Tropical Rainforest - Climate
warm year-round, lots of rain, greatest diversity of life
Tropical Rainforest - Animals
Sloth, birds, jaguars, monkeys, toucans, parrots, frogs
Tropical Rainforest - Plants
Vines, Orchards, Ferns, Bromelaids, Broad-leaf trees
Tropical Rainforest - Locations
equator, Central America, some of Africa
Tundra - Climate
bitterly cold, high winds, frozen soil
Tundra - Animals
Arctic hare, snowy owl, ox, migratory birds, arctic fox, polar bears
Tundra - Plants
plants low to the ground, mosses, lichens, short grasses
Tundra - Locations
Arctic circle, mountains
Taiga (Coniferous Forest) - Climate
long cold winters, heavy snowfall
Taiga (Coniferous Forest) - Animals
hares, moose, weasels, mink, bears, elk, deer, beavers, wolf
Taiga (Coniferous Forest) - Plants
evergreen trees
Taiga (Coniferous Forest) - Locations
Canada, Oregon, Washington
Temperate Deciduous Forest - Climate
4 seasons, cold winters, warm summers
Temperate Deciduous Forest - Animals
deer, squirrels, black bears, foxes, turkeys
Temperate Deciduous Forest - Plants
deciduous trees
Temperate Deciduous Forest - Locations
Eastern Us, most of Europe
Desert - Climate
dry, low precipitation
Desert - Animals
mountain lions, bobcats, bats, owls, hawks
Desert - Plants
cacti, small shrubs
Desert - locations
Africa, Middle East, Southwest US
Chaparral - Climate
mild rainy winters, hot, dry summers
Chaparral - Animals
deer, birds, rodents, lizards
Chaparral - Plants
dense evergreen shrubs
Chaparral - Locations
California,Mediterranean Sea
Savanna/Tropical Grassland - Climate
warm climate with alternating wet and dry seasons
Savanna/Tropical Grassland - Animals
lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, elephants, giraffes, zebra
Savanna/Tropical Grassland - Plants
tall grasses, scattered trees
Savanna/Tropical Grassland - Locations
Tropical regions of Africa, Australia, and South America
Temperate Grasslands - Climate
seasonal droughts, fires
Temperate Grasslands - Animals
bison, hawks, owls, prairie dogs
Temperate Grasslands - Plants
tall grasses
Temperate Grasslands - Locations
Us, Kansas