While waging the American Revolution and running the government before 1787, how was Congress limited by the Articles of Confederation
The articles did not give Congress the authority to order states to comply with its requests.
Which of the following areas was a loyalist stronghold during the Revolution
New York
How could the American army in the early years of the War for Independence be characterized
It was poorly fed, poorly clothed, and poorly trained.
Joseph Brant was the leader of which federation that was defeated by the Americans in the Revolution
The Iroquois Nation
What generally happened when the British evacuated areas they had previously occupied such as New Jersey, New York, Georgia and the Carolinas
States militias ruthlessly pursued loyalists, forced many to flee, and coerced most into renouncing the crown.
Why was the Battle of Saratoga so significant to the American Revolution
It convinced France to support the United States publicly.
Who was Frederick von Steuben
He was the man who turned the American army into a formidable fighting force.
According to the Northwest Ordinance, a territory could become a new states when
Its population exceeded the population of the smallest state.
How were blacks accounted for in the Three-Fifths Compromise
Slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person for tax and representative reasons.
Which of the following conditions was not true of the state constitutions adopted during the Revolution
They abolished property and taxpaying qualifications for voting.
Who served as George Washington's French liaison during the Revolution
Marquis de Lafayette
In the late eighteenth century, what did many Americans think about political parties
Political parties were factions- selfish groups that advanced their own interests at the expense of the public good.
Who was the author of the Virginia's Statute for Religious Freedom and bills abolishing entails and primogeniture
Thomas Jefferson
Where did American forces suffer through the disastrous winter of 1777-1778
Valley Forge
Which of the following was not one of the features or powers of government under the Articles of Confederation
It called for a president elected by the state legislatures.
Which of the following facts concerning the Northwest Ordinance is not true
It removed Native Americans and guaranteed white settlers the right to buy land in the territory.
Which of the following problems challenged the confederation government
All of these
What country controlled New ORleans after the Peace of Paris
How did Robert Morris propose to solve the nation's financial crisis
By levying a national import duty to finance the congressional budget and to guarantee interest payments on the war debt.
What conditions led to Daniel Shay's Rebellion
All of these
Which statement concerning the delegates to the Constitutional Convention is most accurate
The delegates tended to be wealthy lawyers in their thirties and forties.
Which state made the proposal to create a bicameral national legislature, with representation based proportionally on each state's population
What was the name of the proposal to create a single-chamber congress in which each state had an equal vote
New Jersey Plan
What is the name of the relationship that the Constitution established between the national and state governments
Which of the following correctly describes the situation of Native Americans in the 1770s and 1780s
They continued to incorporate the most useful aspects of European culture into their own, combining elements of the old and new.
What was the fundamental issue at the Constitutional Convention
How to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states
Why are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions so significant to American History
They made the claim that a state had the right to nullify federal laws it deemed unconstitutional.
What did George Washington argue in his farewell address
The United States should avoid foreign entanglements.
What basic belief did Hamilton's domestic program reflect
The national government had to maintain authority over the states.
What was the XYZ Affair
An effort by the French to get the United States to pay a bribe before they would negotiate.
Who were the midnight judges
Judicial appointments made by President Adams in the last months of his presidency.
The 1823 Monroe Doctrine argued that European countries
Could no longer establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere
What was the basic conflict between President Jefferson and the Quids
The quids believed that Jefferson was not true to their party's country ideology.
In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the Supreme Court declare
A state cannot tax an agency of the federal government.
Why did westerners feel special bitterness toward the British during the late 1780s
The British continued to occupy seven forts on American soil and backed Indian resistance to white settlers.
Why are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions so significant to American history
They made the claim that a state had the right to nullify federal laws it deemed unconstitutional.
What did George Washington argue in his farewell address
The United States had to avoid foreign entanglements.
What does the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution prohibit
Cruel and unusual punishments
Who took the lead in establishing the Washington administration's domestic priorities
Alexander Hamilton
What basic belief did Hamilton's domestic program reflect
The national government had to maintain authority over the states.
