Linguistic anthropologists are well known for studying material culture
The scientific method is an empirical research method in which data are gathered from observations of phenomena, hypotheses are formulated and tested, and conclusions are drawn that validate or modify the original hypothesis
Artifacts are material objects from past cultures
Terrestrial refers to organisms that live in water, not on land.
The word hominin refers to humans and human-like ancestors
Culture is defined as learned behavior that is genetically transmitted from person to person
Morphology refers to physical shape and appearance
In the first 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, according to Richard Dawkins it took Darwin 20 years (or and off) to fully develop his ideas on Natural Selection.
In the first 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Richard Dawkins takes a group of students to the beach and has them comb through rocks. What was he having these students look for?
In the first 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Richard Dawkins notes that Darwin couldn't explain how variation wasn't lost through interbreeding. This is because Darwin didn't have an understanding of which of the following?
Bipedalism refers to walking for four feet
The human genome includes an estimated 20,000 - 25,000 genes.
Science is a self-correcting approach to knowledge acquisition.
Social learning refers to the capacity to learn from other humans, enabling the accumulation of knowledge across many generations
Culture is defined as learned behavior that is transmitted from person to person
In the first 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, according to Richard Dawkins it took Darwin 20 years (or and off) to fully develop his ideas on Natural Selection.
In the first 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Richard Dawkins notes that Darwin studies the details of how different animals shared similarities in skeletal structure. Many organisms have the same bones, in the same order, which have been reshaped and resized based on their different ways of life.
In the first 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Richard Dawkins interviews prostitutes in Nairobi, Kenya who possess genetic variation making them immune to which of the following sexually transmitted diseases:
Chromosomes do not contain genes
Natural selection is the process by which some organisms, with features that enable them to adapt to the environment, preferentially survive and reproduce, thereby increasing the frequency of those features in the population
Habitat refers to the specific area of the natural environment in which an organism lives
A species is a group of unrelated organisms that can interbreed and produce non-fertile, non-viable offspring
The gene is the basic unit of inheritance
Genotype refers to the phenotype of an organism (i.e., the combination of alleles for a given gene)
Zoonosis is the transfer of a pathogen from other animals to humans
In the second 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, a minister asks Richard Dawkins what the goal of evolution is. What was Dawkin's response?
There is no goal of evolution
In the second 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, how does Richard Dawkins describe reciprocal altruism?
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
In the second 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Richard Dawkins describes acts of altruism that occur in nature. How does Dawkins define altruism?
Altruism is when an individual gives something to another, at a cost to themselves.
An allele is one or more alternative forms of a gene
The evolutionary synthesis is a unified theory of evolution that combines genetics with natural selection
In the second 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Richard Dawkins indicates that the brightly colored plumage of the peacock is a product of which of the following factors?
Sexual selection
Non-sex chromosomes are called autosomes
Mitosis is the process of cellular and nuclear division that creates four identical haploid daughter cells
Mitochondria possess their own independent DNA
Human males normally have an X and a Y chromosome
Mitochondria do not possess their own independent DNA
Recombination refers to the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, resulting from a cross-over event
Human males normally have two X chromosomes
In the final 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Dawkins argues that since all life on Earth is built from the same DNA building blocks, this is evidence of our shared evolutionary history.
In the final 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Darwin's tree of life is described. What does this tree of life mean?
It means we are related to every living thing on the planet.
In the final 50 minutes of The Genius of Charles Darwin video, Darwin's tree of life is described. Dawkins argues that the tree of life has been verified as fact by what?
Our decoded DNA
Human females normally have an X and a Y chromosome
Homologous refers to each set of paired chromosomes in the genome
Autosomes refers to all chromosomes, except the sex chromosomes, that occur in pairs in all somatic cells (not the gametes)
Mitochondria are energy-producing organelles found in eukaryotic cells
Locus is the location on a chromosome of a specific gene
Sex chromosomes do not determine the organism's biological sex
Charles Darwin developed the theory of Natural Selection
Morphology refers to philosophical views on sociability
Archaeology is:
the study of the behavior and material culture of past human societies.
Human production of stone or lithic tools is an example of:
material culture.
