
Spirit Bound Chapter Twenty

“YOU’RE NOT MOROI!” HE CONTINUED. He wasn’t shouting, but we’d definitely gotten the attention of the people standing near us. “You’re Rose Hathaway, aren’t you? How dare you and your…

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Spirit Bound Chapter Nineteen

“ARE YOU CRAZY?” I ASKED.He gave me the same wordless look he always did when I asked that question. I sighed and tried again. “A party? That’s pushing it, even…

Spirit Bound Chapter Eighteen

THE THING THAT REALLY SUCKS about being psychically linked to someone is that you have a pretty good idea when they’re lying–or, in this case, not lying. Still, my response…

Spirit Bound Chapter Seventeen

THE ENTIRE ROOM SEEMED to hold its breath.Yet even in the face of miracles, guardians–or Strigoi, for that matter–were hard to distract. Fights that had paused now resumed with just…

Spirit Bound Chapter Sixteen

I DIDN’T HAVE A PRECISE count of how many Strigoi were with Dimitri’s group. So much of what I’d seen through Lissa had been blurred with confusion and terror. The…

Spirit Bound Chapter Fifteen

IN MY PANICKED MIND RIGHT then, getting up and running on foot to Lehigh–despite it being miles and miles away–seemed like a totally solid plan. A heartbeat later, I knew…

Spirit Bound Chapter Fourteen

THE LAST TIME TATIANA HAD wanted to yell at me, she’d simply taken me to one of her private sitting rooms. It had made for a weird atmosphere, like we…

Spirit Bound Chapter Thirteen

“THE HELL YOU CAN,” I said aloud to no one.”No, you can’t,” said Lissa, with an expression that matched my own incredulity. “I know you’ve been learning to fight with…

Spirit Bound Chapter Twelve

WHICH WAS CONFIRMED WHEN WE finally stumbled back to the Royal Court.I wasn’t the only one in trouble, of course. Lissa was summoned to the queen for chastising, though I…

Spirit Bound Chapter Eleven

WELL. HOW PERFECT.It took us a while to decide our next course of action. We tossed around a few feeble ideas to track Robert and Victor, all of which we…

Spirit Bound Chapter Ten

AND ONE OF THEM… ONE OF THEM…”No,” I breathed, even as I sprang toward the one closest to me–a woman. There appeared to be three Strigoi around us. Eddie was…

Spirit Bound Chapter Nine

ROBERT DORU WAS EASY TO SPOT.It wasn’t because he looked like Victor. It wasn’t even because of any dramatic running-toward-each-other reunion type thing between him and his brother. Rather, it…

Spirit Bound Chapter Eight

AFTER THE BITCHING I’D DONE to Abe about always going to remote, crappy places, I should have been excited about the prospect of going to Sin City. Alas, I had…

Spirit Bound Chapter Seven

“NOT WITH YOUR TEETH,” I added hastily. “Throw yourself at me. Swing your shackles. Whatever you can do.”Victor Dashkov was not a stupid man. Others might have hesitated or asked…

Spirit Bound Chapter Six

“YOU KNOW WHAT WE NEED?”I was sitting between Eddie and Lissa, on our flight from Seattle to Fairbanks. As the shortest–marginally–and the mastermind, I’d gotten stuck with the middle seat….

Spirit Bound Chapter Five

I DECIDED IT’D BE BEST if Lissa and I stayed up late when we returned to her room, poring over the documents. She was a jumble of feelings when I…

Spirit Bound Chapter Four

I DECIDED IT’D BE BEST not to mention my conversation with Adrian’s mother to him. I didn’t need psychic powers to sense his mixed mood as we walked back to…

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