
Succubus Revealed Chapter 20

I thought about it for half a heartbeat, and even that was too long. There was no question what my decision could be. Seth and I were bound together. Even…

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Succubus Revealed Chapter 19

And so began my day in court.Despite Hannibal’s call for order, it was obvious that everyone was still fixated on Roman’s presence. I’d known nephilim were despised among greater immortals,…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 18

The blackness began to lighten into swirls of color, colors that eventually resolved into lines and shapes around me. I gazed around as the world formed and soon felt solidity…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 17

In spite of my sorrow over Seth, I was still ready for a storm. It hadn’t really registered at the time, but when I woke up on New Year’s Day…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 16

The next week was one of the longest in my life. Every moment that passed was a moment without Seth and another reminder that I’d lost my one great love.Even…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 15

It was easier said than done, and once Hugh and Roman gave me some space, the full impact of what had taken place really and truly hit me.Seth was Kyriakos….

Succubus Revealed Chapter 14

Seth shot up from the chair, face filled with hurt and fury. It was surreal. For a moment, he looked like a stranger . . . and yet, he also…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 13

Roman was impossible to live with after that. He refused to tell me any more details, only that Seth needed to undergo hypnosis and that more would be revealed once…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 12

My brief conversation with Kayla tormented me for the rest of the evening as I corralled kids at the mall. I couldn’t shake the image of her eyes as she…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 11

It was hard leaving Seth’s side in the morning. We’d had too few nights together recently, and each day that passed only served to remind me I was that much…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 10

In centuries? I thought that was kind of an exaggeration. But I wasn’t going to argue any further with him, not when he had that zealous look in his eyes….

Succubus Revealed Chapter 9

It wasn’t until I landed in Seattle on Sunday evening that the full surreal nature of my weekend in Las Vegas hit me. Being there had felt so . ….

Succubus Revealed Chapter 8

It was hard to believe that in only a couple of days I’d gone from doubting my transfer was real to suddenly signing on to be in a Las Vegas…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 7

No matter what shape he wore, Bastien always managed the same kind of smile – warm and infectious. I was grinning as I hugged him, too overwhelmed to form any…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 6

Fortunately, no dictionaries or bats ever came into play, and Seth and I spent a pleasant night together. He sent me off that weekend in a good mood, and during…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 5

I’d been bracing myself for “Cleveland” or “Guam.” I was too much of a pessimist to think I might be offered something even moderately appealing. If I was already going…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 4

“But I don’t know what it is I’m doing!” I cried. “Do you?””I’ve told you all I can for now,” said Carter, that sadness returning. “The most I can do…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 3

The crisp paper with its laser printing was a lot different from scrawling script on vellum, but I knew an official transfer letter when I saw one. I’d received dozens…

Succubus Revealed Chapter 2

It took me a moment to really comprehend that in thirty seconds, the conversation had gone from a deeply seriously mystery about my love life to bowling for demonic bragging…

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