In U.S. History, 19th Century use of the term "American Frontier" refers to
the area where pioneer settlement ended.
Which of these is associated with the presidency of Andrew Jackson?
the creation of the Spoils System
The period of "Jacksonian Democracy" can be characterized by
increasing the right to vote in the United States.
"Jacksonian Democracy" is associated with which of these characteristics?
voting rights extended to all adult, white males
Andrew Jackson appealed to many "common" Americans in the early 19th century because
he had once been poor and was distrustful of elite politicians.
All of these are MOST associated with which era of U.S. History? · The Second Bank of the United States expires · Expansion of Suffrage · Manifest Destiny · Spoils System
Jacksonian Democracy
"Jacksonian Democracy" is associated with what political party?
Andrew Jackson was the first president to
intensify the use of the spoils system in federal government.
Why did President Jackson oppose the re-charter of the Bank of the United States?
unfairly foreclosed farmers' land and homes.
When President Jackson did not renew the charter for the Bank of the United States, the responsibility of money lending fell to
state banks, which loaned money freely.
This excerpt from a speech in 1823 was made by U.S. President
James Monroe.
During which era did the "common man" make the most gains toward achieving the "American Dream" of individual rights, equal protection under the law, and due process?
Jacksonian Democracy
Which of these statements BEST describes "Jacksonian Democracy"?
a government led by a strong president and that challenged the other Branches
During his Presidency, Andrew Jackson paid off the debt owed by the Federal government. Which of these is BEST the reason why the United States was in debt at the beginning of Jackson's first term in office?
there was debt from War of 1812
This quote from the Seneca Falls "Declaration of Sentiments" closely follows the wording of the Declaration of Independence and was an important document in the early years of
the women's rights movement.
During the Antebellum temperance movement, which of these groups made up the majority of the people who argued for temperance?
Which of these is TRUE of the temperance movement at the beginning of the 1800s in America?
The movement believed people should decrease the amount of alcohol they drank.
Which of these BEST describes why more men became part of the temperance movement in the United States in the 1830s?
Men believed that alcohol negatively affected their jobs.
Reformers such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (pictured here) were most concerned with
securing women's right to vote.
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized a national meeting at Seneca Falls in 1848. The primary purpose of this convention was to organize the
women's suffrage movement.
Horace Mann is MOST associated with what issue during the 19th Century?
education reform
Which statement BEST describes women's suffrage for much of the first century of the United States' history?
most state Constitutions did not address the issues of women's suffrage
Which religious movement played a major role in increasing support for the abolitionist movement in the antebellum period?
The Second Great Awakening
New Harmony, Indiana, and Oneida, New York, were MOST known for their early-19th century involvement in the
utopian movement.
This utopian religious community was founded in 1848 in upstate New York by John Humphrey Noyes.
This utopian community was founded in 1825 in southwestern Indiana on the principles of economic and political equality.
New Harmony
When the "Declaration of Sentiments" was adopted at the Seneca Falls Convention, which group was fighting for its rights?
According to the map, which of these states had not yet held a vote about prohibition as of 1855?
Which of these is TRUE of the temperance movement at the very beginning of the 1800s in America?
The movement believed people should decrease the amount of alcohol they drank.
Which of these organizations was largely responsible for prohibition laws that passed in many US states in the 1830s and 1840s?
American Temperance Society
In this quote, Elizabeth Cady Stanton's letter mainly makes an argument for which cause?
the universal right of suffrage
Which of these BEST describes a primary reason for women' subordinate position in early-19th century American society?
The separation of labor roles kept women working in the home while men earned wages outside of the home.
Which of these social changes in the U.S. in the 1800s could be attributed to the ideas presented in this passage?
the abolitionist movement
The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was crucial in
elevating the cause of women's rights to an issue of national concern.