anthropologists designate early human cultures by their
the paleolithic age is characterized by
a hunting and gathering existence
the neolithic revolution is characterized by
the domestication of animlas and the start of agriculture
the development of writing first occured during the
bronze age
the first metal developed to replace stone in the making of tools was
who developed the form of writing called cuneiform
what is the primary reason why the earliest civilizations grew up in river valleys
river valleys are especially fertile, allowing for large scale food production
the first ruler to unify much of mesopotamia and create a true empire was
the epic of gilgamesh includes the story of
a hero kings search for entire life
the code of hammurabi reveals
a rigid class structure which was unequal
in the sumerian religion, gods
lived in fully equipped houses located in cities such as Ur
the old kingdom of egypt collapsed amidst
internal turmoil and political decentralization
about 1700 BCE the middle kingdom of egypt was brought down by
hyksos immigrants from the levant
the new kingdom was different than earlier period of egyptian history because
egyptian rulers pursued foreign expansion and created a large empire
in ancient egypt ma'at was
the highest virtue combining the ideas of truth, justice, and order
how was the worship of the god aten different than customary religious practice in ancient egypt
aten was a universal creator god to be worshipped above al others
aten took the form of a circle or disc with hand streching out from it
aten had special relationship with the ruler amunhotep IV and his wife Nefertiti
hittite military success was based largely on
the development and use of iron weapons
the assyrians were famous for their
fierce and well disciplined military
not much is known about the indus river valley civilization because
it disappeared before 1500 BCE and its writing is still indeciphered
the vedas contain the earliest beliefs of hinduism and originated with
aryans who moved into Ganges area
bronze age china lacked the type of monumental architecture common in the ancient near east because
the shang capital moved frequently
the religious endorsement for political rule in china was known as
mandate of heaven
the characters in chinease writing represent
in the americas relatively dense neolithic settlements emerged in all of the following area except
great plains
the most important staple food crop for early american cultures was
mesoamerica is located
in modern mexico and parts of central america
confucius beleived that
government should be run by men of superior learning and culture
according to Daoists, a good ruler should
set an example by doing and saying as little as possible
legalism was the philosophy of the state under
the Qin
Karma refers to
the principle that every action influences the cycle of life and death
according to the teachings of buddha
pain and suffering stem from selfish desires
ethical monotheism was pioneered by the
called the father of the faithful many consider this man to be the symbolic founder of three of the woulds larges religions, judaism christianity and islam
for the hebrews the shift to the exclusive worship of yahweh as a single god occurred
during the exodus from egypt under the leadership of moses
the Torah is
gods holy law as part of hebrew scripture
the term sephardim refers to
the jews that lived in muslim areas such as spain
thales is regarded as the first greek philosopher because he
explained the origins of the world in naturalistic terms
socrates was sentences to death by a jury of athenian citizens mainly because
questioned traditional beliefs and urged people to live more moral lives
plato argued that the best and most moral system of government was one ruled by
a philosopher king
the polis can best be described as a
moral community of citizens
archeological studies of mycenaean cities and palaces indicate they were
a warlike and violent people
a tholos tomb
was a single huge beehibe like chamber
homers epic poems the Illiad and odyssey refer primarily to which period in greek history
middle age of archaic
which qualities would a homeric hero prize most dearly
individual prowess, courage, excellence
in the greek world a polis was an
independent political unit
small city
community sharing common ancestors and religious rites
a hoplite phalanx is
a sisciplined closed fighting formation
the greek colonization movement around 750 BCE occurred primarily because of the
desire to trade and make money
the two main factors which determined the character of spartan society were
the conquest of messenia and the enslavement of the Helots
the spartans were compelled to make the army the primary focus of their society because
of the threat of rebellion by their slaves
in the spartan government, which institution represented the democratic element
the assembly
solon's reforms
encouraged industry
expanded citizenship
made athens dependent of imported wheat
for most greeks the greatest personality flaw was that of hubris which can be defined as
arrogance that accompanied excellence
the athenian victory at marathon in 490 BCE
was due to the leadership of miltiades
was important for the positive contributions of athens in the fifth century
did not provide permanent protection for athens from the persian threat
the persian war battle that ensured greek independence was
athens became the leader of the delian league because
sparta was not willing to make a long term commitment from the peloponnesus
the rebellion of the island of thasos from the delian league in 465 BCE was important because
it was the first recorded instance in which athenian interests alone seemed to dominate league policies
the primary cause of the pelponnesian was was
