
Organizational research and theory

Change can take many forms, from the kind of goods and services, to the production process and the most difficult of all, structural change (Kotter, 1996). The oil company found…

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The family systems theory

The theory I choose to use is that of Dr. Murray Bowen called the family systems theory. It is a theory of human behavior that views the family as an…

Object Relations Theory

Gray (1996) discussed transference theory that was originally suggested by Freud. This author elaborated on the subject’s freedom from feeling “bad” and his or her desire and intent to transfer…

Sample about Intelligent Design

Many scholars in the scientific establishment do not accept Intelligent Design as a tested scientific theory. They do not even acknowledge it as one theory which can at least be…

Pecking & Trade Off Theory

The pecking order theory ( Donaldson 1961) of capital structure is among the most influential theories of corporate leverage. The pecking order theory is based on different of information between…

Introduction to Postcolonial Theory

Having worked with Postcolonial Theory for well over a decade now, I recognize that not all postcolonialists are on the same page when it comes to the theoretical definition or…

A Brief Discussion About the Cognitive Theory

Cognitive theory is concerned with the development of a persons thought processes, it also looks at how these thought processes influence how we understand and interrelate with the world. One…

Counseling Theory Comparison

The client-centered therapy approach was first developed by Carl Rodgers in the 1940’s in the form of nondirective psychotherapy. The client-centered approach, often called person-centered therapy is focused on the…

Bowlby's Evolutionary Theory

“Babies’ smiles are powerful things, leaving mothers spellbound and enslaved. Who can doubt that the baby who most readily rewards his mother with a smile is the one who is…

An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory

An Introduction to Marxist ECONOMIC THEORY Ernest Mandel 2 An IntroductIon to MArxIst EconoMIc ) was the most influential exponent of Marxist economic theory in the Western world during the…

The Theory of Object Relations

Kernberg generally defines object relations theory as the psychoanalytic study of intrapersonal relations and how intrapsychic structures grow from internalized past relationships with others. Broadly, object relations theory could refer…

Leadership and Motivational Theory

The case study, A Question of Motivation, explores the various types of leadership styles that affect the motivation of the employee. Jonathan and Dan have two different managerial styles. Jonathan,…

Durkheim's Theory of Suicide

In Suicide (1897), Durkheim explores the differing suicide rates among Protestants and Catholics, arguing that stronger social control among Catholics results in lower suicide rates. According to Durkheim, Catholic society…

Chemical Bond and Crystal Field Theory

TextBooks Sr No T-1 T-2 Title Engineering Chemistry Chemistry Reference Books Sr No R-1 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 OR-5 OR-6 OR-7 Journals articles as Compulsary reading…

Broken Windows Theory

The notion that serious crime is stemmed from minor disorders and fear of crime was a well-developed hypothesis in the 1980s by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling (Hinkle &…

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