Which of the following factors did NOT constitute a tendency toward disunity in India? a. different forms of organization and economic activity b. threat of outside invasion c. complex social hierarchy d. Landscape of India
b. threat of outside invasion
The Persian King Cyrus the Great carried out a foreign policy based on a. torture and submission to Persian traditions b. tolerance of other cultures c. universal acceptance of the Zoroastrian religion d. tradition of a warrior-king
b. tolerance of other cultures
The reason(s) why jesus of Nazareth was denounced and crucified was that the a. radicals were disappointed because he was so messianic b. conservative religious leaders though he threatened traditional Jerusalem c. Roman authorities saw him as a revolutionary threat d. samaritans found his ideas offensive e. both b and c
e. both be and c
The development and spread of belief systems -Vedism, Jainism and Hinduism - are important to scholars because a. governments were based on religion b. in this part of the world nearly all the sources from antiquity are religious c. belief systems are vital to civilization grjo d. military actions were tied to religious events
b. in this part of the world nearly all the sources from antiquity are religious
During the reign of the Han Dynasty a. very rapid population growth, accompanied by increasingly concentrated land control, greatly weakened the status and living standards of peasants b. traditional restrictions on merchants were greatly eased c. the Qin system of recruiting government officials on the basis of merit was continued d. the government structure of the previous dynasty was totally discarded e. both b and c
c. the Qin system of recruiting government officials on the basis of merit was continued
What was NOT true of Zoroastrianism? a. it preached a belief in multiple deities b. good will ultimately triumph c. one supreme deity d. it held humans to a high ethical standard
a. it preached a belief in multiple deities
Which of the following caused the Maurya Empire of India to decline and collapse? a. financial difficulties caused by maintaining the army and bureaucracy b. peasant rebellions and fractional violence among members of the imperial court c. foreign invasion by White Huns d. too many converts to Jainism refuse to fight e. all of the above
a financial difficulties caused by maintaining the army and bureaucracy
Which of the following provides the most convincing explanation for Rome's expansion? a. the Romans were greedy and aggressive b. the Romans were only defending themselves c. the Romans wanted a buffer against attack d. the Romans loved the thrill of battle
c. the Romans wanted a buffer against attack
The basic message of Jesus of Nazareth was that a. the church must be financially solvent b. people should love God and each other c. the written requirements of Judaism should be literally obeyed d. he was providing a foundation for a value system for Western civ. e. he saw a need to replace traditional Judaism
b. people should love God and each other
A key difference between Hinduism and Buddhism was that only Buddhism a. was based on the belief that each individual possessed an individual, reincarnatable soul b. believed in an unyielding caste system c. was simpler, as it rejected the numerous Hindu gods d. required belief in a different, two tier caste system e. originated on Mongolia, Siddhartha's birthplace
c. was simpler as it rejected the numerous Hindu gods
The jewish people could not get along well with a number of imperial regimes because a. they declined to pay taxes b. they did not respect any secular authorities c. they had difficulty recognizing emperors as divine d. they were converting to mithraism e. all of the above
c. they had difficulty recognizing the emperors as divine
As it prospered, the Roman empire a. saw trade and manufacturing become more important than agriculture b, eliminated the practice of slavery c. saw the development of a large gap between rich and poor d. saw the supply of gold and silver coins decrease in the eastern part of the empire, as the metals flowed into italy and the west e. required the people in the entire empire to speak latin
c. saw the development of a large gap between rich and poor
How democratic was the Athenian democracy? (choose the best description) a. citizenship was open to all residents b. slavery was abolished through Solon's reforms c. all citizens were qualified to join the city councils d. men and women could hold political office e. none of these answers are correct
e. none of these answers are correct
The Han dynasty a. was unable to enlarge the territorial domain of the Chinese empire b. greatly increased Chinese territorial control to the south and west c. incorporated all of Southeast Asia into the Chinese realm d. lasted only seventy years e. both be and c
e. both b and c
The first fully unified government in Chinese history was that of the a. Mauryans b. Zhou c. Qin d. Han e. Shang
c. Qin
By Roman law a. a defendant was assumed innocent until proven guilty b. defendants had a right to challenge their accusers before a judge c. the judge enjoyed great discretion in applying laws d. judges could set aside laws e. all of these are correct
e. all of these are correct
Alexander the Great a. attempted to emulate achilles, the hero of the iliad b. was tutored by aristotle c. was forced to turn back in India because his troops refused to go further d. took the titles of Pharaoh of Egypt and Great King of Persians after conquering those areas e. all of the above
e. all of the above
