the modern computer developed from?
enemy rivalries during WW2
A decline in the number of US manufacturing jobs was in part the result of?
How did Clinton attract voters in 1992?
promoted himself as a centrist
One victory of the Clinton administration was?
the passage of the Brady Bill
For participating countries, NAFTA called for?
the gradual removal of trade restictions
President Clinton sent military trrops to Bosnia to
stop ethnic cleansing of Muslims and Croats
What did the No Child Left Behind Act do?
tied schools' federal funding to students' academic success
What person of group was removed frompwer as a result of US invasion of Afghanistan?
the Taliban
Where do most immigrants to the US come from today?
Latin America and Asia
Which of the following helps explain the trend in life expectancy in America?
Satellites brodcast televisionaround the world
The first modern computer was designed to benefit?
the military
Which company developed the first commercially successful computer?
The Internet is directly responsible for?
creating a huge database and research tool
what is one way that globalization has affected the American economy?
loss of manufacturing jobs
the growth of the service economycaused
a decline in US union membership
President Bill Clinton signed which piece of legislation aimed at deterring gun violence?
Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act
Which statement about CLintions impeachment is true?
It was clear from the beginning of the impeachment trial tha there were not enough votes in the senate to convict
President George H.W. Bush helped Bill Clinton win the presidencey in 1992 because Bush:
broke his promise and increased taxes
What did the Family Medical Leave Act guarantee to most full-time employees?
12 weeks of unpaid leave a year
President CLinton failed to bring about a change in
health care
What was the main effect of the Contract With America?
Republicans took control of Congress
Clinton was impeached because he admitted to
lying under oath about an affair
What did Bush mean when he referred to terrorist regimes as an "axis of evil"?
the regimes coordinated efforts to seek and provide weapons for use in attacking the US and its allies
What action eventually occurred as a result of speeches such as Bush's State of the Union Address?
US and British forces invaded Iraq
Clinton supported free trade blocs becuase:
they theoretically increase the prosperity of paritcular countries
What was one positve effect of economic globalization?
People have been exposed to new ideas and technologies
US military intervention failed to end a civil war in:
In Norway, Clintion tried to negotiate an end to conflicts between the Palestinians and the
Why did Osama Bin Laden form al Qaeda in the late 90s?
to end American involvement in the Middle East
Which state's voting results were key to determining the winner of the 2000 presidential election?
What finally decided the outcome of the 2000 presidential election?
the US supreme court
In his 1st term, Bush cut taxes to:
stimulate the economy
What group was directly responsible for the terrorist attacks on the US on 9-11?
al Qaeda
During his 2nd term, Bush faced criticism as a result of:
budget defecits
What is the largest immigrant group in American society in recent years?
Immigration supporters argue that immigrants:
perform jobs that others do not want
the US experienced the most population growth at the beginning of this century in the:
Which of these correctly describes how American society is changing?
Life expectancy is increasing
What did the 1994 Violence Against Women Act do?
increase resources to prosecute men guilty of violent acts against women
a wealty, independent president candidate in 1992
H. Ross Perot
a trade agreement among the US, Canada, and Mexico
broadens government's powers to monitor suspected terrorists
Patriot Act
law that gave resident status to some illegal immigrants
Immigration and Control Act of 1986
an agreement designed to reduce tariffs and promote free trade
Republican who opposed President Clinton
Newt Gingrich
law that eased immigration restrictions
Immigration Act of 1990
an Afghannistan Islamic fundamentalist govn't
technological solutions to living organisms' problems
the process of intergrating different nations' economies and cultures
Who made Microsoft?
Bill Gates
Who made Apple
Steve Jobs
Who made Dell Computers?
Michael Dell
Who made
Jeff Bezo
Why was the 2000 election historic?
it was so close
Who won the popular vote?
Al Gore
Who was resposible for the bombing of the WTC?
Al Qaeda
Who was the leader of the Al Qaeda?
Osama Bin Laden
The bombing of the Embassies was in?
Nairobi, Kenya, and Tanzania
Who was New York's mayor at the time of 9-11?
Rudy Giuliani
who was the Butcher of the Balkans?
Slobadan Milosevic