athens growing domination over the other city states
the rationale behind the expedition against Sicily was
the conquest of Sicily would have deprived the spartans of all hope of western support and
it would have provided athens with plenty of money
Thucydides was an athenian who
wrote the history of the peloponnesian war
after philips assassination alexander
consolidated greece and the northern frontier of macedon
promoted various members of his family to help with the administration of greece
was well recieved and supported by the greeks
which best describes alexanders early strategy against persia
besiege the most important cities and wear the opposition down over a long period of time
attack syria first since it was the key to persian strength
seek quick and decisive battles to gain money and supplies from the conquered territory
alexander was forced to end his conquest in India because of
a mutiny by his men
which best describes the beliefs of Epicurus
pursuit of happiness, practical atheism, withdrawal from public life
part of the genius of the achaemenids unparalleled imperial success lay in their ability to
use existing institutions to build their own state
pre achaemenid religious texts suggest that the earliest persian religion
had many parallels with vedic aryan religion
zoroastrianism was removed from world history as a major force by
modern iran has a dual cultural heritage based on
the common language of the near east during the achaemenid rule was
to hold their diverse empire together the rulers of the achaemenid dynasty
developed an efficient administrative system which borrowed much from preceding kingdoms
under the reign of darius the achaemenid empire generally
practiced toleration of religious and cultural diversity
kautilya is famous in indian history as
a cunning and ruthless political thinker who laid the basis of the mauryan empire
alexander the great
made little impact of the indian subcontinent exept in the northwest
after the reign of ashoka mauryan rule
collapsed because of bureaucratic curruption and economic problems
the most important contribution of seleucid dynasty to near eastern history was
spreading greek culture in urban regions across the middle east
the new urban centers in the helienistic age probably contributed to
none of the above
the farthest reach of helienization occurred i which satrapy of the seleucid empire
the parthians were a steppe people who
defeated the selecuids and created a large empire in iran
like many nomadic steppe peoples the sakas and kushans are often ignored by modern historians because
they had no written language
the zoroastrian religious tradition
never had great appeal outside its homeland
the cross cultural contact between easter and western cultures is best symbolized by
the helienizing conquests of alexander the great
hinduism can best be described as
polytheistic, with individual devotion to a particular god
in general the people of aftrica
have not been as internally isolated or compartmentalized as was once thought
which of the following is not an important primary source for rural sub saharan african history
writing from government bureaucracies
in general the geography and climate of africa
displays a great deal of diversity
ethnically and culturally the population of aftrica
is as diverse as that of the other major continents
what is the primary drawback to the reports of outside observers concerning African societies
they are often riddled with strong biases
the popular view that sub saharan aftrica was isolated from civilization until it was discovered by europeans
badly distorts reality
the reason that racial theories cannot be used to explain the development of languages agriculture and statebuilding in africa is because
the concept of race itsself is problematic
the origins of the Gikuyu
is a similarstory to abraham in the old testement but instead of having a son Gikuyus daughters eight married men who would live in a matriachal system
we know that the Kushite kingdom was strong and prosperous based on the evidence of
the ruins of palace fortresses and tombs
during its highpoint the meroitic empire prospered primarily due to its role as
middleman for african goods bound for the mediterranean and near east
in the meroitic empire royal succession proceeded
within the royal family, often through the maternal line
select the proper chronological arrangement for the following African cultures
nok, napatan, meroitic
one of the main reasons for the decline of kush in general and meroe in particular was
competition from aksum for control over trade routes
the primary religion i the aksumite empire was
in the first centuries CE the kingdom of aksum grew wealthy by
selling goods from inner aftrica to the people of the roman empire and the indian ocean
a major step in the unique development of the abyssinian Christan church over the succeeding centuries was
its replacement of the Greek language in the ritual with Ge'ez
the aksumite empire declined primarily as a result of
its growing geographic and religious isolation with the spread of islam
invasion of the mamluk rulers of egypt in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries led ultimately to
general muslim conversion of Nubia
islamization of Nubia
trans-saharan trade increased dramatically in the first centuries CE as a result of the introduction of
the domesticated camel
the most important commodities exchanged between the Sahara and west Africa were
gold and salt
the first millennium CE saw the rise of seven sizable stats in the western and central sudan because
settled agricultural populations and the expansion of trade
Ghana's fame and importance in the sudan was due to
its control over the gold trade
Bantu peoples managed to impose their languages on earlier cultures because
