1. A change from unbelief to faith in Jesus Christ 2. Birthplace of Paul 3. Paul's teacher in Jerusalem 4. To treat badly because of one's faith 5. One of the first deacons in Jerusalem; was stoned to death
1. conversion 2. Tarsus 3. Gamaliel 4. persecution 5. Stephen
Paul was given the Jewish name _______ by his parents.
Paul was Saul's Roman, or _________ name.
Paul's teacher until he was five years of age was his
Between the ages of five and thirteen, Paul learned the Scriptures from his father at home and in the rabbi school at the synagogue.
Tarsus was a city of
While in school at Jerusalem, Paul may have stayed in the home of his
The first ________ of Israel had the same name as Paul (Saul) and was from the same tribe.
Like others of his religious faith, Paul looked for a:
According to Acts 6:5, Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit and:
The spread of early Christianity was caused by:
Paul witnessed the death of:
As a young man before his conversion, Paul spent much of his time:
persecuting the church
On the road to Damascus, Paul took with him official letters addressed to the:
What is the indication of a changed life in a believer in Christ, which was evident in Paul's life and should be evident in ours?
telling others what Jesus has done