When Alexander Hamilton argued that Congress had the constitutional authority to establish a national bank, what was the basis of his assertion
The Constitution gives Congress the authority to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to perform its duties.
Why did the southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts
Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to a location on the Potomac River in Virginia.
Which issue led to the development of political coalitions during Washington's first term
Hamilton's financial program
Where did the first significant internal challenge to the authority of the new federal government occur
Which statement best assesses the Washington administration's policy of pacifying the northwestern and southwestern Indian tribes to weaken their friendship with Britain and Spain
It failed completely.
Which of the following accurately describes American opinion regarding the Anglo-French struggle after the French Revolution
New Englanders favored Britain because they believed that good relations with the British were essential to the region's prosperity.
How did the United States government respond to France's declaration of war on Britain in 1793
It proclaimed neutrality.
Who was Citizen Genet
He was the French official to the United States who was instructed to enlist American mercenaries to conquer Spanish territories and attack British shipping.
Which of the following was a British practice that damaged Anglo-American relations during the Washington administration
All of these.
What did the Treaty of Greenville do
It opened most of modern-day Ohio to white settlement and ended Indian hostilities there.
Which of the following was one of the accomplishments of Jay's Treaty
It arranged for the withdrawal of British troops from American soil
How did the United States gain unrestricted access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans
It negotiated the Pinckney Treaty with Spain.
Which of the following statements concerning the Battle of Fallen Timbers in not true
Tecumseh commanded the Shawnee Indians in the battle.
What role did newspapers play in American politics during the mid- and late 1790s
They expanded in number and circulation and, regardless of political perspective, were often libelous and irresponsible.
What was the central charge that Republicans aimed at Federalists during the late 1790s
They had become a faction bent on enriching wealthy citizens at the taxpayers' expense.
Who won the 1796 presidential election
John Adams
What was the XYZ Affair
An effort by the French to get the United States to pay a bribe before they would negotiate
What did the Sedition Act do
All of these.
Why did Alexander Hamilton want the federal government to support manufacturing
He believed it would create a more diversified and prosperous economy.
Thomas Jefferson believed that
Freedom was threatened by a government that undermined popular liberty.
Why did Thomas Jefferson favor sovereignty of state government over the federal government
He believed that state government was responsive to popular will.
The purpose of the Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty was to
settle border disputes between the United States and
Who did Thomas Jefferson believe were the most vigilant and virtuous people
Which of the following was not a way President Jefferson cut federal expenses
He bribed the Barbary pirates rather than fighting them.
Why did President Jefferson advocate naval action against the Barbary pirates
He believed that waging war would be less expensive than paying tribute.
Who were the midnight judges
Judicial appointments made by President Adams in the last months of his presidency.
What did the Supreme Court argue in Marbury v. Madison
The Supreme Court had the authority to determine the constitutionality of a law.
In 1823 Monroe Doctrine argued that European countries
Could no longer establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the War of 1812
All of these
Why did Jefferson overcome his doubts about the constitutionality of the Louisiana Purchase
He decided that a guarantee of land for American farmers was more important than a constitutional principle.
The Lewis and Clark expedition produced which of the following results
All of these
What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution require
There had to be separate ballots in the Electoral College for the presidency and vice presidency.
Which of the following was not one of Aaron Burr's intrigues during the period 1800-1806
He developed a scheme to become vice president as a Federalist.
How effective was the 1807 Embargo Act
It severely hurt the American economy and had little influence on foreign countries.
What was the basic conflict between President Jefferson and the Quids
The Quids believed that Jefferson was not true to their party's country ideology.
What did the British Rule of 1756 state
Trade closed in time of peace could not be opened in time of war.
While still controversial, how has DNA evidence influenced our understanding of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson probably fathered at least one child with his slave, Sally Hemings.
