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International Human Rights

Common standards are applied, not just within the United Kingdom, but across the world in the form of human rights. Both of these sets of standards, however, necessarily treat people…

Country Report on Rwanda

1. SummaryIn 2007, significant human rights abuses occurred, although there were important improvements in some areas. Citizens’ right to change their government was restricted, and extra judicial killings by security…

International armed conflict

The laws of war, also known as the law of armed conflict or international humanitarian law, are codified in multilateral treaties. They reflect ancient traditions of humanity, military chivalry, and…

The White Devil

John Webster writes of three Female characters in his play ‘The White Devil;’ Isabella, Vittoria and Cornelia, only one of which playing a major role. This character weighting may be…

Shakespeare's Othello

In order for a play to progress at a steady rate, yet still be capable of maintaining an audience’s attention, it must have at least one climactic scene or episode….

Anti-colonialism and independence

In this essay, there shall be an exploration into whether independence movements represented the interests of their middle-class leaders and not of the rural poor. First, the definition of class…

Analysis about Spanish Civil war

Since the end of the Spanish Civil war in 1939, the Catalans suffered a systematic and thorough repression at the hands of Franco (Hansen 1977: 1). He had a special…

The Evolution of Security Studies

Security Studies has had a convoluted evolution. During that evolution two significant schools of thought have emerged, traditional security Studies (TSS1) and critical security studies (CSS2), each of which have…

Seasonal Employment In Tourism Sector: The Example Of Turkey

This dissertation seeks to:* Define seasonal tourism* Identify the human resources management practices adopted by the sampled institutions: Defining the source of recruitment, average contract period, stating positions seasonally filled.*…

Current directions in Eco-Tourism

Worldwide, tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and has been described as a powerhouse in the global economy. World tourism grew by an estimated 7.4% in 2000 -…

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