
Cell Phone Safety 12798

The use of cellular phones has spread like wild fire in the last ten years. Ithas become a part of everyday life for many American citizens, and a good numberof…

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Digital Subscriber Line 12805

Digital Subscriber Line new technology that takes advantage of standard coppertelephone line to provide secure, reliable, high-speed Internet access. DSLrefers to the family of digital subscriber line technologies, such as…

Frames On Web Sites 12815

Dividing a web page into frames is quite simple. Frames organize web pages bydividing them into rows or columns. The basic concept of frames is that eachframe is a regular,…

Internet Surfing 12832

The internet can be a huge and scary informational jungle for a non-expert.Given the enormous amount of information that the internet contains, this is nosurprise. There are things that one…

Plastic 12841

Many individuals today have civilized bodies and barbarous souls. Many are blindto the real sights of this world and deaf to its voice. However, no matter howignorant one may be,…

Technology Different 12850

General term for the processes by which human beings fashion tools and Machinesto increase their control and understanding of the material environment. TheTerm is derived from the Greek words tekhne,…

Telecommunication Act Of 1996 12856

In February of 1996, the U.S. Congress enacted the Telecommunications Act of1996. The Act was one of the most substantial changes in the regulation of anyindustry in recent history. The…

Television And Violence 12858

Boink! Boom! Crack! The sounds of the fight scene rage on. Many have fallen inthis particularly bloody battle. The good guys have taken their losses butstruggle on to what is…

Thermoforming 12860

Thermoforming is one of many manufacturing processes that converts plastic resininto usable everyday products. Thermoforming is greatly relied on in today’ssociety because of the tremendous need for high volume plastic…

Zero Effort Network 12871

Zero Effort Networks (Z.E.N. works) is a great new tool in NetWare 5, that makesthe network administrator’s job a lot easier by allowing him to spend less timeat each user…

The Modem 13752

The Modem First of all I would like to start with an introduction I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting to learn about how a modem…

The Dependability of the Web 13754

The Dependability of the Web by Nathan Redman A new age is upon us – the computer age. More specifically, the internet. There’s no doubt that the internet has changed…

The Internet 13764

The Internet The Internet is a worldwide connection of thousands of computer networks. All of them speak the same language, TCP/IP, the standard protocol. The Internet allows people with access…

The History of The Internet 13765

The History of The Internet Imagine talking about the latest elections with someone three thousand miles away without receiving a tremendous phone bill. Or sending a letter to a friend…

William Henry Gates III 13792

William Henry Gates III Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Microsoft Corporatio William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation, the leading provider, worldwide, of software…

Hacking 13802

Hacking Jenna Gray p.1 Another one got caught today, it’s all over the papers. “Teenager Areested in Computer Crime Scandal”, “Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering”….Damn kids. They’re all alike. But…

Child Pornography On The Internet 13819

James Noble ISC 300 Child Pornography on the Internet In this new age of Information, the Internet has made all types of information readily available. Some of this information can…

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