The caste system a. was applicable to every member of Indian society b. was a central element of Buddhist belief, and Siddhartha urged his followers to follow its requirements c. was actually more flexible than the Egyptian social structure d. originated in Macedonia e. was unsuccessfully opposed by Aryan warriors' wives
a. was applicable to every member of Indian socitey
The development and spread of Christianity and Buddhism had all of the following in common Except a. both were outgrow of other religions b. both were aided in their spread by the trade networks c. the founders of both presented themselves as divine d. both developed monastic orders e. both venerated people of high spiritual merit
c. the founders of both religions presented themselves as divine
The growth of trade within the Persian empire was promoted by a. linking the lands from India to Egypt into a vast commercial zone b. standardizing coinage c. cities establishing banks to facilitate commercial activities d. relative political stability e. all of the above
e. all of the above
The Silk Roads allowed products to move between which of the following pairs of empires? a. Roman and Incan b. Han and Spanish c. Roman and Han d. Incan and Aztec e. Mali and Byzantine
c. Roman and Han
The Persian Wars (500-479 BCE) referred to a. the rebellions of Mesopotamia and Egypt against Achaemenid overlords b. rebellions of Greek city states fighting for their independence c. wars between Alexander of Macedon and the Achaemenid empire d. series of civil wars that occurred within the Achaemenid empire e. none of the answers are correct
b. rebellions of Greek city states fighting for their independence
The real achievement of Alexander and his successors in the economic real was a. an industrial revolution b. a switch of a sophisticated consumer society c. blocking the overland trade with India and Arabia d. creation of a broad commercial network linking east and west
d. creation of a broad commercial network linking east and west
The term polis describes a. province of Persian empire b. original name of city of Troy c. title of a member of the council of 500 d. term for a thirty man infantry unit e. community of citizens in which all political, economic, social, cultural and religious activities were focused
e. community of citizens in which all political, economic, social, cultural and religious activities were focused
All but one of the following sets of characteristics were true with regard to the early Persians from the 10th-6th century BC a. descendants of nomadic peoples, pastoralists, culturally close to the Aryans b. expert archers, frequently raided the wealthy lands of Mesopotamia c. descendants of the Greeks, related to Alexander of Macedon d. rulers of the largest empire the world had ever seen
c. descendants of the Greeks, related to Alexander of Macedon
In Contrast to Persia and China, classical India a. lacked a strong and continuing imperial tradition b. did not have well developed religions c. was isolated from the outside world by formidable geographic barriers c. was a backward society in terms of economics and culture
a. lacked a strong continuing imperial tradition
The greek historian known as the "father of history' who wrote History of the Persian Wars was a. Homer b. Herodotus c. Themosticles d. Thucydides
b. Herodotus
The legacy of Alexander the Great a. was entirely military in nature b. included a historic change in world development, as elements of Greek culture were spread to the middle east c. embraced a major clash and fusion of cultures across a huge area as Greco-Macedonian elite assumed power in highly diverse cultures d. both b and c e. a, b, and c
d. both b and c
What civilization was initially responsible for the unification of the Middle East, Asia Minor (modern Turkey) and Iranian plateau a. Rome b. Egypt c. Ottoman d. Persian
d. Persian
Identify the major trade network between asia and europe a. Trans-Saharan caravans b. Silk Road c. Indian Ocean sea lanes d. Mediterranean sea lanes
b. Silk Road
in the eighth century CE, identify the city that became the center of trade along the Silk Road? a. Venice b. Timbuktu c. Calicut d. Baghdad
d. Baghdad
which of the following societies' social hierarchies was overall the most constrictive and gave the least room for social mobility? a. India b. China c. Persia d. Rome
a. India
which of the following best encapsulate Confucian thought? a. political power is given to rulers but the gods; therefore, rulers may treat their people as they please b. husbands and wives should share the responsibility for family leadership equally c. social harmony is attained when superiors treat those below them with kindness, while inferiors respect those above them d. only members of the aristocracy are capable of cultivating the qualities of etiquette and grace
c. social harmony is attained when superiors treat those below them with kindness, while inferiors respect those above them
focused on expanding trade in the classical period, both China and India a. showed considerable tolerance for different religions b. attempted to conquer the most territory possible c. developed a lasting tradition of strong, centralized government d. welcomed influences from other cultures
which of the following is true of both the Han empire and the Gupta empire? a. both had long established traditions of dynastic rule b. both were overrun by germanic tribes in their declining years c. both were characterized by religious unity d. both saw a number of technological advances
d. both saw a number of technological advances