KinshipThe complex system of culturally defined social relationships based on marriage and…
Socializationa process similar to enculturation that emphasizes social rather than cultural factors…
Anthropology – the study of humans and our close biological relatives, the…
Ethnography is:the firsthand, personal study of local settings.How are cultural rights different…
Article #1 Body Rituals Among the Nacirema: Horace Miner-the point is that…
Nested hierarchies 1. Refers to the way taxonomic groups fit neatly and…
Anthropology the holistic, scientific study of humankind- holistic study of all humankind…
4 subfields of Anthropology 1. physical 2.archeology 3.linguistic 4.culturual 5**. socio-cultural Physical…
culture a shared set of meanings that are lived through the material…
Actor Network Theory actually less of a theory and more of an…
Culture a shared set of meanings that is lived through the material…
which of the following is NOT one of the claims typically made…
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