none of the above
the cultural lag experienced by Africa was due to
relative isolation from the expanding older civilizations
the people who governed rome at the outset of its history and strongly infulences its political and cultural practices were
the etruscans
etruscan civilization decline because
of an empire that was not firmly based and a celtic invasion of the Po valley
the class of noble landowners who dominatied roman society and politics during the republic were known as
in the roman republic plebians were
the mass of ordinary romans, mostly small farmers
the duties of the tribune were
to protect the plebeians from the arbitrary power of the magistrates
rome's treatment of conquered italian cities
promoted loyalty by granting roman citizenship to faithful allies
the punic wars were fought between rome and
hannibal planned to defeat rome by
a direct assault on the city itself
as a result of its conquest during and after the punic wars, rome experienced
serious social and political unrest
the most important result of the struggle of the orders was to
five the plebians a somewhat greater role in roman governement
tiberius gracchus sought to solve the problems facing the roman republic through
land reform
the first triumvirate was composed of
caesar, pompey, crassus
caesars refoms sought
to rationalize established procedures while strengthening his own authority
caesar was assassinated because
he was regarded as a tyrant
after defeating the assassins of caesar, octavians main rival for power was
mark antony
in general augustus military policy involved
finding defensible borders
the poet ovid wrote
love elegies and was banished by augustus
by the second century CE member of the upper classes were reluctant to accept manicipal office because
they were personally responsible for taxes due
which of the following was not a contribution of the romans to architecture
the doric column
select the correct chronological sequence for the following dynasties
chou, qin, han, six dynasties
paul of tarsus played a major role in early christianity because
he spread the message of jesus to non jewish populations
the first roman emperor to adopt christianity was
the most agressive of the germany tribes in the third century were
goths who moved into the region of southern russia
part of tomes defensive problems during the crisis of the third century were due to an army
composed largely of germanic mercenaries
in roman history the third century CE can beset be described as a period of
political chaos and weekness
why was the capital moved from constantinople by constantine
all of the above
after the 4th centruy CE the roman empire
split into declining western and still fourishing eastern halves
the qin dynasty was famous for
harsh lays and
societal order and stability
the great wall of china was built
to protect settled lands against nomadic raiders
in the view of confucian historians the last rulers of any dynastic cycle tended to
politically week and morally culpable
the so called salt and iron debates were concerned with
weather the government should have monopolies over certain goods
which of the following was not among the major contenders for power during the han dynasty
court officials
china was susceptible to frequent earthquakes so under the Han dynasty they invented a seismograph that used which mechanism below
a suspended weigh moves a lever which drops balls into frogs mouth
buddhism spread
from india to the southern qi and nothern wei and from there to korea and japan
a primary tenet of buddhism is
life is suffering
The holiest city in islam is
before 600 CE the arab people were united primarily by
a shared language and poetic idiom
before muhammad arabia was
inhibited by settled farmers and merchants alongside nomadic herdsmen
The muslim believes in all of the following except
the faith that had the least influence of islam was
which of the following is not a prophet recognized by the Qur'an as having come before muhammad
what is the main message of the Qur'an
social justice and obedient worship and demanded of every human
reject idolatrous worship of false gods
submit oneself completely to gods will
(all of above)
jihad is considered by some to be one of the pillars of islam; it is best defined as
a just and holy war
in islam the umma is best defined as
community of faithful
in the Qur'an women have the right to
own property
in Islam the term caliph means
successor of muhammad
the muslim rulers who made the office of caliph hereditary and moved the capital from mecca to Damascus
those scholars who acted as judges and guardians of muslin conscience were known as
non arab converts to islam
were considered clients and had a protected placed in the diwan
christian, jewish, and zoroastrian minorities under islamic rule
were forced to pay a non muslim head tax
the major splits that occurred in islam in the century after muhammads death revolved around the issues of
what was the nature of the community of faith and who should lead it
in general the sunni branch of islam has
taken the most inclusive approach to defining membership in the muslim community of faith
the move of the islamic capital to bagdad under the high caliphate brought more political infuence to which group
the mamluks were
slave soldiers primarily of turkish origin
which of the following did not contribute to the fragmentation of the muslim world after 800 CE
the collapse of trade and commerce int he empire
europeans were able to conquer the empires of the americas relatively easily for all of the following reasons except
the rulers in the americas lacked technology
scholars generally believed that human beings first came to populate the american continents by immigrating
across a natural bridge from siberia into alaska
