show her around town?
Billy Jarman
What clue to the whereabouts of the money do Arthur and Logan find in the attic?
a letter Mrs. Donaldson had started to write to her daughter the day she was murdered
Where does Violet work?
What does Arthur give to Violet along with the note?
plastic gingerbread men from the Magic Forest
What does Arthur steal from the library?
a map of Magic Forest
Who took the note from Violet?
Why do Arthur and Logan go back to get the rest of the Magic Forest maps from the library?
so Silas can't get them
What attraction at Magic Forest has gingerbread men?
Witch's Hut
Why does Arthur live with his grandmother?
his mother abandoned him
Who temporarily stays with Arthur and his grandmother?
Violet, Danny, and May
Who wants to take Bear to live with him?
Who calls Logan's house and gets him in trouble with his mother?
Nina Stevens
Who owns the Magic Forest property?
Mrs. Donaldson
How are people planning to protest the bulldozing of the Magic Forest?
marching dressed as nursery rhyme characters
Why did Violet's motehr invent the finding game with the gingerbread men?
to help Violet stop being afraid of the Witch's Hut
Who kidnaps Violet and takes her to the Magic Forest?
Where do Danny, Logan, and Arthur find the briefcase?
buried beside the twelfth gingerbread man
Who does the briefcase full of money belong to?
Mr. DiSilvio
What is Nina Stevens' real job?
she is a detective
What is in the briefcase along with the money and the notebook?
a note for Violet and the 12th gingerbread man
Why is the Magic Forest temporarily safe from the bulldozers?

DiSilvio is in jail

Who does Bear choose to live with after the incident in the Magic Forest?