Art can forge racial identity and preserve the history and values of a(n) ____ group.
In Las Meninas, Velazquez places Infanta Margarita at the center of the painting and surrounds her with dwarfs, chaperones, and ladies in waiting to reveal her ____.
upper class status
Marc Chagall's works reflected his heritage, which was ____.
Marc Chagall painted in bright colors, like the ____.
The photographs of James VanDerZee reflect the ____
Black Renaissance of Harlem
Aunt Jemima is considered a ____
Betye Saar's The Liberation of Aunt Jemima is a ____ piece
mixed media
In The Artifact Piece, Native American artist James Luna challenged the way contemporary American culture and museums have presented his race as essentially____.
extinct and vanished
Shaughnessy's Interior House Post both physically supports the Raven House and symbolically represents the ____ of the John Scow clan
spiritual and mythical foundation
Painting from a Cult House done by the Tambaran cult of New Guinea ____ the cult teachings through a narrative
does not illustrate
Peter Paul Rubens' Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus revealed that the women of that time were expected to be ____
Jacques-Louis David's The Oath of the Horatii revealed that heroic actions were ____.
a mark of masculinity
Artists such as Jacques-Lois David not only reflected the "reality" of gender roles, they ____ such "reality."
French people saw Rococo architecture as ____
The ancient Greeks viewed Doric architecture as ____
Hung Liu examined the Chinese practice of ____
foot binding
The Guerrilla Girls are a group of artists that ____.
worked towards redefining feminism and forcing the art world to be more inclusive of women; formed in 1987
Ancient Romans believed that their ancestry ____
was to be documented in writing
The Northwest Coastal people believed that the thunderbird represented a ____.
a chief
The painting Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus by Peter Paul Rubens is an example of ____ as subject matter
sexual erotica
A ____ is a group of people joined by blood or marriage ties.
Artists often illustrate social rank through dress, leisure activities, and ____.
Kabuki theater was enjoyed by the ____ in Japanese society.
The ____ art movement originated in Paris in the early twentieth century and emphasized exaggerated color in paintings for greater expression.
In his paintings, Marc Chagall sometimes used the ____ device of fracturing space to represent instability
The title "____" was a commonly used term of subordination for African American female domestic servants, nannies, and maids
Sepik men performed ____, called "Tambaran," which took place in large, decorated cult houses
Unlike the Western belief that an individual exists at birth, many South Pacific peoples believe that a person's being is built through a lifetime of ____
ritual experiences
The voluptuous, fleshy women of Peter Paul Ruben's Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus represent ____ body types for their time
Eighteenth-century Rococo architecture was seen as ____, with its emphasis on delicacy, curves, and colo
A revival of Greek and Roman aesthetics inspired a style called ____, which emphasized the use of classical elements in art and architecture.
The subject matter of ukiyo-e prints were usually famous kabuki actors, beautiful young women, and ____.
The ____is a collective of anonymous women artists and arts professionals protesting racial and gender discrimination in the art
Guerilla Girls
____ paintings are paintings of ordinary scenes from everyday life.