For the first 150 years of American history, Congress's role in foreign policy was limited because
the United States' role in world affairs was very limited
The policy of deterrence and containment pursued by the United States during the Cold War can be seen as
midway between preventive war and appeasement
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an example of
a multilateral treaty
When a nation is granted "most favored nation" status with the United States, it means the nation
is to be offered the lowest tariff rates
A policy of deterrence is likely to fail against terrorist groups because
terrorist groups are nonstate actors who may believe that their lack of a fixed geographic location prevents their targets from retaliating militarily
Why has Congress become a major foreign policy maker since World War II?
Congress is regularly called upon to approve financing of foreign policies
Which of the following describes the "realist" view of foreign policy?
Foreign policies should be guided by the national interest, even if from the outside the nation appears cold and ruthless
The UN Security Council has ______ permanent members and ______ elected members.
five; ten
The policy of striking a nation that you fear might be contemplating hostile actions is called
Which of the following goals has traditionally been of lowest priority in U.S. foreign policy?
human rights
The old adage "politics stops at the water's edge" means that
all Americans will suffer if we fail to work together to protect our nation's political, economic, and security interests in the wider world
A ______ nation is one with unstable leadership, whose policies are driven by ideology rather than by economic or human costs and benefits.
When did the Cold War begin?
in the 1940s, soon after World War II
In the sphere of foreign policy, which of the following is not a constitutional power possessed by Congress?
negotiating treaties on behalf of the United States
Protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in recent years were prompted by
the perception that the WTO was not paying enough attention to developing countries
The most noteworthy example of the policy of deterrence was
the arms race
Dispute arbitration occurs when
an international disagreement is referred to a neutral third party for resolution
Which of the following does not represent an important interest reflected through the actions of foreign policy interest groups?
domestic representation of foreign governments
What was the Marshall Plan?
the economic recovery package of aid from the United States to western Europe after World War II
In a crisis, which of the following has the greatest foreign policy influence?
the president
Currently, the United Nations has ______ member states.
The most important task of the Senate in foreign policy is
reviewing and approving treaties.
The International Monetary Fund
provides loans and facilitates a short flow of money to countries in need.
When was NATO formed?
What was the key to American security during the nineteenth century?
geographical isolation