Which region of the United States was hit the hardest by the Embargo Act
New England
What were the terms of the Non-Intercourse Act
America would trade with all nations except Britain and France and would restore trade with either nation if it ceased to violate neutral rights.
Which of the following actions of the American government reopened trade with Britain and France and determined that if either nation repealed its restriction, the United States would halt all commerce with the other nation
Macon's Bill No. 2
Where did William Henry Harrison's forces defeat the Shawnee Indians
Battle of Tippecanoe
Which of the following was not a reason the United States went to war with Great Britain in 1812
New England merchants wanted the government to protect their shipping.
What did the Treaty of Ghent not do
It referred boundary issues to a joint commission.
Which of the following ideas were proposed at the Hartford Convention
The United States should abolish the Constitution's three-fifths clause.
Who helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific
When Henry Clay called for an American system after the War of 1812, what did he mean
The United States needed internal improvements that would make the nation self-sufficient.
In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the Supreme Court declare
A state cannot tax an agency of the federal government.
Why did the Supreme Court decisions in McCulloch v. Maryland and Dartmouth College c. Woodward dismay Republicans
They saw the decisions as an attack on state and popular authority.
Who were the war hawks
They were Republicans from the West and South who thought the government's policies were wrecking their economies.
Thomas Jefferson believed that the army should
Be reduced in size to save money.
Who composed the "Star-Spangled Banner"
Francis Scott Key
Who served as a Spanish agent while working for the U.S. government
James Wilkinson
In President Jefferson's view, what did the JUdiciary Act of 1801 demonstrate
The Federalists were going to make the judiciary their stronghold.
How did Samuel Slater transform American economic life
He smuggled plans out of Great Britain and opened the first textile factory in the United States.
Who wrote the Democracy in America
Alexis de Tocqueville
As pioneers moved westward between 1790 and 1820, they tended to settle
Along rivers and with people from the same region back East.
Which statement is true concerning most pioneer families
A clear sexual division of labor usually existed.
What did the military bounties awarded during the War of 1812 provide
Soldiers would receive western land in exchange for military service.
What was the purpose of the National Road
It was built to facilitate westward migration.
Which of the following did not stimulate westward settlement
Federal support of existing Indian settlements.
In 1838, why did thousands of Cherokees move from the southeastern United States to Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma
They were forced to move by the federal government.
Which of the following is not true of the Cherokee Indians
They supported the movement of Indians out of the South.
The purpose of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was to
Facilitate white settlement on Indian lands.
In Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee nation
Was a distinct political community and entitled to federal protection.
In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court argued that Congress had the authority to
Regulate navigation on rivers.
What impact did the Erie Canal have on NYC
It turned NY into the nation's largest city.
Which of the following statements is the best description of federal land policy from 1790 to 1820
Federalists encouraged sales of large blocks of land to speculators, whereas Republicans favored selling federal land in smaller tracts to less wealthy buyers.
What was the first major canal project in the United States
The Erie Canal.
What was one of the major changes that took place in American towns and cities between 1820 and 1860
Towns grew rapidly, especially in the West.
Which of the following factors helped to make New England America's first industrial region
It had a surplus of young women to work in the mills.
What did the doctrine of separate spheres suggest
Men were superior in worldly pursuits, and women were superior for their moral influence.
During the antebellum period, what happened to the birth-rate among native-born white women
It declined.
Which of the following best describes crop and land-use patterns in the United States by the 1830s
The Old Northwest boomed with land development and wheat production.
Which of the following changes in marriage patterns did not occur in the antebellum period
Fewer couples had lengthy engagements.
What was the economic status of most people in antebellum America
Which statement about squatters is true
None of these.
Alabama fever was
A land rush in Alabama that caused the price of land to skyrocket.
What did the intense antebellum criticism of lawyers, physicians, ministers, and other professionals indicate about America
Americans were inclined to question authority.
