4 subfields of Anthropology
1. physical 2.archeology 3.linguistic 4.culturual 5**. socio-cultural
Physical Anthropology
biological perspective of humans. evolution and adaptation. 2 specialties
specialization of physical anthro. Traces the history of human evolution by reconstructing the human fossil record and analyze them to track changes in physical form
specialization of physical anthro. study living, nonhuman primates and primate fossils to see what their biology, evolution, behavior, and social life might inform us about our own
The investigation of the human past by means of excavating and analyzing artifacts. 2 specialties
Prehistoric Archaeology
the reconstruction of human behavior in the distant past (before written records) through the examination of artifacts
Historic Archaeology
the exploration of the more recent past through an examination of of physical remains and artifacts as well as written or oral records
Linguistic Anthropology
the study of human language in the past and present. 3 main areas of specialization
Descriptive linguists
analyze languages and their component parts
Historic linguists
study how language changes over time within a culture and how languages travel across cultures
study language in its social and cultural contexts
Cultural Anthropology
study of people's communities, behaviors, beliefs, and institutions, including how people make meaning as they live, work, and play together
study of the full scope of human diversity, past and present, and the application of that knowledge to help people of different backgrounds better understand one another
the belief that one's own culture or way of life is normal and natural; using one's culture to evaluate and judge the practices and ideals of others
Ethnographic fieldwork
primary research strategy in cultural anthro involving living with a community of people over an extended period to better understand their lives
the anthropological commitment to consider the full scope of human life, including culture, biology, history, and language, across space and time
Participant observation
research strategy involving both participation in and observation of the daily life of the people being studied
the analysis and comparison of ethnographic data across cultures. More general patterns of human behavior to explore how local experiences intersect with global dynamics
the worldwide intensification of interactions and increased movement of money, people, goods, and ideas within and across borders. 5 key dynamics
Time-Space compression
the rapid innovation of communication and transportation technologies associated with globalization that transforms the way people think about space in time
Flexible Accumulation
the increasingly flexible strategies that corporations use to accumulate profits in an era of globalization, enabled by innovation communication and transportation technologies (moving around the world for cheaper labor, lower taxes, fewer environmental regulations, etc)
Increasing Migration
the accelerated movement of people within and between countries
Uneven Development
the unequal distribution of the benefits of globalization
Rapid Change
the dramatic transformations of economics, politics, and culture characteristic of contemporary globalization
Climate Change
Changes to Earth's climate, including global warming produced primarily by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases created by human activity such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation
Cultural relativism
understanding a group's beliefs and practices within their own cultural context, without making judgements
a system of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts, and institutions that are created learned and shared by a group of people
the process of learning culture
fundamental beliefs about what is important, true, or beautiful, and what makes a good life
Mental maps of reality
cultural classifications of what kinds of people and things exist, and the assignment of meaning to those classifications
Unilineal cultural evolution
the theory proposed by 19th century anthros that all cultures naturally evolve through the same sequence of stages from simple to complex (savage-barbarian-civilized)
Historical Particularism
the idea, attributed to Franz Boas, that cultures develop in specific ways because of their own unique histories.
