
Story about Theory of Knowledge

A Dialogue between Platonist and Modern PhilosopherJames and Plato discuss the metaphor of the “cave” by the lake Constance:James: I think this is the most magnificent place in my ‘cave’….

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Sino-Japan Relations: Fishmongers or Warmongers

Isaac Newton’s third law addresses that for every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction – and throughout history, this notion has exemplified the Sino-Japanese relations. On 7 September…

Two Hours Stargazing

Cursing the bite of morning from atop his throne, as it prickles at his vulnerable ears, he pulls the collar of his jacket tighter, just to feel it retreat further…

If God Is Male, then the Male Is God

Religion, since the beginning of human civilization, has always been one of the most influential factors for the shaping of society. Its impact has gone far beyond the mere intrusion…

Cleopatra: A Biography Book Review

The life story of Cleopatra is one which has become increasingly embellished throughout history. To some, the Elizabeth Taylor version of her is enough to satisfy any and all curiosity….

Eye witness testimony

Eye witness testimony is often held as accurate and is used as the basis for many criminal prosecutions and investigations and can often lead to the conviction and consequent imprisonment…

Biology Personal Statement

Not anything else but the experiment of cultivating seeds in different soils is the brightest memory of my primary school years. Ever since then, I really enjoyed studying natural sciences….

Long Term Memory

Long Term Memory (LTM) is influenced by many factors. It is not just a storehouse of information but a vigorous system in which knowledge is being continually updated, revised and…

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