What was the dispute in the 1830s nullification crisis
South Carolina questioned whether a state was bound by congressional legislation.
What was Horace Mann's primary concern in the reform movements of the first half of the nineteenth century
He stressed about the importance of establishing public schools for children.
Who founded the Church of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) after claiming he received visions from God
Joseph Smith
What is the name of the process where a newly elected official removes officeholders of the rival political party and replaces them with members of his own party
Spoils system
Why did President Jackson veto the bill that would have provided funding for a road in Kentucky
He opposed federal funding of internal improvements.
Which section of the country tended to oppose tariffs
The South
Which political theory postulates that the Union is a compact among the states and that a state has the right to override a federal law
What did the Force Bill authorize President Jackson to do
To use arms to collect customs duties in South Carolina.
What did the tariff controversy of the early 1830s reveal
It showed that the nation faced serious and growing sectional pressures in the years ahead.
What were pet banks
State banks chosen by President Jackson to be depositories of federal money.
What is the difference between hard money and soft money
Hard money is specie like gold and silver, while soft money is paper.
Who were the Locofocos of New York
A workers' party that advocated hard money
Which of the following characteristics was part of the Second Great Awakening
All of these
Why was the 1824 presidential election unique
John Quincey Adams was elected president by the House of Representatives.
In the late 1830s and early 1840s, what group believed that the end of the world was imminent
Which political party had become the anti-bank, hard-money party by 1840
What was the main cause of the great increase in the popular vote between the 1836 and 1840 presidential elections
Higher percentage of eligible voters' actually voting.
Dorothea Dx is remembered because she
Campaigned for better treatment of the mentally handicapped.
Which sect believed that Jesus was not divine but merely an exemplary human being
The publication of the Liberator was significant because it was a journal that
Publicized the abolitionist cause
Who defended a group of slaves in the Amistad case
John Quincy Adams
Who was the most famous and controversial white abolitionists
William Lloyd Garrison
The Specie Circular required
That only specie be used to purchase public lands.
Why is Charles Finney often considered the father of modern revivalism
He introduced special revival techniques and reached out to all Protestant denominations.
The main objective of the American Colonization Society was to
free slaves and transport them back to Africa.
Where did women hold their first national women's rights convention
Seneca Falls, New York
What was the purpose of the independent Treasury advocated by President Van Buren
It would help to keep federal money out of the grasp of business corporations.
Besides inventing the cotton gin, what did Eli Whitney do that benefited American manufacturing
He introduced the concept of interchangeable parts.
What was one of the advantages of the American system of manufacturing
Damaged parts could be easily replaced.
Before the Civil War, how did European and American railroads differ
American trains had only one class for white travelers.
How did the penny press influence publishing
Because it made publishing cheaper, newspapers could be more independent from political parties.
Literary interpretations from the perspective of romanticism expected an author's work to show
The author's inner feelings
How did the McCormick reaper help the North win the Civil War
It allowed the North to keep agricultural production high even though many farmers went to fight.
How was the building of the railroads in the United States financed
All of these
What impact did technological changes have on the American worker before the Civil War
The purchasing power of the average worker rose.
How did John Deere change American agriculture
He invented a steel-tipped plow that made tilling much easier and less time consuming.
What caused nationwide epidemics in the United States during the antebellum period
All of these
What medical development greatly advanced the image of surgeons and the success of health care in the decades before the Civil War
The development of anesthesia
Sylvester Graham was
A prominent health-food advocate.
Which theory proposed that bumps on the skull reveal an individual's personality
Which of the following statements is true concerning a typical antebellum theater
Audiences were rowdy.
How did the popular minstrel show help to shape public perceptions of blacks during the antebellum period
The minstrel show reinforced stereotypes of the black as stupid and clumsy.
Who was the most famous entertainer in the nineteenth-century America
Phineas T. Barnum
What was the subject of Ralph Waldo Emerson's 1837 address, "The American Scholar"
Americans should work for cu