difficulties confront scholars trying to understand the ancient civilizations of the americas because
andean civilizations never developed writing
christopher columbus and other early explorers
beleived they had reached the east indies
mesoamerica extends from
central mexico into central america
metallurgy came early to
andean civilizations
the staple crops that were domesticated during the archaic period in mesoamerican history were
maize and beans
the people of the americas most likely never developed the wheel because they
had no large draft animals
the mesoamerican calender is based on
two interlocking solar cycles
the maya were primarily located in the
yucatan rain forest
the pyramid of the sun is closely associated with which civilization
recently historians have learned more about the maya civilization because of
their ability to decipher mayan writing
the name of modern day mexico comes from the term used by which of the following people to refer to themselves
the aztecs acquired their wealth from
earlier mesoamerican people they conquered
one of the main purposes for the aztecs frequent wars was to
get prisoners to use in religious sacrifice
itzcoatl was important to aztec civilization because he was
the ruler who established the aztecs imperial ideology
a central feature of aztec religion and politcal ideology was the belief in
human sacrifice
many peoples subjected to the aztecs were willing to support cortes because of
all the above
the peoples of which one of the following cultures did not participate in practice of human sacrifice
none! all of them do
when fransisco pizarro arrived in 1532 the incan empire was
one of the largest states in the world
the revival of the empire enacted by otto the first
consolidated greater imperial power, led to revival of the influence of the church and created new towns
The Cluny reform movement sought to
remove the clergy from royal authority strengthen the powers of the holy roman emperor
the group that benefited the most from the investiture controversy was
the regional princes and great lords in the holy roman empire
one of the most important results of the crusades was that
trade the cultural exchanges with asia were encouraged
perhaps the most index of popular piety and support for the popes in the high middle ages was
the response to the church call for crusades to liberate the holy land
all of the following constituted significant parts of the medieval social order except
the most common role for women in the european middle ages was
blue collar worker
the earliest european universities appeared in
italy france and spain
the magna carta is cosidered the cornerstone of modern english laws because it
set limits on royal power and insured the right of representation to certain groups in society
gothic architecture displayed all of the following characteristics except
rounded arches
the hundred years war was
fought by the feudal monarchs of england and france
which of the following was not a cause of the black death
pollution of the water supply of the major cities of italy
the black death resulted in all of the following except
greater equality between mean and women
unam sanctam was a
statement of papal power issued by boniface VII
the great schism
resulted in rival popes supported by competing alliances of european states
which of the following was not a feature of the 14th century crisis in medieval europe
intellectual doubt produced by the discovery of the americans
one of the dominant features of renaissance thought was a
study of ancient greek and roman culture
renaissance humanists are best described as
advocates of a liberal arts program of study
the dominant family of renaissance florence was the
petrarch, dante, and boccacio were
humanist literary figures
leonardo da vinci and michelangelo personified the renaissance ideal or reniassance man meaning someone who
practiced and excelled in a variety of activities or crafts
spain unified when the following monarch married
ferdinand and isabella
the records of ancient matter were
among the earliest japanese accounts of its own history
the basic unit of yamato aristocratic society was
the extended family or clan
confucianism and buddhism both arrived in japan in what century
6th century CE
shinto in the japanese language means
the way of the gods
the shinto religion of japan is best described as
a type of animistic nature worship
the twin centers of japanese culutre in the Nara and Heian periods were
buddhist monasteries and the imperial court
japanese government during the Nara and Heian periods differed from china becasue
all of the above
samurai warriors were recruited from
the local nobility
in the Nara and Heian eras the most militarized region of japan was
the eastern regions, which were the staging ground for campaigns against tribal peoples in the north
the most important clan that became preeminent from 986-1086 was the
in general the aristocratic culture of Nara and Heian japan was
remote from and scornful of lower class popular culture
from the Nara period to the 19 th century most histories of japan were written in
Kana can best be define as
a syllabic scrpt used to express japanese language
the first writers of japanese literature in the japanese languages were
the most important attraction of buddhism to ordinary japanese during the nara and heian eras was its
colorful and elaborate rituals
the two great new buddhist sects of the heian era were
tendai and shingon
which of the following is a characteristic of early shinto
the importance of sacrifices when calling upon the gods
how was the second invasion of japan by the mongols of kubai khan repulsed
a powerful storm or divine wind sank much of the invasion fleet
the daimyo were
powerful regional warlords who ruled much of the Japanese countryside