My whole life ahead of me and yet I wonder... TURN TO SLIDE. Do I actually matter?Last year roughly 3 million students graduated in the United States with a bachelor's degree.
Just over half of them are currently jobless or underemployed. (USA Today 4/23/2012 article)Also, in the last 4 decades undergraduates earning a Degree in English has almost cut in half. (The American Scholar Autumn 2009)It looks like I'm graduating into a jobless economy, with a degree in a dying field.So I can't help but ask myself, "Can I make a difference in the world?", "Do I have anything to contribute to society?", "Do I matter?"The answer to all of these questions is yes. I matter.
. because he mattered.
The first page outline's my Thesis and major points. As I continue through this presentation we will discuss each of my major topic sentences and evidence that supports my claims. If possible, I would appreciate getting these handouts back from you with your feedback and criticism. You may be wondering, 'Why isn't he simply reading his paper?' The answer is two-fold: One, because I doubt many of you have a particular passion for Benjamin Franklin, thus, simply reading my paper would be extremely boring and Secondly, because I haven't finished writing it yet.
This presentation will be following the same pattern as me senior paper will. Does anyone have any questions about the format of my presentation?
As I began to research Franklin I noticed that more and more American authors had read and been influenced by Franklin's writings. I began to see Franklin as the momentum behind the self-made man phenomenon. Later in this presentation we will delve further into this idea.READ POINT 1 As author Milton Meltzer states, "He proved to be an astonishing success at whatever he turned his hand and mind to: printer, publisher, businessman, author, general, inventor, scientist, politician, diplomat, philosopher, and more." end quote (14)READ POINT 2When I began to research Franklin I originally was going to focus on his autobiography and how his autobiography set the standard for autobiographies written thereafter.
But, as what often happens when researching I stumbled upon a new more intriguing idea. I saw a new pattern emerging, how other prominent authors would often praise (or condemn) Franklin. Whether writers praised or rebuked Franklin it still told me the same thing: that they had read Franklin's works and thought enough about them to comment on it themselves.READ POINT 3 I feel that acclaimed biographer Walter Isaacson says it best, "But the most interesting thing that Franklin invented, and continually reinvented, was himself." end quote (2)
Because I did not choose to write about a timeless classic such as 'Paradise Lost' or 'To Kill a Mockingbird' I feel like we could benefit from a brief overview of Franklin's life. In order to analyze Franklin's contribution to American Literature it is necessary to first establish what made Franklin unique. Gordon Wood, author of "The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin" writes that Franklin can be viewed as the, "prototype of the self-made man, and his life is the classic American success story" (2). FADE IN POINT 1, READWhat is the significance of being the youngest during this time period? The youngest was usually not able to adopt the occupation of his father, but rather had to begin a new profession.
Thus, Franklin came from a long line of innovated men. Josiah, Franklin's father adopted a new trade when he arrived in American - went from clothing dyer - to candle makerFADE IN POINT 2, READ Franklin writes in his own biography, "Often I sat up in my room reading the greatest part of the night, when the book was borrowed in the evening and to be returned early in the morning, lest it should be missed or wanted" end quote (25). In his youth Franklin demonstrated a willingness to try new things. Not only did he come from a family of innovators, but he had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge that continued throughout his life.