Jainism places great emphasis on
The name Mahavira literally means
hero or great man.
Jainism seems to be most strongly concerned about
breaking the power of bondage to the physical world.
Jains believe that perfected souls
disappear from the world and live at the top of the universe
Jainism, as taught by Mahavira, emerged in India about the time of what other great teacher?
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha
Jain monasticism has split into how many branches?
The name of the Digambara branch literally means
Jainism was a strong influence on
Regarding the ability of human beings to find the truth, Jainism A.holds that truth can be discovered by a patient seeker. B.emphasizes that both study and meditation are together necessary to find truth. C.teaches that truth is relative to each person's viewpoint.
Sallekhana means
holy death
Most Jains practice the devotional activity called
The Jain worldview holds that a Creator
does not exist.
Like Buddhists, Jains value
nonattachement and nonharm.
The religion of Sikhism first developed in
the Punjab region of India and Pakistan.
The center of the Sikh religion is at
The turning point in Nanak's life was a
prophetic call near a river.
A Sikh temple is called a
Which religions accept the eating of animals?
Sikhism and Islam
Nanak, after leaving home to teach, wore
clothing that blended Muslim and Hindu styles.
The Khalsa was created to be
a protective social organization.
One of the requirements of the Khalsa was
no alcohol
The name Adi Granth means
original collection.
Hylozoism, the metaphysical philosophy of Jainism,
sees life in everything, even what is inanimate.
The Adi Granth is the
most important Sikh scripture.
Some Sikhs want a
Sikh nation, separate from India.
How many Sikh gurus were there before the human line of gurus ended?
Nanak's name for God was
True Name.
Nanak, like the Hindus, believed in
reincarnation and karma.
The founder of Sikhism was
The worldview of Sikhism is similar to the Hindu philosophical school called
A sangat is
a religious group.
What item worn by the Sikh Khalsa symbolizes strength?
steel bracelet.
Jains allow and even recommend
gentle suicide after a long life of virtue
Uncut hair by the Khalsa and the last name Singh represent the symbolic characteristics of what animal?
What item worn by the Sikh Khalsa represents alertness and readiness to fight?
special underwear.
How many parts is the Adi Granth divided into?
According to Sikh teaching, the primary guru is A.become one with God. B.have one's spirit overcome physicality. C.practice nonviolence.
According to Sikh teaching, the primary guru is
Guru Granth is
an honorary title for the sacred book of Sikhism
The Jains consider Mahavira to be
the twenty-fourth "crossing-maker."
Jain monks differ from Buddhist monks in
allowing nakedness.
In the story of their lives, Mahavira and the Buddha show similarities, such as
their both practicing extreme asceticism.
Jainism sees reality as made up of
life (jiva) and nonlife (ajiva)
Tirthankara is the Jain name that is translated
Japji means "Conqueror"; the Jain term for a perfected person who will not be reborn.
Khalsa is the community of initiated Sikhs.
A Digambara is a Sikh temple.
Puja means "disciple"; a follower of the Sikh religion.
The Adi Granth is the "original collection"; the primary scripture of the Sikhs.
Adi Granth means "Holy Death"; death by self-starvation, valued in Jainism as a noble end of a long life of virtue and detachment.