List pet names Torvald Helmer calls his wife, Nora.

What does this use of pet names imply about their relationship?

Little lark, sweet tooth, squirrel, prodigal, spendthrift, featherbrain, song bird; Torvald treats Nora as an inferior.
How does Helmer feel about debt? What does Nora say about people you borrow money from?
Debt steals the beauty of a home; She does not care about them, they are merely strangers
Why does Nora feel that they can now squander some money?
It is the holidays
What does Nora want for Christmas?
Why does Helmer say Nora can't help spending?
Because her father spent money like crazy so it is hereditary
What does the fuss over the macaroons tell you about Nora and Torvald's relationship?
He treats her like a child
How does Helmer describe their Christmas decorations of last year? What were their decorations then?
Nora made flowers and other decorations for the tree. They were boring.
Who is Mrs. Linde? How long has it been since she and Nora have seen each other?
She is Nora's childhood friend.

Eight years.

Compare Nora and Mrs. Linde's comment about having "stacks of money."
Nora just likes having lots of money while Linde says only have what you need.

What has Nora done to earn money?
Crocheting, embroidery, odd jobs
How much did the trip to Italy cost? Why did they go? According to Nora, where did they get the money?
4800 crowns (approx. $1200)
Where was Nora when her father died?
She was in Italy
Why did Mrs. Linde marry her husband? What did she have when he died?
Economic necessity, support for her sick mother and two little brothers; nothing
Why does Mrs. Linde feel "unspeakably empty?" Why does she say she has nothing to live for now? What does Nora call it?
She has nothing to live for. Her mother and husband died, she has no children, her brothers can take care of themselves now.

Nora says Mrs. Linde is free and she should rest.

Why has Mrs. Linde come to see Nora and Torvald?
She needs a job
What does Mrs.

Linde think of Nora's life? Why does she call Nora a "child?"

She has always had a rich life and never earned anything.
What did Nora do in the past that shows she understands life can be hard for people?
She took out a loan, which is illegal without a man's consent (father, husband, brother), to take Torvald to Italy so he can live.
How did Nora get the money for Italy? Who knows about this? Why didn't she tell Torvald?
She took out a loan; Krogstad and Linde; he hates debt and will feel less manly
Nora says her husband will love her less when what happens?
When she gets old
How has Nora paid back the money?
she only spent half of the money given from Torvald to buy clothes and the remaining to pay it back.
What was "almost like being a man" to Nora?
Being able to earn money
Who is Krogstad? Why is he there?
A lawyer to talk about bank business with Torvald
Who is Dr. Rank? How does he describe Krogstad?
Torvald's friend.

He describes Krogstad as corrupt to the core, morally diseased.

What do the macaroons and cursing tell you about Nora?
She has a rebellious streak
How did Nora get Helmer to hire Mrs. Linde?
She begged him. Linde is a widow and she has some experience.

Does Nora have a good relationship with her children?
She adores them
What happened to Krogstad at the bank? What happened in the past?
He thinks he's getting fired. He committed forgery
How does Krogstad have power over Nora? Tell the whole story, including in what way Nora's father was involved. Remember what Nora has said about people you borrow money from?
He blackmails Nora into convincing Torvald to not fire him. His leverage is that he knows Nora didn't get consent from her father to get a loan because of the dates. Her father died 9/29 but the loan was signed for 10/2.

She doesn't care

What will Krogstad do if he doesn't get his job back?
He'll get her arrested
Krogstad leaves; Torvald returns. Describe the dialogue between Torvald and Nora. What do they say? How does he treat her?
He asks what Krogstad was there for and Nora lies. Torvald knows she's lying, that he wants her to put in a good word for Krogstad.

He treats her like a child.

What favor does Nora ask Torvald? How does the costume symbolize Nora?
To arrange her costume for the Stenburg's ball. Since she wants his help, he basically has complete control over her.
What does Torvald say about lies and guilt? How is this ironic?
He wonders how people can live with always lying and how it affects everyone around them, like family and friends.

This is ironic because Nora did that.

According to Torvald, why do people go bad early in life?
Because they were exposed to deceit and guilt from a young age. Every criminal he has met had a deceitful mother
What is Nora thinking about at the end of Act 1?
She thinks her deceits will horrifically impact on her children if she's near them