The results of a disadvantaged social environment include:
poor health, reduced height, and shortened life expectancy.
Bipedalism is considered one of the hallmarks of hominid evolution because:
it was the first evolutionary development that distinguished humans from other animals.
Forensic anthropologists who were called in to help with the 9/11 tragedy had to have a very good understanding of:
human osteology.
Bipedalism in primates means:
walking on two feet.
Franz Boas:
united the study of culture, language, and biology within American anthropology.
How is a theory different from a hypothesis?
A theory is an explanation relying on careful examination and has been tested.
Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an organism (i.e., the combination of alleles for a given gene)
What are the three observations of natural selection?
Organisms produce more offspring than survive, populations vary, and traits are inherited.
The presence of iridium in geologic deposits around the world supported the theory that:
the impact of a giant meteor that struck the Earth produced mass extinctions of dinosaur species across the planet.
Why is the work of Alfred Russell Wallace considered when discussing the theory of evolution?
He was an English naturalist who had arrived at many of the same conclusions as Darwin through his own research.
Traits that have a range of phenotypic expressions and show a continuum of variation are termed
The term evolution refers to:
all answers listed are correct: -The process of speciation -Changes in the genetic make‐up of a population from one generation to the next. -Ongoing biological processes, including genetic changes within populations and the appearance of new species.
The English scientist who independently codiscovered the theory of natural selection was:
Alfred Russell Wallace.
The individual genotypes in a breeding population, taken as a whole, are the:
gene pool.
Science is considered self‐correcting because:
all answers listed are correct: -hypothesis‐testing can result in rejection of previous hypotheses -theories can be modified or replaced subject to new findings -hypotheses are built on meticulous observation
Eukaryotes are multi-celled organisms that have a membrane-bound nucleus containing both the genetic material and specialized organelles.
Gametes can unite with a gamete of the opposite type to form a fertilized egg
Gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes
Individuals whose blood type is A and who carry both dominant and recessive genes at this locus have a genotype of:
Somatic cells include all of the following except:
Nucleotide bases in nuclear DNA include all of the following EXCEPT:
occurs in the nucleus.
Homologous chromosomes:
carry genetic information that influences the same trait.
DNA is important for protein synthesis because:
all answers listed are correct: -it serves as a template for protein production. -it provides the code to produce structural proteins. -it is biological code for the production of hormones and enzymes.
Gametes are
sexual reproductive cells
A trait's heritability:
is the proportion of its variation that is genetic.
Microevolution is small-scale evolution, such as changes in allele frequency, that occurs from one generation to the next
Macroevolution is small-scale evolution, such as changes in allele frequency, that occurs from one generation to the next
A point mutation refers to the replacement of a single nitrogen base with another base, which may or mat not affect the amino acid for which the triplet codes.
Sickle-cell anemia is a genetic blood disease in which the red blood cells become deformed and sickle-shaped, decreasing their ability to carry oxygen to tissues.
Evolution can best be defined as:
a change in allele frequencies in a breeding population over time.
The physical location of a gene within the genome is called the:
Mutations to which cells are most likely to have significant evolutionary consequences?
sex cells (gametes)
Transposable elements are DNA sequences that:
insert themselves into other parts of the genome.
When individuals of the same species are reproductively isolated, genetic differences may accumulate in sufficient number so that new species could emerge. Such an event would be an example of:
The type of selection that favored progressively larger brain size in human evolution is:
directional selection.
A random change in allele frequencies over time is known as:
genetic drift.
Franz Boas (1858-1942) was a German-American anthropologist pioneer and is considered the "Father of American Anthropology"
Melanin acts as built-in sunscreen
Sexual dimorphism refers to similarities in physical attributes of males and females of a species
Natural selection has favored darker skin near equator where sunrays are most direct, and UV exposure is higher
Stressors have been shown to increase likelihood of a premature birth or a stillborn infant.
Melanin is a granular substance produced by specialized cells in the epidermis
Life history refers to the timing and details of growth events and developmental events from conception through senescence and death.
A cline:
is continuous variation that follows a continuum.
Natural selection favored alleles for light skin in:
Cultural adaptation:
involves using material culture to make living possible in certain settings.
