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Rationalization: Sociology and Action

One of the most important themes in Weber’s work is the concept of rationalization. Many of his theoretical studies are devoted to understanding the process of rationalization. This was done…

Sociology and Punctuality

Punctuality means arriving or doing things at the appointed time, neither early nor late. Punctuality is the secret of success in life. The renowned and successful men in the world…

Comparing the Portrayal of Women by Jane Austen

Jane Austen’s portrayal of women differs from the Bronte sisters’ portrayal of women. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen portrayed Elizabeth Bennet as a strong-willed character who was not easily…

Reflective Sociology

The last six weeks have challenged my preconceived ideas about sociology and the role that it plays in society in the popular and social media, my values, behaviours and belief…


Management failure to motivate staff therefore decreased effectiveness, high absenteeism, turnover, low productivity. In order to understand employee motivation and satisfaction, Herzberg 2 factor theory could be applied, which is…

Research Methods

Examine the problems some sociologists find with using postal questionnaires in their research.Questionnaire is a simple list of questions that are gathered and organised in advance to get needed answers….

Kung Fu Panda in the Eye Of a Social Psychologist

Movies enact realistic social situations and serve as social learning tools, especially animated ones that are being consumed by both young and adult audiences. The movie that will be discussed…

Universality of deviance behaviour

Deviant behavior is behavior which does not adhere to widely-accepted social or cultural norms. For example, murder is a form of extreme deviant behavior which violates the cultural norm which…

Comparing perspectives in sociology

Sociologists analyse social phenomena from a series of different perspectives, there are four main sociological perspectives that all differ from each other in one way or another, these are; feminism,…

Attitudes and values

An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual’s degree of like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing,…

Comparing Fanny Cradock to Jamie Oliver

The language used today is very different to that of the 1970’s the comparison of the 2 celebrity chefs Fanny Cradock and Jamie Oliver are 2 major chefs who represent…

Physical locations and personal identity

There is an inextricable link between physical locations and personal identity: the one affects the other as the environmental psychologist Harold Proshansky states in “The City and Self-Identity”, “Place-identity is…

Makes an Effective Leader

Leadership is involved within everything around the world. In order for that specific thing to be successful, good leadership must be An effective leader is an essential component to any…

Transformational leadership

1. If you were consulting with the HTE board of directors soon after Harold started making changes, what would you advise them regarding Harold’s leadership from a transformational perspective? Transformational…

Bad Effects from Dangdut Music

Dangdut is one of many music genres in whole world, originally found in Indonesia. Many people in Indonesia, especially lower class people, love dangdut. For example, merchants in market or…

Functionalist view on the family

For sociologists the family is one of the most important social groups in society.It is formed through bonds of marriage and kinship.In all types of societies the family is seen…

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