
Stories SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU For Only $13.90/page
Horror stories

Horror stories are always set in an ordinary or extraordinary setting. They do this for the following reasons; an ordinary setting, such as that used in the darkness out there…

Business Success Stories

Born and raised in Henryville, Indiana, Sanders passed through several professions in his lifetime. Sanders first served his fried chicken in 1930 in the midst of the Great Depression at…

Reading Short Stories and Poems

Whether reading a short story or a poem, there is always a story to be found within. The authors of these stories are able to capture readers through the use…

Identity in Stories by Oates and Dark

Individual identity is a complex subject. Though many of us strive for self-awareness, the journey to better know one’s self is fraught with the challenges of a perilous world, the…

28 Stories of Aids in Africa Reflection

To reflect on something is to understand it and I cannot truly say that I completely understand this book. I have seen death before and a lot of people I…

Two Sisters and Siwash Rock

These two First Nations legends are similar in various ways. The Two Sisters and Siwash Rock are both superstitions that have transcended time. These stories have been narrated by the…

Critical Analysis about Short Stories

“The Lamp at Noon” by Sinclair RossThe story “The Lamp at Noon” takes place in a dried up, unfertile desert. Dust storms are causing health problems for the family. The…

Urban stories - power, poverty and conflict

Chungking Express, a film by Wong Kar-wai is filmed in loose, imprecise splashes of motion and colour. This element along with hand-held camera work are used to create an alluring…

Both stories share remarkable similarities

Alice Munro’s “Carried Away” and “A Wilderness Station” are both psychological stories in their own right. In “Carried Away,” Munro delves into the complex psychology that exists in romantic relationships,…

The story ‘Act of Faith’

The story ‘Act of Faith’ is one of the short stories in Irwin Shaw’s anthology of short stories titled ‘Five Decades’. There are 63 stories in the anthology which were…

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from StudyTiger

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