appendages (los apéndices articulados)
They are structures that extend from the arthropod's body wall. They have joints that bend. "joint foot"
thorax (el tórax)
The middle body region.
cephalothorax (el cefalotóorax)
The name of the body region where the head fuses with the thorax.
compound eye (el ojo compuesto)
An eye made up of thousands of individual units, each with its own lens and retina. Most arthropods have this type of eye.
molting (la ecdisis)
A process where arthropods shed and discard their exoskeletons periodically. Molting is triggered by the release of certain hormones.
tracheae (las tráqueas)
Most arthropods breathe through these fine tubes called tracheae.
spiracles (los espiráculos)
Air enters the body through structures called spiracles and passes into the tracheae.
Malpighian tubules (los túbulos de Malpigio)
These are slender, fingerlike extensions from the arthropod's gut that are bathed by the blood that surrounds them. These are part of the excretory system. These allow the arthropod to absorb nutrients.
chelicerae (los quelicerados)
These are the the mouthparts of arachnids (like fangs). These are the first pair of appendages of an arachnid.
pedipalps (los pedipalpos)
These are the second pair of appendages that assist in catching and handling prey. Sometimes these are used for sensory or reproductive functions.
These are special appendages that secrete sticky strands of silk. These are located at the end of the abdomen.
mandibles (las mandíbulas)
These are chewing mouthparts (jaws).
metamorphosis (la metamorfosis)
This is part of the life cycle of almost all insect species. They go through several molts. This is the last molt where the insect goes through a dramatic change.
chrysalis (la crisálida)
During complete "complete metamorphosis, the wingless, wormlike larva encloses itself within a protective capsule called a chrysalis.
pupa (la pupa)
This is the stage where the insect changes into an adult.
nymph (la ninfa)
During "incomplete metamorphosis" the egg hatches into a juvenile, or nymph that looks like a small, wingless adult. After molting several times, the nymph develops into an adult.
caste (la casta)
This is the role played by an individual in its colony. Caste is determined by a combination of heredity; diet, especially as a larva; hormones; and pheromones which are chemical substances used for communication.
nauplius (la larva nauplio)
This is the distinct larval form of crustaceans. They have three pairs of branched appendages. They go through a series of molts before becoming adults too.
krill (los eufausiáceos)
They are small marine crustaceans. They are main food source for many marine species.