Spina bifida is a condition where the arch of one or more vertebrae fails to fuse and form a protective barrier around spinal cord
Bergman's rule states that heat-adapted mammals will have long limbs, which maximize the body's surface area.
Epiphysis refers to the bone shaft
According to the course text, around age 6 the brain is fully grown
Forensic anthropologists still use expertise in human variation to identify victims of war and crime
The prenatal stage in humans consists of:
is advantageous because it provides protection from solar radiation.
Franz Boas:
showed that U.S.-born children had different head shapes than their immigrant parents.
Humans are capable of a "precision grip"
Human life history elongated for almost all growth stages
Nocturnal primates tend to have color vision, which helps them see bright fruits from a distance
Chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, gibbons, and siamangs are monkeys
Gorillas are the largest living primate
Primate fingerprints aid in grip
Chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas are found in Europe and Asia
A post-orbital bar and post-orbital closure are evidence of reliance on
Among all primates, humans have:
the largest brain relative to body size.
The variation in living primates provides models for understanding:
morphology, behavior, and adaptation in the evolutionary past.
Primate mothers typically care for their offspring for a long period of time
The word "primates" refers to monkeys, apes, and humans
A primate with a dental formula of 2:1:2:3 has a total of 32 teeth in its mouth
Primate dietary variation, reliance on vision, grasping hands and feet, and forward-facing eyes reflect adaptations to arboreal life
Diurnal primates tend to have color vision, which helps them see bright fruits froma distance
The Y-5 molar morphology is present in:
Primates are characterized by:
arboreal adaptation, dietary plasticity, and parental investment.
The variation in living primates provides models for understanding:
morphology, behavior, and adaptation in the evolutionary past.
Higher-ranking or more dominant primates are guaranteed to have higher reproductive success than lower-ranking individuals
All attempts to teach apes American Sign Language have failed.
Dominance hierarchies are systems of social organization wherein individuals within a group are ranked relative to one another
Virtually all nonhuman primate populations impacted by human hunting and habitat destruction
Cultural behavior is learned
Grooming serves to indicate submission or reassurance
The prenatalperi group refers to the group in which an animal is born and raised
Male reproductive strategies emphasize:
competition between males for access to reproductive-age females.
Natural selection favors behaviors that enhance:
survival and reproduction.
Sociality among primates is likely the result of which of the following selective pressures?
Some colobines have special microbes and bacteria in the gut that assist in the digestion of leaves and plants
Grooming is an example of an autonomic, or unintentional, response
Primate home ranges might overlap with other primate groups, but the core areas do not overlap
In some primates, estrus is accompanied by a large blue or green swelling
On average, larger animals require fewer calories per unit of weight than smaller animals
How do primates acquire food?
through a wide variety of food-foraging strategies
Chimpanzee communication involves different combinations of sounds, such as:
grunts, pants, and hoots.
Availability of food:
can be highly variable, depending on season and rainfall.
Sexual maturation or puberty is marked by:
menarche in girls.
Relative to people with a history of living in temperate climates, the Inuit and other cold-adapted populations:
have short limbs and large bodies.
Rickets is the result of:
a lack of vitamin D.
Stressors during the prenatal stage include:
smoking, alcohol, and drugs.
When epiphyses fuse to the diaphyses:
full adult height is attained.
Osteoblasts are cells responsible for bone resorption
A secular trend is a phenotypic change over time, due to multiple factors; such trends can be positive or negative.
Polytypic refers to a species composed of populations that have the same expression of a trait
Old World monkeys are also known as
Colobine primates:
have specialized digestive anatomy for eating leaves.
A skull with a foramen magnum positioned at the back belongs to:
an individual that is fully quadrupedal, such as a dog.
While observing primates at the zoo, you notice that the particular monkey you are watching uses its hands, feet, and tail to move throughout the trees in its enclosure. This is most likely:
a New World monkey, because many of these species have a tail with grasping abilities similar to those observed in nonhuman primate hands and feet.
