Manuel Gamio on a Mexican-American Family and American Freedom
-1926 -Well-off family moves because of Mexican Revolution -Evidence of children buying lots of clothes, own automobile dealership -Married Americans, most americanized is the girl with a job -American freedom for mother is freedom to not have to abide by customs of upper class in Mexico
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economic
-1898 -Individualization of democratic life brings change in women's view of independence -Says as more women join workforce in factories, because of sense of independence, less housework -Women still mothers, but not house slaves, would hire maids to do their works for them -Economic dependence has no place in marriage
John A. Ryan, A Living Wage
-1912 -Living wage must provide enough for living and for comforts, dignity of human beings -Private rights of others must be assessed for common good of whole, so everybody can make a decent amount of money -Liberty is power to act and enjoy, not to be free of restraint -Reformers called for more federal power
The Progressive Party Platform
-1912 -Parties exist to guarantee responsible government and will of people, but old parties are corrupt -More things by popular vote -More federal control -Equal suffrage -Limits on campaign contributions (corruption) -Publicity on all matters -Restriction of courts -Labor laws, unfair practices -Reformers called for more federal power
A Critique of the Versailles Peace Conference (Mao)
-1919 -Too much interest by foreign powers to support actual self-determination -Wilson had the right idea, but was surrounded by French and British who wore him down -Debates over what to do after WWI
Returning Soldiers, W. E. B. Du Bois
-1919 -Black Americans fought in war, should have rights as citizens -lynching, suffrage, education, taxation with representation, stop propaganda of inferiority -Reformers called for more federal power -Debates over what to do after WWI
Transnational American, Randolph Bourne
-1916 -Idealism of patriotism -Immigrants must be allowed a voice, instead of forced assimilation to be free -Not melting pot
World Safe for Democracy, Wilson
-1917 -Democratic world governments must unite after war in partnership -Not Germany's people's fault that they have autocratic government, threat to democracy (spies, etc.) -Debates over what to do after WWI