Suppose that an organism has the genotype GGBb. How many different genotypes could gametes of this organism have?
The certainty of paternity is greatest in organisms that......
mate and lay eggs at the same time
In many countries the rate of death drop before the rates of birth. This resulted in a larger number of people in younger age groups. As these people aged they have fewer children per person than previous generations, but the population continue to grow. This continued growth is due to
exponential growth
All the offspring of a cross between a red flowered plant and a white flowered plant have pink flowers. The type of heredity for flower color in this case is
incomplete dominance
Human social behavior appears to be
have a nice day
You notice a squirrel run away to hide when I garbage truck comes. Eventually the squirrel stops running away and seems to ignore the garbage truck. What kind of learning has a squirrel demonstrated?
During a demographic transition
there is a shift from zero population growth in which birth rates and death rates are high to zero population growth characterized by low birth and death rates
The ABO blood group is
Condition known as codominance.
A survivorship curve is a
graph showing the number or proportion of individuals surviving to each age for a given species or group (e.g. males or females).-
The alleles of a gene are found at _______ chromosomes
the same locus on homologous
When plasmids are used to produce a desired protein
Desired gene is inserted in the plasmid
The mendelian law of independent assortment is the result of
heterozygous offspring (green and yellow)
The expression of both alleles for a trait in a heterozygous individual in which the phenotypes are not blended illustrates
Whether an allele is dominant or recessive depends on
whether it or another allele determines the phenotype when both are present
What kind of curve represents exponential growth?
you look great today
Approximately what percentage of human DNA is noncoding (does not code for proteins)
Which of the following is communicated by courtship displays
the individuals are of the same species and of the opposite sex
Which of the following organisms best illustrates Selection
If you commit a crime, you need to make sure that you do not leave even the smallest speck of blood, hair, or other organic matter from your body. If you do the DNA in this material can be amplified by______,Subjected to genetic analysis, and used to identify you as the perpetrator of the crime
Number of individuals a habitat can support is called its
carrying capacity
A type I survivorship curve is associated with which of the following life history traits?
Most likely to survive, humans and large mammals
The benefits and cost of interspecific interactions are important to understanding community relationships. A host/parasite relationship could be represented as
What is the preferred name of the technique used to determine if DNA comes from a particular individual?
DNA Profiling
Carrying capacity of a type of animal in a habitat
purple flower color and garden peas is dominant to white. If two plants heterozygous for the flower color allele are crossed, what percentage of their offspring would be expected to have purple flowers?
After many hours of observation, Jennifer notice that a squirrel in her backyard retreated up a certain tree every time it was frightened. At the base of the tree was a wheelbarrow. Jennifer wondered how the squirrel found the same tree every time. That night, she moved the wheelbarrow to the base of another tree. The next day, the squirrel retreated up the new tree. This experiment suggest that the squirrel was using
spatial learning
Indocrine disruptors affect behavior by
cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders.--
The polymerase chain reaction relies upon unusual, heat resistant _________ that was isolated from bacteria living in Hot Springs.—
i have no idea
Evolutionary explanations for behavior are called the
When managing wild populations for harvest, such as ocean fisheries, the highest growth rate of population is usually when the population is around________ of carrying capacity
Which of the following activities would result in a decrease in your ecological footprint?
To stop using cars, food we eat and house we live in.
Which of the following statements regarding genotypes and phenotypes is false?
Genotype is the genetic makeup of a trait and phenotype is the appearance or expression of that trait
Which of the following statements regarding sickle cell disease is false?
Remember Sickle cell does NOT affect white blood cells
1 pea plant is true breeding for green pea pods and another is true breading for yellow peapods. A cross between these two plants results and plant with only green pods. therefore,
you're gonna make an A
When a nipple is placed in a newborn babies mouth, the infant will immediately began to suckle. This is an example of
Spatial learning
The phenotypic ratio resulting from a dihybrid cross of two heterozygotes individuals showing independent assortment is expected to be
Territories are typically used for activities such as
Feeding, mating, rearing young
Assume that there are five alligators per acre in a swamp in northern Florida. This is a measure of the alligator population's
A man has normal vision and a woman has normal vision but is a carrier for the color blindness allele. What would be the chance of their male children being colorblind?
25% or none of the sons
A big difference between social learning and imprinting is that
imprinting is learning that is irreversible and limited to a sensitive time period while social learning is learned by observing and mimicking others.
Which of the following is most clearly a case of density dependent population regulation?
A population- limiting factor whose intensity is linked to population density. For example, there may be a decline in birth rates or a raise in death rates in response to an increase in the number of individuals living in a designated area.
A group of individuals of a single species that occupy the same general area defines a?
You drive-through I were in the spring and noticed that a long stretch of several kilometers, every third fence post has a male red wing blackbird perched on it defending it's nesting territory. This is an example of
Spatial learning
Which of the following genotypes would be a homozygous dominant?
FF, DD,HH, etc
A newly made it clean and establishes an ant nest and then unoccupied patch of suitable habitat. The population of the Nast grows quickly at first, then levels off at caring capacity. Which of the following models best describes its population growth?
A positive logistic graph or the chemical triggers a fixed action pattern.
At least 330 people have been freed from prison based on new analysis of DNA evidence. Which of the following reasons for wrongful convictions were most common?
informants, false confessions, eyewitness misidentification (all three of these are answer questions on the test... I don't know which one is more correct)
Agonostic behavior
male Siamese fighting fish "displaying" by spreading out their fins to look larger and brighter... threats, aggression, retreat, submission. contest waged by threats, displays, or actual combat that settles disputes over limited resources, such as food or mates
The individual features of all organisms are the result of
genes and social environment