What is the name for the moist, hairless, fleshy pad at end of nose seen in most mammals and some primitive primates
Apes lack
The skeleton of a terrestrial quadruped typically includes which of the following
All answers listed are correct -Feet usually work more like hands -Restricted shoulder joint -Shortened tail
African monkeys, including Miss Waldron's red colobus, are:
African monkeys, including Miss Waldron's red colobus, are:
Primate mouths house different types of teeth such as incisors, canines, premolars, and molars
A dental formula is a numerical device that indicates number of each type of tooth in each quadrant (1/4th) of the mouth
Sexual dimorphism:
concerns differences in body size and canine size.
Male primates most often compete for mates while female primates compete for other resources, demonstrating that:
reproduction places different energy demands on males and females, resulting in varying reproductive strategies.
The higher the social rank of a female primate the:
greater her access to resources, which results in higher birth rates.
Altruistic behavior:
is behavior that benefits others while causing a disadvantage to the individual.
Altruistic behavior benefits others while being a disadvantage to the altruistic individual. Which of the following reasons does not explain why it exists in primate societies?
Altruistic behavior is random.
Female reproductive strategies emphasize:
caring for young and ensuring access to food
Dominance hierarchies usually serve to reduce the amount of physical violence
Chimpanzees sometimes go termite fishing
Primate males are generally dominant to females, but not always
The earth's age is:
About 4.6 billion years
The study of what happens to an organism's remains after death is:
Taphonomy is the study of:
the processes that affect an organism after death.
Chemical analysis of the _________ can provide information on diets and habitats.
bones and teeth
Eras are:
divisions in geologic time divided into periods and epochs.
Most of the fossils discovered in Africa come from the eastern parts of the continent. Why is this?
These areas provided better preservation.
If fossil species A is consistently recovered from geological deposits beneath layers containing fossil species B, then A is considered older than B. This relative dating technique is based on the principle of:
Which of the following is NOT an ideal environment for fossilization?
acidic soil (as in a jungle)
Radiometric methods are based on the principle that "parent" atoms of radioactive elements decay at a known rate into "daughter" atoms of another element
Half-life refers to the time period in which half of the amount of a radioactive isotope is chemically converted into a daughter product
Dendrochronology is another way of referring to Carbon dating
Fossils are the remains of once-living organisms that have been chemically converted to stone, either partially or fully.
One theory of primate evolution suggests forward-facing eyes, nails, and grasping hands would have been useful if primates were visually-directed predators.
Soon after the extinction of the dinosaurs, mammals experienced an adaptive radiation and diverged into the many different mammal orders found today.
The Miocene epoch lasted from about 36 million years ago to 5 million years ago.
Craniofacial morphology of Sivapithecus suggests it may be related to the modern day Orangutan.
Hominoids are lesser apes, greater apes, and humans.
The term "hominoids" includes generalized mammals like squirrels, raccoons, and mice.
Proconsul is the best known genus from the Miocene and was highly successful as evidenced by numerous species in the fossil record.
Hominoids, or apes, first appear in fossil record between _______ mya
Proconsul is associated with which of the following traits/behaviors?
All answers listed are correct -Monkey-like post-cranial skeleton -Lack of a tail -Ape-like skull and teeth
Based on genetic analysis of living primates calibrated by the fossil record, it is estimated that apes and Old World monkeys diverged into separate lineages around:
25 mya.
Hominoids, or apes, first appear in fossil record between 20-25 mya
By calculating genetic distance, and using rate of change from molecular clock, researchers can estimate when two lineages diverged
A species that is adapted to a wide range of environments, climates, and diets is:
biologically diverse.
Sivapithecus is widely recognized as an ancestral member of which ape lineage?
The discovery of Sahelanthropus tchadensis showed that bipedal hominins were less widely distributed than previously thought
Pieces of a skull, spinal column, pelvis, femur, knee, ankle, or foot can all be used as evidence in reconstructing locomotion from bits of fossils, and determining whether these ancient individuals walked on two legs.
Australopithecus boisei was a robust species with adaptations for heavy chewing
Sahelanthropus tchadensis is dated to between 7 and 6 mya
When looking at a robust australopithecine, you are likely to see evidence of attachment sites on the skull for large, strong chewing muscles.