Structural Functionalism
A conceptual framework positing that each element of society serves a particular function to keep the entire system in equilibrium
interpretivist approach
a conceptual framework that sees culture primarily as a symbolic system of deep meaning (Clifford Geertz)
the ability or potential to bring about change through action or influence
the uneven distribution of resources and privileges among participants in a group or culture
the potential power of individuals and groups to contest cultural norms, values, symbols, mental maps of reality, institutions, and structures of power
A global outlook emerging in response to increasing globalization. Reaching out across cultures despite differences. Opposite of globalization
the ability of a dominant group to create consent and agreement within a population without the use or threat of force
Facets of Culture
1. Shared 2. Learned 3. Taught 4. Symbolic 5. Contested 6. Changing
UMD Specialty areas of Anthropology
1. environmental 2. health 3. heritage
Salvage Ethnography
Fieldwork strategy developed by Franz Boas to rapidly collect cultural, material, linguistic, and biological information about US native populations being devastated by westward expansion
Participant Observation
A key anthropological research strategy involving both participation in and observation of the daily life of the people being studied
A critical self examination of the role the anthropologist plays and an awareness that one's identity affects one's fieldwork and theoretical analyses
Steps for starting ethnographic fieldwork
1. preparation 2. Strategies 3. Mapping 4. Skills and Perspectives 5. Analysis
Quantitative Data
statistical information about a community that can be measured and compared
Qualitative Data
descriptive data drawn from non statistical sources including participant observation, personal stories, interviews and life stories
the relationships of trust and familiarity developed with members of the community being studied
Key informant
a community member who advises the anthropologist on community issues, provides feedback, and warns against cultural miscues
Life history
a form of interview that traces the biography of a person over time, examining changes and illuminating the interlocking network of relationships in the community
an information gathering tool for quantitative data analysis
kinship analysis
a traditional strategy of examining genealogies to uncover the relationships built upon structures such as marriage and family ties
social network analysis
a method for examining relationships in a community, often conducted by identifying who people turn to in times of need
Field notes
written observations and reflections on places, practices, events, and interviews
the analysis of the physical and or geographic space where fieldwork is being conducted
built environment
the intentionally designed features of human settlement, including buildings, transportation, and public service infrastructure, and public space
elements of a story or a picture that are not told or seen and yet offer key insights into issues that might be too sensitive to discuss or display publicly
mutual transformation
the potential for both the anthropologist and the members of the community being studied to be transformed by the interactions of fieldwork
an approach to gathering data that investigates how local people think and how they understand the world
description of local behavior and beliefs from the anthropologist's perspective in ways that can be compared across cultures
the analysis and comparison of ethnographic data across cultures
the practice of using many different voices in ethnographic writing and research question development, allowing the reader to hear more directly from the people in the study
informed consent
a key strategy for protecting those being studied by ensuring that they are fully informed of the goals of the project and have clearly indicated their consent to participate
a system of communication of organized by rules that uses symbols such as words, sounds, and gestures to convey information
the linguistic ability to use known words to invent new word combinations
the ability to use words to refer to objects not immediately present or events occurring in the past or future
descriptive linguistics
the study of the sounds, symbols, and gestures of a language, and their combination of forms that communicate meaning
the smallest units of sound that can make a difference in meaning
the study of what sounds exist and which ones are important for a particular language
the smallest units of sound that carry meaning on their own
the study of patterns and rules of how sounds combine to make morphemes
the specific patterns and rules for constructing phrases and sentences
the combined set of observations about the rules governing the formation of morphemes and syntax that guide language use
the study of the relationship between body movements and communication
an extensive set of noises and tones of voice that convey significant information about the speaker (dude)
sapir-whorf hypothesis
the idea that different languages create different ways of thinking
all the words for names, ideas, and events that make up a language's dictionary
focal vocabulary
the words and terminology that develop with particular sophistication to describe the unique cultural realities experienced by a group of people. (detailed and well developed vocal for a particular topic)
the study of the ways cultures shapes language and language shapes culture, particularly the intersection of language and systems of power such as race, gender, class, and age
a nonstandard variation of a language
prestige language
a particular way of speaking, or language variation, that is associated with wealth, success, education, and power
code switching
switching back and forth between one linguistic variant and another depending on the cultural context
historical linguistics
the study of the development of language over time, including its changes and variations
language continuum
the idea that variation in languages appears gradually over distances that groups of people who live near one another speak in a way that is mutually intelligible
digital natives
a generation of people born after 1980 who have been raised in a digital age
local ecological knowledge
knowledge acquired through observation and experience. (spring)
cultural landscape
a geographic area,including both cultural and natural resources and the wildlife or domestic animals therein, associated with a historic event, activity, or person or exhibiting other cultural or aesthetic values
political ecology
the study of the relationships between political, economic and social factors with environmental issues and changes. differs from apolitical ecological studies by politicizing environmental issues and phenomena