
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest review

The movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest is an adaptation of a great novel of the same title, which was originally written by a great American author Ken Kesey,…

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Kony 2012

Good afternoon, everyone. I’m happy to be here to share my views to all of you today. My name is Donny Ko. My purpose today is talk about “Joseph Kony…

Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde (2001), Directed by Robert Luketic , is a fun, light comedy about believing in yourself and never judging a book by its cover. Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) is…

Movies with Character Disorders

ilFilm Review Paper: This course tries to cover how psychology and abnormal behavior is often covered by the media. Sometimes life imitates art just as art often imitates life. For…

The Day After Tomorrow

For years, we operated under the belief that we could continue consuming our planet’s natural resources, without any consequence. We were wrong… Mankind survived the last ice age. We’re certainly…

The Soloist

Compared to the movie, I think the book tells the story in a much more powerful way. The movie seems constrained by its shorter length, and its inability to delve…

Psycho movie clips

Considering the differences in a film shot in 2960 to one shot in 2001, the earlier movie had less technology. There were more camera angles in the movie. In The…

Movie Review of Princess Protection Program

Princess Protection Program contains some scenes with mild, unrealistic violence. The evil General Kane comes in with armed men to take over Costa Luna and incarcerate the Princess and her…

Movie Review of "Winter in Wartime"

“Winter in Wartime” directed by Martin Koolhoven, is a Dutch war film based on the novel of the same name by Jan Terlouw. The film is about a young Dutch…

The Hurt Locker

War is and always has been a topic of discussion in the world whether it be in the daily newspaper, a presidential campaign speech or a history classroom. Often we…

Child of Rage Movie

In the Film, Child of rage, directed by Larry Peerce, there was a child named Catherine that would have huge outbursts of violent rage. Her actions could be analyzed through…

The Movie - Juno

Juno is a smart teen confronting an unexpected pregnancy by her colleague in class Bleeker. Through the aid of her best pal Leah, Juno gets her unborn baby a wonderful…

Frankenstein Theme Essay

The Frankenstein book and movies all portray Monstrosity in their own way, but two of these fail to get the point across. I feel Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein portrayed monstrosity the…

A Synopsis of the Movie Looking For Alibrandi

During life there are many events that we face which help us change our perspectives and gain wisdom. The Bildungsroman feature film Looking For Alibrandi, directed by Kate Woods and…

Story about While You Were Sleeping

Think back to when you were a young girl. Did you ever have the fear of being alone forever or finding the right guy for you? That use to be…

Cost Conundrum and Healthcare

Our Healthcare system is clearly business based according to the article “Cost Conundrum” and on the movie “Escape Fire”. In the movie it had an impacting story of an older…

Analysing the Film Characters

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a fictional movie and it was made in 1961. Audrey Hepburn played the leading role. She represents a young and very attractive woman. In the opening…

Detour: A Comparison between its Book and its Movie

Classic motion pictures which began with silent films and black and white screens laid the groundwork of the contemporarily imaginative and highly technological movies made nowadays in colored monitors. There…

I robot

After watching the movie I, Robot and analyzing it with the concepts of ethics in minds, there are many ethical issues that arise with the technology shown in that movie….

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