As a species, Australopithecus afarensis survived for more than 900,000 years.
Prognathism refers to an anterior projection of the face
The earliest australopithecines first show up in the fossil record more than:
4 mya.
The only preaustralopithecine found outside the East African Rift Valley is:
Sahelanthropus tchadensis.
Australopithecus robustus was likely the longest-surviving species of australopithecine in South Africa. It had:
large molars, a big face, and a sagittal crest.
The Laetoli Footprints provide good evidence that bipedal hominins were present in Africa about 3.6 mya
Australopithecus afarensis is the genus and species that "Lucy" belongs to
Australopithecus boisei has the thickest dental enamel of any known early hominin
In species that have one, the ____________ serves as an attachment site for the large temporal muscles
sagittal crest
__________________ evolved first, then brain size increased, and toolmaking followed during hominin evolution
Bipedal locomotion
Oldowan tools are based on ____ hammer percussion
Many H. erectus skulls have a sagittal crest.
Cut marks on top of carnivore marks suggests hominin scavenging
The temporalis muscle anchors to the sagittal keel of H. erectus specimens
Stone artifact manufacture would have allowed hominins to butcher mammals that may have been acquired from hunting or scavenging
Many of the stone tools recovered at the H. erectus site of Dmanisi are similar to the Oldowan industry from Africa
All Dmanisi H. erectus crania have relatively large cranial capacities compared to what is expected for H. erectus
All Dmanisi H. erectus crania have relatively small cranial capacities compared to what is expected for H. erectus
Compared to previous species, H. erectus was:
All answers listed are correct -Large bodied (robust) -Committed to a terrestrial habitat -More widely dispersed
Modern anatomical features of the Nariokotome Boy include:
relatively short arms and long legs.
Compared to australopithecines, Homo habilis is characterized by:
all answers listed are correct -a rounder and larger skull. -a smaller face. -a bigger brain.
Acheulian stone tools are considered mode I tools.
Homo habilis was definitely, without a doubt, the first stone tool maker
Acheulian tool makers developed a new way to knock flakes from stone cores using "soft hammer" percussion
According to taphonomists, when used on bone carnivore teeth leave a series of parallel grooves
Oldowan tools show that hominins were inventing and adopting cultural solutions to problems
A sagittal keel is present on many H. erectus skulls.
Homo habilis had traits that include:
short legs.
Homo erectus differed from earlier hominids in having traits such as:
a larger brain.
Modern human populations outside of Africa possess 1-4% of distinctive Neandertal DNA
There is good evidence that Neandertals buried their dead and included grave goods like animal bones and stone tools
Some Neandertals were buried in a flexed position
The Out-of-Africa model argues that that archaic Homo evolved into modern Homo sapiens solely in Africa, around 200,000 years ago
Denisovians are thought to have shared a very recent ancestor with Homo floresiensis (i.e. "the Hobbit")
Denisovians are thought to have shared an ancestor with Neandertals.
DNA has been extracted from a finger bone and molar tooth, which indicates there was another contemporary hominin present 50,000 to 30,000 years ago. This species is currently referred to as "Denisovians"
To date, the majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in:
Analyses of modern human genetic variation indicate that Homo sapiens may have evolved approximately:
200,000 yBP.
If I were to argue that all of human evolution has been within a single continuous human species, then this would mean that I favor the
Regional Continuity Model: Multiregional Evolution
The remains of animal bones at archaic Homo sites demonstrate that they were successful hunters
The Out-Of-Africa model argues that human species first arose ~2 mya and subsequent human evolution has been within a single, continuous human species
Patterns of trauma in Neandertal remains match those of contemporary dancers, indicating close proximity to prey
The remains of animal bones at Neandertal sites demonstrate that Neandertals were successful hunters
Shanidar I is a skeleton of a male who lived to be 30-45 years old who had numerous injuries that would have altered his quality of life. These injuries are so severe that some suggest he was crippled and only could have lived within a social group that helped care for him.
The Middle Paleolithic is associated with _________ tools which Neandertals produced.
The best fossil evidence to suggest that Neandertals could produce a language like that of modern humans comes from which bone(s) collected at Kebara, Israel?
the hyoid