The amount of medication that is given is known as the ____
A drug is contraindicated for a patient when it;
May cause harm or have no positive effect
Which of the following is an example of a brand name of a drug?
Which of the following is an example of a generic name of a drug?
Which of the following statements regarding parenteral medications is correct?
Parenteral medications are absorbed more quickly than enteral medications
Which of the following medication routes has the slowest rate of absorption?
What is the route of administration for the Epi Pen auto-injector?
Subcutaneous injections deliver medicaion;
Between the skin and the muscle
How is nitroglycerin usually administered by an EMT?
A mucosal atomizer device is used to deliver certain medications via the;
Intranasal route
Medications encased in a gelatin shell taken by mouth are called;
Which of the following statements regarding the metered-dose inhaler is correct;
An MDI delivers the same amount of medication everytime it is used
You are dispatched to a movie theatre for a 39yr old woman with signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction. During your assessment she takes an epinephrine auto-injector our of her purse and hands it to you. After administering 100% oxygen you should;
Contact medical control
Which of the following is required for an EMT to administer a drug to a patient?
Medical direction approval
An EMT may administer asprin to a patient if;
Authorization from medical control has been obtained
You are treating a middle aged man with chest discomfort. He has a history of heart attacks and takes nitro as needed for chest pain. You have standing orders to administer asprin to aptients with suspected cardiac related chest pain or discomfort. While your partner is preparing to administer oxygen, you should;
Confirm the patient is not allergic to asprin, administer the appropriate dose, and document the time and dosage
A 74yr odl woman is experiencing heaviness in her chest, nausea, and sweating that suddenly began about an hour before your arrival. She is conscious and alert, but anxious. Her bp is 144/84 and her HR is 110. She took two nitro before your arrival but still feels heaviness in her chest. You should;
Recall that geriatric patients often have slower absorption and elimination times, which may necessitate modification of the dosage of certain medications
The process of binding or sticking to a surface is called;
Which of the following populations typically require a modified drug dose?
Pediatric patients
Activated charcol is frequently suspended in sorbitol, a complex sugar that;
Facilitates movement through the digestive system
Whcih of the following statements regarding glucose is correct?
Glucose is a simple sugar that is readily absorbed by the bloodstream
Nitroglycerin, when administered to patients with cardiac-related chest pain;
Relaxes the walls of the coronary arteries
A 62yr old man is seen with crushing chest pain, which he describes as being the same kind of pain that he had with a previous heart attack. He has prescriped nitro but states that he has not taken any. After administering 100% O2 and contacting medical control you should;
Assist him with taking his nitro unless his systolic blood pressure is less than 100
Which of the following is not a charateristic of epinephrine?
Decreases heart rate and blood pressure
With the flowmeter set at 6L/min, the nasal cannula will deliver up to ______ oxygen;
Advil, Nuprin, and Motrin are brand (trade) names for the generic medication;
Which of the following statements regarding parenteral medications is correct?
Parenteral medications are absorbed more quickly than enteral medications
Which of the following medication routes delivers a drug through the skin over an extended period of time, such as a nitroglycerin or nicotine patch;
Which of the following statements regarding the metered-dose inhaler (MDI) is correct
An MDI delivers the same amount of medication every time it is used
You are dispatched to a state park for a young female experiencing an allergic reaction. Your assessment reveals that her breathing is severely labored and her blood pressure is very low. You carry epinephrine auto-injectors on your ambulance and have been trained and approved by your medical director to administer them. As your partner gives the patient high-flow oxygen, you attempt to contact medical control but do not have a signal from your cell phone. You should
Administer epinephrine to the patient, begin immediate transport, and attempt to contact medical control en route to the hospital
A 49-year-old male with an extensive cardiac history presents with 2 hours of crushing chest pain and shortness of breath. He is pale and diaphoretic and tells you that he feels like he is going to die. His medications include nitroglycerin, sildenafil (Viagra), and enalapril (Vasotec). His blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg and his heart rate is 110 beats/min. In addition to administering 100% oxygen, you should
Ask him if he took his Viagra within the past 24 hours
The medical term for an extremely low blood glucose level is
A 62-year-old male presents with crushing chest pain, which he describes as being the same kind of pain that he had with a previous heart attack. He has prescribed nitroglycerin but states that he has not taken any. After administering 100% oxygen and contacting medical control, you should
Assist him with his nitroglycerin unless his systolic blood pressure is less than 100 mm Hg
A 37-year-old male is found unconscious in his car. His airway is patent and his respirations are rapid and labored. As you and your partner are assessing and treating the patient, a police officer hands you a medication named Alupent, which he found in the backseat of the patient's car. This medication suggests that the patient has a history of
When assessing an elderly male who complains of nausea and generalized weakness, you find that he takes simvastatin (Vytorin) and clopidogrel (Plavix). This medication regimen suggests a history of
Cardiovascular disease